Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Mah boi.

I sort of figured that if everyone is starting blogs but only posting once then giving up, I had better post again, as sort-of anti-give-up proof.

Random thought: If the govt. wanted to make people cut dependance on fossil fuels, why tax on solar power? Its just stupid. That stupid government.

You know, soon I'm gonna run out of stuff to post... I guess that means, I have to find another. Oh well. I know just the person.
I think.

I was all like, I'll start a blog! And then I was all like, Okay. And so I did :)

Also, how many posts are there with 'the kings of appletown' stuff? Just press 'next blog', it will be that.


Y, hallo thar!

No, I chose to spell it like that on purpose.
Well, this blog is all about just posting whatever I feel like posting.

Yeah. Ramble, ramble, ramble. But whatever, enough rambling. Let me introduce myself.

I am Smaz, and I guess, there's nothing interesting about me. I love video games, but prefer classic games to fps (don't shoot me!). I live in Australia.
Linkin Park is totally the best band ever, I used to be a huge fanboy (one of few Aussies to have actual copy of Hybrid Theory EP (I think)) , but they aren't the only music for me - Green Day is awesome, so is Madina Lake, Panic at the Disco, Fort Minor (no surprise there), and U2. And, Daft Punk ftw!

I love the internet, and yeah. (Expect to see over 9,000 meems. (lol, metareferentiality!) )
The best movies ever are The Million Dollar Hotel (I want to see it again but can't find it anywhere) and Across The Universe.

Hmm, ranting eh? That gives me an idea.
Needless rant: I am annoyed that, like, everyone says that geeks and nerds are the same thing.
They aren't. A nerd is a smart person, person who studies alot and has no life. A geek is someone who is good at technology (or not), lives on the internet, and has no life. Geeks play games and end up spending a living as an IT guy, nerds end up being scientists. (I am a geek, btw)

Not that I amn't (lol) smart.

Oh yeah... This blog may or may not get a co-author or two, so hang in there. Also, there may be 'teen content', so if you don't like reading pages that even mention sex, drugs, rock and roll, then you evidently won't like reading this blog.

Oh well. Goodbye, see you later.

Monday, September 1, 2008


tastes like chicken. - smaz (i win)