Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Only 2 days to exams

BTW Marlena if u tell me not to overeact i will slap u!!!!!! *GRRRRR!!!*


i figured this much out by myself.

people hate difference - that is why they kill and abuse over colour and belief. it is because they hate difference... and are scared of it.
people crave minor difference though - they want a society where everyone is similiar, i.e. all of the same religion (pffft! religion) or skin colour, but with minor changes, ie hair colour, height, personality.
if everyone was the same, each would not be able to optimise, to put themselves ahead of everyone elsem, because they would all act exactly the same and could thus predict each other's movements. everyone wants more power than others, while still being able to have the others relate and maybe idolise them.
such is why we each go for a particular, unique appearance that still conforms (no pun intended): we want to be slightly different from others, yet we wish to be similiar enough that each can relate, but different enough to have them want to be more like us.
however, though we crave slight difference, we despise it when it happens. such as with religion when there is a minor gap in belief i.e the christians, muslims and jews... their religions are almost exactly the same, except that a different actor was given the lead role in each remake of the movie (so to speak); they hate each other now.
there are some that overcome this prejudice, but many more do not - as a broad generalisation, people like the nazis, the churches, white people.
away from that. the reason people love superheroes, anime, video games, ninjas,  pirates, etc... is because of how they are different. slightly different to be similiar to the reader/viewer/player, but different enough to be cool - they often have supernatural abilities, are faced in situations the reader/viewer/player wouldn't be able to cope in and survive, or are ninjas.
this is the reverse of what i have talked about - though people love to be idolised, they love to idolise also - that's why idolisation is there in the first place. in these texts, the heroes are placed in situations the reader etc. are placed in often (or aren't) but the hero always either acts wiser than the reader would, thus making them cooler and awesomesaucenessier, or make a mistake which is always the same thing the reader would do... 'the hero is too cool to be like you', basically.

Well, we may be a fucked up species, but at least we got somewhere.

on another note: is it just me, or does Ace's tattoo in one peice look like a swastika? o.o


For all of you who dont know this is Raiden, he is a sub-character in Metal gear solid who was the main focus in MGS2 and in-between MGS2 and MGS4 he manages to get his body destroyed whilst in search of Big boss's body in africa, so in MGS4 he returns as a CYBORG NINJA! Enoy.
P.S. It IS compulsory for you to watch this video.


All fixed just let me have fun


PINK!!!!!!!! ooooooooooooh the prettiness (and by the way Smaz I saved the original template code onto a word document so don't worry) Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheh

i just have to say this, then i will shut up

I LOVE REDIRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\
edit: I know you do


watchoo gonna be for artsfest people?

if ur gonna dress up at all that is?

i'm gonna be alice as in wonderland.

there's this show in england called quite interesting (qi) and it's a show of random quite interesting facts (hence name) and one of the facts that they have is that you actually have between 9 and 21 senses including: balance, heat, pressure (which may be touch), proprioception, and other things. and i think thats cool.

oh i have a rant too. it's about apostrophes.

i think it's stupid when people say we should ditch apostrophes cos you can't take the apostrophe out of we're cos if you do you get were and then how do you tell the difference between that and were? the answer being you can't! and if you take the apostrophe out of can't, as in cant, but don't take it out of we're then you just introduce a whole other level of complexity to the language which is tortuous enough already don't you think? and we could probably get rid of the possessive apostrophe and just say the dog of sam instead of sam's dog but that's annoying too and if they just taught apostrophes right in the first place then it's actually quite simple. and you can't just say sams dog because what happens if there's a plural? with apostrophes it sams' dog as in the dog of the sams (yay there are two or more of you sam!) and how do you differentiate that from the other sam's??? anyway i like apostrophes and i think we should keep them in.

oh noes

ohnoes...wtf.....whatwasthat...iareconfuzzledbybehaviours...........thatwaslikereallyreallyreallyreallyreallyrealllyreallyreallytimesoverninethousandimachargingmahlaz0rsunexpectoorz.........ohdeargod....thatwasmotherfuckinglyweird.....yallwillneverunderstandwhatthefuckthispostisabout.......WTFWTFWTWFWFWTFWTFTWFTWFTFWTFWTW......maybeitscauseiaresuchaweirdkid.....omnomnomnom...........WTFFTW,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~wordsshallbeaknowsntsstsandconfuzzulationsintehfuturemaybecorrectedbuttheactionisstillweirdandveryvery............................................................JOSH's PARTY WAS AWESOME AND HE TOTALLY FELL FOR THE SUPRISE

ima typed this is school :)
And also! finally, to-LOVE-ru is out! happy timez!!

Monday, March 30, 2009


if joelnes can post xkcd, smazz can post xkcd.
best one veRAR.
xkcd, how n00bs.
:D yay, permanoob1ng. click for bigrar.

Base system

Okay guys, here it is, the complete base system in illustrated format

Im kinda wierded out at how he managed to implement "fursuits" o.O

"excuse me while i make out with this book"

this comes up as one of the previously searched things on google? i can't remember why i searched it. i know there was a reason i just can't for the life of me remember what it was.

hmmmm, i wonder.

oh well.

i cry for hui too.
poor hui hui.

and i'm happy that i'm not on joel's mental disgrace list. anymore.

anyway, i'll be quiet now.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

invaders must die

hey everybody (mainly joel), guess what happened at josh's party! Jules had a great time touching brigitta and chelyne's boobs. It was a good party.............. you know what was poo? that ton wasnt there and also that joel didnt go. and chelyne was all like, rawr i dislike joel and when hui and marlena etc was all like, it would be awesum if joel was here, chelyne was all like, rawr! if joel was here, i will like kill him cause i like him in small doses but like to much joel will be like rawr. and then hui and marlena etc. was like what the hell!!!! joel is a cool kid. so like... hmmm

and also in hoggs party, chelyne was all like i dislike hui the most and in joshuas party hui was all like:
Hui: chelyne why did chu say that? do you like hate me?
Chelyne: I do hate things about you...
Hui: like what?
Chelyne: like the fact that you let me take advantage of you
Marlena: wtf chelyne, you can like not take advantage of hui, thats not an excuse to hate someone.

------- later on...
Hui: chelyne if you said that when you said you disliked me the most and you said you lied, than who did you really dislike the most?
Chelyne: I knew this will come up.
Hui: so...
Chelyne: its so difficult cause like i dont actually hate anyone.
Hui: Fine, who do like the least?
Chelyne: well, um, its so hard. i cant think. ermm lambert
Lambert: what?!!?!?1 why me???
Chelyne: i dont hate you its that you annoy me a bit.
Lambert (confused and surprised) :r83hfusdrhwifuehfwifhewthchelynetellmewhyyousaidthatkde
Ru: hey lambert, have your fight later (thinking that lambert will forget all about it later)

and then, there was...

Sam: hi
Everyone else: hi
Sam: I'm awesome
Everyone else*: Yeah we know
Sam: Man, that was an awesome dream
Hui: Sam you're a cool kid
Hui: wtf sam i didnt say that
Sam: Yeah, I know
Hui: Krrrr
Sam: heh
Hui: I am fat
Hui: DDD:<>
Josh: Hi guys
Sam: Hi
Marlena: Hi I'm fat
actually nrly, but smaz said so...
and didnt edit this*
*not all at

and more things happened but i will leave that to other people to type.

Desktops n Desu

/R/ing pics of everyones desktops
P.S. you can just go to "edit" at the bottom of this post and then upload youre desktops to this thread instead of making new ones to reply to this thread.
This is mon desktop.... (RU)

smaz has entry with a very vaile sazz desktop.

Yeah. vaile sazz, huh?
note the graphicness.
And now for hui!
What? .... same as ru's? why thats lame.. i cant post nuthin then.... aw...
You know the pirate aint leaving no slack

Saturday, March 28, 2009


See I kicked him...it's all cool (don't hate me)


DID WE...?



In school I was always the cool kid that everyone wanted to hag around with.
until one day when these new kids came to the school and got SSSOOOOOO annoyed and bullied me so much that the chopped my toe off, removed about 5 cm of my leg and a bunch of other stuff.

Believe it, or not!!!


hello ya'll
who's PSYCHED josh's party!?!
hopefully it'll be fun and stuff
see ya there

Meaning hidden

Ok, this has meaning, its just not obvious.

Dear.. Someone,
Insensitivity never had a look into my life, but it was dominant in many.
Maybe it is cause when insensitive governs, it doesnt care?
Have you ever been hurt by a word. Just a couple of letters?
I have, letters; what insignificant things on their own, but together, so powerful
If you have ever felt the way I have, from an insensitive life, then you know what
just a few symbols can do.
Hmm, yeh you probably not going to understand this, oh well.
But next time insensitivity crosses your path, realise what it hidden

Cya at the party


All this stuff about people being bullied is rly freaking me out.

It's probably cos I've been at igs all my life, but I've never rly seen much bullying.  I always kind of figured it was just something teachers made up to make us be nice to each other.
When I was in yr 1-3 or so, before I year skipped, I was rly rly popular and everyone loved me. I know that's hard to believe coming from me, but I srsly had shiteloads of friends, including all the popular kids, went to everyones parties etc. I stopped being like the most popular kid in the year after the skip, mainly cos I didn't rly know that many ppl, and cos kids are cruel, but I was never picked on or anythun. Actually, in year 4 I was rly good friends with reid and michael R (tho most of you guise don't know him), weirdly enough.

But yeah, in that time when I was right at the top and also the years after that I was rly mean to a lot of people, and was kind of a bully, but back in year 3 or so no-one cared cos everyone wanted to be my friend and stuff. Looking back, I can't believe I had that kind of position. Actually, I'm still rly mean and bully-ish to a lot of ppl, but does it matter if you don't have rly any kind of power? And does it matter if it's ppl I don't like? (No)

And some of you guise are rly weird, and kids can be rly cruel to ppl that don't fit in or aren't normal or whatever, so I'm not rly surprised...but I do feel rly sorry for you. Aren't you happy you go to igs now? We love everyone! Except some ppl...
have a nice day, ppl!

Friday, March 27, 2009


all my posts start with something like that don't they?

anyway the reason i'm yaying is that i've reached the mero mero mero bit of one piece! yay!

also the other reason i'm yaying is that tim minchin is aweosme! i don't know if you know who he is but he's like a cabaret/musical comedy/generally awesomely funny person and i'm going to go and see him at 3:00 in the afternoon on the 4th of april at the enmore theatre and this makes me HAPPY. so go look him up on youtube!

i recomend: inflatable you and if i didn't have you.

see you guys at josh's party!


guys, what do i buy josh
i have $20
and 2 big packs of marshmallows

what do i buy?!?!?!

o.o help im liek dying

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Woot antibiotics

yay for antibiotics, they will make me better
ppl invited to joshs party:
and out of them only kwon cant go.

Hmm.. 20 ppl invited, 19 going
as well as josh. 20 ppl
WOOT!!! Holy SHIT! thats a lot of people!
If i forgot anyone
just add them
Cya tomorrow
Night night
Hog Hog Hog Hog

maybe i is addictied

i waitied about one week for to-love-ru and one piece to be released. today is meant to be the release date.
*stress stress* (starts twiddling thumbs to calm down)
and also, yay! ella are coming! and maybe brigittaness! dylan carter told me that there are too many people invited as it is and i should stop inviting people
oh noes! bullying! that is bad. yar... i heard about how horrible it is in hoggy's and phoebe's old school and stuffs....... not goood. Joel ? you goit bullied? why? T.T

I feel SAD

I don't know if any of you knew this about me (except Brigitta) It is that I was bullied from about yr3-6 because of being myself. I

know this sounds stupid but the reality of it is that you basically have no real friends and your weekends are spent doing nothing.

This admission comes from all this party business recently. In primary In total I went to 4 birthday party's in 5 years and people in

my class talked about having parties and making it known that I was never going to be invited and this really cut me being

ignored by really the only group of people you know and now when people don't invite me to party's and talk about it in front of

me or talk about it afterward, it makes me feel left out, sad and depressed and then my poor parents have to deal with me. BUt I

do try to stay happy but sometimes I become really depressed or sad so please be mindful. IGNORE THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO




So i was posting a comment on emilys post and than.... and it still was wrong.

AnyWAY BRIGITTA, ms carter says that she thought you were invited and you should come and that i was a good friend of josh. so yar brigitta.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Hmm well today as u know, i went home sick
and I am staying home tomorrow too, cause i have to go to the doctor.
But, Bring money on friday and if i am not in school I will try at least to get there for lunch at Broadway.

Btw, Brigitta, I did go home and sleep for 5 hrs <--- was awesome

And Now I must sleep again and see you all on friday I hope

partie ness ness (did you know in french 'partie' is to leave and 'rester' is to stay?)

do you guys know every1 thats gonna be and the party? like im pretty sure all of you guys and like megan, blaise, jules, ton, kwon was invited but it'll be his mom's birthday so he cant come etc etc... is nicola invited? cause if josh dont talk bout them i reckon his parents wont know who his friends are. like amira and hannah werent invited... and like is chelyne invited?..... hmm can yall just edit in pips who are comin? and can we bring and invite other people along...? cuz its like a planned party but i still want to get other people to come.

and about the present... i dont know how much i can contribute cuz i know what im getting him seperately like something from an emo shop and something from an asian shop. and i think we should make a really big card for him and get people to sign it. XD

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Ok, wow late must sleep soon, but was thinking..

Group card and just wrap a box or something?
Seperate Cards and just wrap a box?
Group card and give seperately?
Seperate Cards and seperately wrapped?

Please let me know, cause I would need to make a card sometime (I have all the stuff)
Or we can buy a card but they r mega expensive.

PS: I think we should also buy him a MR. Men book because they r awesome. Feel free to diss this idea though.

Must sleep now
Night Night

Must get organised!

Hi guys,
Ok we need to get organised in the present department,
What can you bring?

Here is what have so far:
Emily - 25
Brigitta - 25
Marlena - 20
Ella - 15-20

Needed is:
Ru -20
Hui -?
Sam -?

Oh and Blaise might be joining in.

I looked at prices.

Choose what you want to buy from the booklist:
Deltora Quest (7 books) - $15 each
The InkWorld Series - $29 each
The Children of babylon series - $18 each
Necropolis and Evil Star - $17 - $20 each
Famous Five series - $15 - $20 each

Please choose, we need to organise to bring money on thursday or friday.

Thanks Hoggy
I could bring like 20 dollars i think, i see how much money i can steal from mon parent.
xoxo Ms Golden Week

you must be infected





piece .

yes. on onemanga. readdd all and stuffs like brigitta and emily.

become cool kids like thems aND udnersatnd the inside jokes



hum nyum nyum nyum monorail catt.

hey look.... its shermaine!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

giraffe devil fruit

Hey i took this quiz and it said which CP9 member i was (one piece reference but you probably already figured that out) and it said i was Kaku!! (happy face) i mean --> :)
Oh anyway, everyone follow this blog ok? http://blog.chelyne.com/

so i was like.......

If anyone can correctly guess who that is, they will win something.
Also, that bird is RU. (like rob lucci, chapter 422, one piece [you see, rob lucci has a pigeon on his soldier and controls the human. Also, the pigeon has a tie]) hehe he (i'll stop)

oh wait, heres a pic:
see, its a pigeon that controls him


I am angry, guise.
like that's anything new

I am fucking angry about teachers and about their fucking superiority issues or something.  First, I hate how teachers (this is not all teachers btw just a lot of them) think they can just tell us to do whatever and if we don't do exactly what they want, we're suddenly the bad guys or something, like that time in geo when vaile like *touched* a wite board marker and Blacker was like rrraaagh!  

And I also hate how heaps of teachers like extreme abuse faculty studies, and just give them out for anything or if you haven't done something the rite way or whatever, or just for punishment, and ten you're in the faculty and the teacher there is all "these are not a punishment they're an opportunity for you to get your work done" and you're like actually dude, yeah, they're just a fucking punishment that teachers give out for no reason!  And the worst thing is, if they're just an opportunity to get work done, why not just tell us to get the work done before the next class?  We would still have to take time out of our own free time, so what's the point of having go do it in a room at lunch?  That's fucking stupid!

Also, I hate how teachers think that they're some superior fucking life-form or something, and that you can't talk to them the way you would with a normal person because that's like 'lack of respect' or some shit like that and I'm like no, I can respect someone while talking to them normally and telling them what I think! They make this big deal out of 'talking back' and I'm like, what's wrong with that? I should be able to talk to people, including teachers, and they shouldn't be aloud to force their ideas or whatever onto me without me even being able to say what I think of it! Especially if they do something that I think is unfair or out of line or whatever, and I want to stick up for whoever poor soul is copping this and I get practically screamed at just because I think that they should be fair towards us. That's fucking bullshit! THEY'RE JUST PEOPLE! LIKE YOU AND ME! THEY'RE NO FUCKING DIFFERENT! And they think that they have the fucking right to meddle in our stuff and interfere with everything.

So fuck off and stop treating us like fucking inferior life-forms.  They're just fucking tyrants who rule us unfairly with an iron fist and have no right to assume they have power over us and can do whatever they want. We are people too and we can say and do as we like within the limits of the law. We need to have a people's revolution or something. Or, you know, student revolution. Whatever. STAND UP AND THROW THE TYRANTS OFF OUR BACKS! WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN! I CALL FOR A STRIKE! AND STOP BEING ANTI-SOVIET IN CLASS! I HATE THAT, FUCKING BIASED PRICKS!

And that's what happens when you write while listening to the Soviet anthem. Still.
And eww, I think Miss Blacker is older than Dennehy. Gross...  Just a side note.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

O y hello thar

Hey guise did you know we have a creepy lur-ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD
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By joelnes at 2009-03-22

books 4 josh!?

Through the intense stalkerism of master of doom. these are books that the boy wants.
Deltora Quest
-series 2
-series 3

The New Heroes
-Quantum Prophecy

-Mad Dogs
-The Fall
-The Sleepwalker
-The General

The Famous 5

Charlie Bone
-Charlie Bone and the Time Twister
-Charlie Bone and the Shadow of Badlock

A Series of Unfortunate Events (Hardcovers Only)*
-The Miserable Mill
-The Austere Academy
-The Ersatz Elevator
-The Vile Village
-The Hostile Hospital
-The Carnivorous Carnival
-The Slippery Slope
-The Grim Grotto
-The Penultimate Peril
-The End

Children of the Lamp (Hardcovers Only)*
The Blue Djinn of Babylon
The Cobra King of Kathmandu
The Day of the Djinn Warriors
The Eye of the Forest

The Keys to the Kingdom
Superior Saturday

Power of 5
Evil Star

Young Bond
Blood Fever
Double or Die
Hurricane Gold
By Royal Command

InkWorld Trilogy (Hardcovers Only)*

Inheritance Cycle (Hardcover Only)*

so i think we should raise all our monies and get ALL the books and possibly a library, or a closet to keep them (and to come out of! hahah stole that from joel)


Hi Guys,

Ok Present Ideas and approximate collaboration?

I can give $30, what can you give?
If we collaborate then tomorrow or one lunch time this week then we can go find something at broadway.

Sound good?


Okay, sounds good. We should get him a safety deposit box for him to keep all his rich boy stuff.

Anyway, Brigitta: These are the details to joshuas party:
Surprise Birthday for Joshua!!!!!!!!! Top Secret

(theres this picture of josh and arron)

YOu are invited to a surprise sweet sixteen for Joshua:

Date: Saturday 28th of march 2009

Time: 5pm

Venue: 461 henley marine drive Drummoyne NSW 2047

After dinner, we will be having cake, chocolate and sleepover at joshua's home:

Address: 38 Sunnyside street Gladesville NSW 2111

Pick Up: by 11am on 29th march 2009

RSVP: by 20 march 2009 on 0419 490 771 or mmcarter@bigpond.com.au


ANyway, i dont think you can RSVP the thing but errr, maybe you could meet up wit vaile and i at lambieboi's house before you go but im not quite sure.. Anywhooo..... yar. stuff.


row row row your boat la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ etc etc.
i are downlaoding the msn messenger nows and it is 133MB. since my computer is uber slow, it will take an hour and 17 minutes. what a waste of time. krrrr.
give josh money? but he's already full of money! i think we should all have a combine present and it be expensive and relevent.... like a safety deposit box to keep all his expensive stuff...... yes... and like we paint it pink with purple flowers like what archie did for veronica for her birthday except he also gave her a door..... do we need to give him a door as well??1? i reckon.
my ipod's name is trafalgar law.

and now my msn download is at 69% and 28 minutes.....

all is right with the world

also, viva la vida is actually a really symbolic song about the decline of religion in modern society. damn, coldplay are good. (i.e. "now I sleep alone, sweep the streets I used to own.")



undead vampire vegetables

in a comic i'm reading (called digger about a wombat) there's this one bit where there are these weirdo hyenas with metal helmets that look like kinda like birds heads. anyway so these hyena things are chasing digger (the wombat) for various reasons and they are really hard to defeat specially since they work for a dead (perhaps only bound) god which is underground (which is where digger discovered the god). ummmm so the some normal hyenas are trying to fend off the weird hyenas while digger and surka (a shrew that is also a professional troll) escape on some actual trolls (which are adorable i'd like to add). so the weird hyenas are chasing them and digger leads them into a field of...

drum roll (suspense slightly spoiled by the title)

... UNDEAD VAMPIRE VEGETABLES including squashes and pumpkins. and miraculously where an entire hyena pack failed the undead squashes succeed (in killing the weird hyenas i mean). why is this so? i mean it makes little enough sense already (it makes more sense when you've read the backstory) but they must be some pretty mean squashes to be able to kill the weird hyenas who work for a god and all. you know what i mean???

(probably not given how complicated the story is. bloody good comic though. www.diggercomic.com in case you want to check it out)

hey yo.

Hey you guyz.
My dad like rebooted and resetted the computer of something.
I lost all my software.
(how do i download msn?) what who said that.
Anyway. Fwah! i dont know how to get it back. And my big sister is lazy. So yar, emily or vaile or someone, hows you download msn???? I was going to be all like, oh, i dont know how to download the thing..... i will just go on msn and like talk to emily and ask her. Wait, i Dont have msn. rawr. so yeah:

How and where to download???

Ps: what you guys getting 4 joshua for his birthday, yar, what do you get a rich boy who has everything????

And emily and Briggity, what chapter are you guys on? you better be in school on monday and wednesday!!!

Hmm, *cough* argh damn laryngitis

Hmm. Yes..

Ok this is my screen play. what do u think?

Four Seasons in One Day
Son: K
Dad: D
Sister: S
Step-mum: M
Weather: W
Scene 1: In the Car on the way home from school
D: How was your day?
K: It was great; we played soccer in recess, and lunch too. I scored 3 goals!!
D: Well done, how was the sports lesson?
K: It was ok; we did really easy soccer skills that I can already do.
D: Didn’t you play a game at all?
K: Yes at the end.
D: (to Sister) and how was your day?
S: It was good, we didn’t play and soccer, only volleyball.
D: What did your mum pack you for lunch?
S: Tabouli
D: Did da bully take your food?
K: Haha
S: (Annoyed look) Dad!!
D: Haha
M: Did you talk to your friend about going trick-or-treating?
S: Yes, she said I could sleepover. Can I? Pretty please.
D: For Halloween I used to be a werewolf, but it think I’m over it Nowuuuu!
M :( Rolls eyes) sigh
K: Hahahahaha.
D: How about a kick around when we get home?
K: Great!
M: I don’t think so; the weather has been really weird today. Almost like the weather is changing in spite of us.
Scene 2: At Home
(Begins to rain)
K: Oh its raining we can’t play soccer
D: Oh well, son.
M: Told you so.
(Sometime later)
K: It’s stopped raining, c’mon lets play
D: Ok give me ten minutes while I finish this cigar and beer.
(Ten mins later they go outside and after they’ve been playing 5 mins)
W: *booming voice* Rawr, I will change in spite of you
K: oh... *frowns*
D: Damn weather
W: Muhahahaha! I reign supreme
W: No I rain supreme. Haha
D: Hahaha.
K: She jinxed the weather.

Lol, its kind of got some lame jks but i made it up ages ago


Saturday, March 21, 2009


that really don't like dying in one piece do they? sanji has been hit by ging like 10 times and paloo jumped on him and everything and he's still not dead!!!!!!!!! he's broken like EVERY bone in his body and he's still walking (kind of) and stuff. that is really very impressive.

hahahahahahaha what you don't realise is that you've ALL had herpes!!!!!!! if you've had chicken pox which most of you have i think you've all got herpes living inside you!!!! (just thought i'd add that so you all know)

whats this? (in a sim like way)

Wow smaz! thats an awesome countdown! what? 1 week and 5days? i didnt even know we were having exams! krrrrrr

lol.... countdown doesnt apply to Joel

you know whats really really really awesome?



Friday, March 20, 2009

I propose

I propose a new countdown..

WHAT FOR: Until the hols or exams

WHY: a) Because countdowns are awesome
b) Because I want to know how long away they r



ExamS>..??? holidays are tasty.,....

Teachers and stuff

I'm angry, guise.
like that's anything new...

But this time I think we are united in our anger. I am so damn angry about school, and specifically, teachers.

First thing that pisses me off is how teachers always get angry at us for NO FUCKING REASON, like me and maheena had to miss a bunch of german class for film (which we couldn't help), and our german teacher was like

silly lamboi

ru like showed him the blog to read and he didnt even realise that his not part of it anymore. silly lamboi. kinda wished he would notice and give some sort of reaction but what evs.
to brigitta and hoggy : get well soon and stop infecting each other with herpes :) safe sex everybody

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Being Sick SUCKS!!!

Hi Guys,

First of all I am soo glad I can type better than I can talk cause itd look like this:
pifvbifbe[odbg[o4bg[ g[obreognoknds=ihoekngfohwfe[onf[ofb
Yes, I cannot rly talk at all
That explains my rather amsing non-appearance at school today.

Secondly, I HATE LARYNGITIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It fails rly badly!!!!!
and I might not be going to school tomorrow!!

I HATE META AND SOPHIA(german class) IN YR 9!!!!!!
Meta is a snobby bitch and I wish she would go die in a hole!
Sophia is an impatient, unnecessary waste of space.
Ok thats enough about yr 9s

What work did I miss?
Ella said there was a lot work in geo, hui??

Thats all
I have to go sleep now

Night Night


you know what else

(note, this post is for the other admins (ru, hui, ella, joel) to change. smaz did not write this)

this post

he told me to so i did:)






and his name... its like STEVE.
no seriously.

lol genitals
mmm genitals

you know what

i hate people, mostly older, more conservative, who just dont get gaming, they dont take it seriously or they take it too seriously. Games can be art - they can portray a message through a variety of techniques. What's so bad about it, then, are people like Micheal Atkinson, who have this notion that games are for children. The average age of the Australian gamer is over 30. (lol, gamers are pervs for pushing for an 18+ game rating.) 

Many games have been watered down to meet Australian game classification requirements, just because they are confronting. But you walk into pretty much any art gallery and get 'art' that is pretty much badly disguised porn, but because it is painted, it's okay. 

But aside from just Australia, all over the world, people are convinced games are children's toys and aren't serious - I've played a few games that use insane amounts of symbolism, and looking at the big picture, were deep tales about human nature. (but I have also played way to many games lacking this, such as Toy Story, and many cheap tie-in games.) For instance, though it might not seem much like it, take The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Look at what it says about people? The easy nature of people that leads to corruption and power abuse? The other species within the tLoZ series are also pretty telling of people, such as the kokkiri who never grow up, symbolising the innocence of children playing in the forest whilst some of the more serious thing s in the world are taking place right outside the forest... but they don't care, they never go outside the forest (except Saria(?), she doesn't count, she's a sage)

But what really pisses me off: People who just don't get games. "Oh, games are too childish for me." "Oh, games are for children." "We need to keep games clean, for the children." "Games lead to reduced memory-span." (it was on the 7:30 report tonight, mar 19 09, ftr.)  "Children exposed to games such as GTA will go on murderous rampages." "The people who caused the high-school massacres around Northern Europe were influenced greatly by games." "Games kill the mind." "Games aren't for real men." "Games are for guys, not girls." "I'm Micheal Atkinson, I play Wii Sports with my grandchildren occasionally so I'm as much a gamer as any of you, and I'm old and conservative and I think games are for children, so FUCK over 70% of Australian gamers." "Games are an art form, sure! I saw it on a TV show once." (They interviewed people about the status of games as an art form, and most people, none of whom were gamers, responded with this.) "Computer games means video games." "Games are all violent sh'mups that cause children to go on violent rampages"  and my favorite, "Games are all excessively violent sh'mups and FPS clones, MMO's such as WoW and RuneScape that waste all monies and are the domain of dateless geeky teenagers and a few girls too, and old-school pixel based games." (Such as, most people who design things based on games will look at Space Invaders (Smiggle), Mario, Pacman and Tetris.)  


None of the above is true. NONE AT ALL.

People who just don't get games shouldn't be allowed to control what happens in relation to games. People like Micheal Atkinson. 
Sure there are violent games, but there are good games too, as well as violent films, books, music and art.

Would it kill game designers and studios to hire writers anymore? 
Few games are well written, unfortunately - some are very, however such as the series' Legend of Zelda and Halo, which were expertly written. The plot in the Halo series? EPIC.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


any challenge to do with flexibility and dance is good. no gaming. XD and also drawing challenge is equally as awesome. we shall draw.

i'm not going to school tomorrow...

because i have managed to get myself a nice case of SHINGLES! (i think, that's what the pharmacist said, so i'm going to the doctor tomorrow, i've looked it up and it does look like shingles and sound like shingles so i'm really bloody annoyed) which is contagious but only to people who haven't had chicken pox so if you haven't had chicken pox watch out! no just kidding but seriously, i DO have shingles (i think) but it's only contagious if you have direct contact with the blistery things or direct or indirect contact with the fluid from the blisters which none of you have had so you're all safe and sound. rawr. i'm really annoyed. cos it's probably going to get painful. it's still within 72 hours so if i get anti-viral things tomorrow i'll be alright or at least more alright.

oh by the way it's also called HERPES ZOSTER. in case you were wondering.

i'm so annoyed.

but it means i don't have to hand in my unfinished maths homework which is nice. ahhh, silver lining.

just in case you were wondering...


HUI I CHALLENGE YOU TO ANY FORM OF COMPETITION! (not including the bending over backwards challeng)


heh lol I was reading to-LOVE-ru, and its really awesome...
but then...


then I was all liek, nooo...
but its k

edit: lol, u didnt so ur a cool kid

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

what to post about...

the random thoughts that run through my head in the space of a minute: what am i supposed to write here, ok i just wrote that, uhhh, latin study, i really don't want to do maths, banana, banana, man saying banana, you're censoring yourself, write whatever you want, my mind is blank, sometimes i think about thinking about nothing, huh, i'm staring at my toes, i should write that i'm staring at my toes, i wonder if it's been a minute yet???

according to a random internet quiz i am 88% feminist which makes me a SERIOUS MILITANT FEMINIST. i may have cheated a little.

something to do with kicking him in the groin, pouring kerosene on him and setting him on fire.


hum nyum nyum nyum nyum nyum nyum nyum nyum nyum nyum.......


happy st pats day

insert picture here
lol laze :p

oh yeah, im all liek, IRISH PEOPLES YAYAY
then so i changeded the colour of the links for the day
but save a screenshot it won't last

oh i was checking the results of that FEMINIST BRAAAGH website's  FEMINIST BRAAAGH quiz, and they were disturbingly accurate... and feminist. yeah it hates me... :( oh and i mean the rainbow one.

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww MADTV

rhiannon is wierd o.o


Your rainbow is strongly shaded red.

What is says about you: You are a passionate person. You appreciate energetic people. You get bored easily and want friends who will keep up with you. You are over 9,000.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

Do you guise thinks that's accurate?
I thinks I'm lazier than wut it implies but other than that, yeah.

lol I found this myspace group called the

When I tried to type 'klub' my computer tried to tell me I meant 'klux'
ewww... creepy.


It is awesome.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Mero Mero Mero Mero.............. *turns to stone*

I realise that lambieboi is still a follower of our blog. XD! and brigitta, you should follow our blog cause we acutally has to followers who are NOT the authors of our blog. were cool kids.

RAINBOWS (im the follower of the o come my way lifestyle)


Your rainbow is strongly shaded red and orange.


What is says about you: You are a strong person. You appreciate energetic people. Others are amazed at how you don't give up. You get bored easily and want friends who will keep up with you. Your a cool kid and people know you as Ms Golden Week.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

Man, this test is accurate

awww, i feel really bad about

lambert being kicked from the blog

but it had to happen


oh yeah, and, uhhh, yeah.
I was gonna write something but I forgotted.

I am not lazy.


click on it to reveal it's true awesomeness!

I used my 1337 h4xx0r HTML 5k111z0rz 2 m43k b19 wr173dn355!

Hui!!! >,<

Hui stop stealing Amira >,<
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
By joelnes at 2009-03-14


Your rainbow is strongly shaded indigo.

What is says about you: You are a proud person. You appreciate cities, technology, and other great things people have created. Friends count on you for being honest and insightful.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

i did the quiz again but did the opposite of everything that i are. I are the opposite to ella!!! zomg! haha honest and insightful. posting is funn

Rainbowss!!!!~~~ (cuz when you're both a man and a woman, you're strongest! strongest! strongest! strongest!)

zomg! it is so weird that the rainbows and their descriptions are ssooooo accurate! like brigitti is creative.. intelligent.... etc etc and ella is honest and like vaile;s rainbow be blue!!! and my are black! and teh descriptionss!!! so accurate and true its so crazy. some quiz i takes about other things come up with weird results like "you are nice and everybody likes you for your kindnesss". yea, must have done something wrong in that quiz
cant type properly. still has fever! and soo many josh pyke videos. i like actually never watch any of the videos people post on teh blog from youtube. waste of broadband but mah fav video is the hypnotic leekk song.
3 hours?! i cant wait that long! cant we just kick him off already? it wouldnt make no diiff cept that the countdown is pretty damn cool.
.hahahahhaha kyahahaha they're lemons!
mero mero mero mero mero mero.
Ahhhhh!!1!!!! im still sick and i cant draw or type properly and everything i do is so slow and every piece of furniture seems to be moving slightly. am i going crazy???? and like i have a chem test tomoz and i havent learnt nuthin bout no chemistry!!!! ima feeling so weird. how can you be hot and cold at the same time, im like freezing and has 3 layers on but im also sweating like crazy. krrrr sick be bad.
yesyes and i cant wait for vietnam!!!!!!!!


Look how bouncy and energetic she is for the entire song

Do u think I am like this rainbow.. *thinks*

Your rainbow is strongly shaded green and blue.

What is says about you: You are a tranquil person. You feel strong ties to nature and your mood changes with its cycles. You share hobbies with friends and like trying to fit into their routines. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

Yay my skills at HTML!!

Anyway, how r u guys?????????????????? (is that enough question marks????)


i aM rAnDoM tOdAy!!

*Virtual Hi5!! or Hi-%!!

Lol, im such a kid.. ok..

Hoggy or Hogg or P. Piggly Hoggswein or Random

PS: I think i went overboard on the labelling (see below)

Rainbow I see a Rainbow

Your rainbow is intensely shaded green, indigo, and blue.


What is says about you: You are an intelligent person. You appreciate cities, technology, and other great things people have created. Friends count on you for being honest and insightful. You share hobbies with friends and like trying to fit into their routines.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

i'm in the dewey decimal system!

sorry for posting again but look!

Brigitta Summers's Dewey Decimal Section:

520 Astronomy & allied sciences

Brigitta Summers's birthday: 5/27/1993 = 527+1993 = 2520

500 Science

Math, astronomy, prehistoric life, plants and animals.

What it says about you:
You are fascinated by the world around you, and see it as a puzzle worth exploring. You try to understand how things work and how you can make them better. You might be a nerd.

Find your Dewey Decimal Section at Spacefem.com

i'm in the dewey decimal system!

oooh pretty....

Your rainbow is strongly shaded violet.


What is says about you: You are a creative person. You appreciate beauty and craftsmanship. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

if that worked i'll be surprised but meh!

rawr! so many videos ella! stupid bloody slow internet! not loading fast enough! rawr! yay for semi-shortness!

you miss so much when you forget to check the blog for a coupla days. i like the countdown. that's cool. we should always be counting down to something. that makes life FUN!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Forever Song

Josh Pyke

Josh Pyke was Awesome!!!!!!!

Your rainbow is shaded blue.


What is says about you: You are a tranquil person. You appreciate friends who get along with one another. You share hobbies with friends and like trying to fit into their routines. You have no life and live off the internet. You are too skinny and tall, and you have stupid hair. You are a guy who did a quiz on a femenist website. Retard. Stop hating yourself. You do now. Shut up. Fatty. You have no friends. Stop being a sheep and have some independence. You liek mudkips. If I had a dollar for you being stupid, I'd have more money than you will ever earn in your life. Because you're a man. What are you, male or something? It's because you have a penis. Grrr. We cannot accept this, it is unnaceptable. Women rule. etc. We cannot accept males, they are insuperior. We will kill you all, and then create a race of super-women. We're that good. Geez, should of thought of that when you were born, huh? Grrr. How could you, man. It doesn't matter that you're male. Nobody cares about you, you're male. You hang out with girls, so why can't you just take it a step further?

wow, you can really tell it's from a feminist website.

hahaha, i can read a 2 digit binary clock - that is, 'HHMMSS' not 'HMS'.
can you?

what time is...

  o o  o o  o *
  0 0  0 *  * 0
  0 *   * *  * 0 
  * *   * *   0 *

bet you dotn' know its 13:37:69. whoops.
of course you can have 69". what are you, stupid?

anyway, i should be doing my art and maths hoew now. but noe.

ho'e'v t's nogu. 
just so you can understand me.

mmm, blains.

and now for some meta-poetry:

In naught but a short five of sweet lines, nary be this poem;
Fuck, I just broke the fourth wall.
And lost the game.

And so did you.

And with that, I say, goodb- *dissapears*

(editors note: contrary to the previous statement, /b/ is NOT good, I mean WTF?. Fuck the rules of the internet, nobody but FUCKING EMO FUCK FACE FUCK EMO FUCK FAGGOTRY FUCK EMO FUCK FACE FUCKS WHO WILL BE VIRGINS FOREVER read them, and no. And by that mentioned above, I mean "encyclopedia dramatica".)

Josh Pyke Concert

It was good. yea. it was pretty damn awesome like. yea. Tim, Pip, Brigitta, Hui, Ella and Ru. And liek Ella's sister calls Brigitta Briggles! lol Briggles. and we could like not see too well cuz we wuz short but it was still aweesome except i forgot to bring monies to buy a shirt. Vaile! you should have been there! it would have been so awesome with your tallness and all. Standing is fun.

high fiive?

rainbow quiz i did. id didnt see no octagon or sesame street character. just a rainbow. how dull i thought. it must have been joel who did stuffs... hmm.
Get Firefox? Openoffice? hmm maybe especaillay since it has a countdown belows it. hahah lambert wont even noe it existsss. like at all. hahahahaha
Your rainbow is strongly shaded black.


What is says about you: You are a powerful person. You appreciate mystery. You may meet people who are afraid of you.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

thats right. i are powerful and scary.


To all of you who have Tap tap revenge 2! I challenge you to beat meeee! HAHAHAHA!
BTW thats on expert :P
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
By joelnes at 2009-03-14


Your rainbow is slightly shaded green.
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
By joelnes at 2009-03-14

What is says about you: You are an intelligent person. You feel strong ties to nature and your mood changes with its cycles. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
By joelnes at 2009-03-14
DW i did eeet

Blue, blue

Blue blue blue blue blue
blue blue blue blue blue
blue blue blue blue blue
green green green green
blue blue blue blue blue

...wait, i messed up. damn.
why would you be scared? its just- OH SHIT! BEHIND YOU IT'S A PIRATE!!! wait, nvm, its just a zombie. Carry on.

mmmm, blains.

wow if you type without a title it comes out in your browser's standard font.

Zombies zombies zombies

How much fun was that time we watched Zombies zombies zombies?
Much lulz at Hoggy and Ella and the movie's expense.

I propose we shud have a B-Movie marathon!
Or if not marathon, at least a nice jog.

Wut I'm saying is, we shud rent a few B-movies and watch them. Together.
Preferably horror/gore cos the sfx are fucking hilarious.

At Vaile's house cos he's got a big TV, or someone else who's got a big TV.

Friday, March 13, 2009

There is no post here *looks left looks right*

Friday the 13th and Extinction!!

hey ppl.


U get any antikarma marlena??

I did, way low mood this arvo.

Alls good otherwise.

Lol i love this pic!!
Anyway, yeh thats it
Oh and did u people get to stay in ur classes for ages like just b4 lunch?
we did, damn fire drill!!

Hey Hoggmeister

P. Piggly Hoggswein has joined our teh blog!
Rejoicing? y/n

I say yes.

It is a really nice picture, tho.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


does anyone remember the last time lambert posted or commented on anything????? do you even know if he LOOKS at the blog?cos either he ought to post more often or he ought to be taken off the authors list i reckon.

also my new nickname is tillie.

don't ask me why. it just is.

also.... i love shushu!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

oh yes



milk homogenised and pasturised.
I think teh correct name is "the one who is pink and fat" lol jks.
but yeh i have a profile now, so awesome.

to teh one that is homogenised and pasterised

go to dashboard
go to near teh bottom of teh large box in teh middle
click add
enter www.just-random-stuffs.blogspot.com
now you is following ourblog
being a cool kid
and you must create a profile and a picture etc
we loves you!~~~~~

Guess who I am?! The Name Says It ALL!!
Woot, I joined!!

so yeh, how r u ppl???
RU IS AWESOME!! Im making that statement with this photo.


It says : CHairs-people sit on them and fart.
I couldnt help it.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Sry I keep posting twice guise, but liek I had too.

Whoever did Lamboi's profile ... omg.
That was amazing. Does he ever check it, srsly?

Also, just then I was randomly checking out (not in that way eww) everyone who has the same location as me (Eagleland), and there's this random guy who is EXACTLY LIKE ME and we like ALL the same stuff and have the same taste in games and music and stuff and HE PLAYS EUPHONIUM IN HIS SCHOOL ORCHESTRA.


HE DID 9/11.

Had to post on a whim





ru! you were right!!!!

ru you were right about one piece! well of course you were! but still! it's awesome!!!! and captain shanks is so cool. and luffy is cool too. now i'm addicted to it. but there are so many chapters.............

one piece

Ruuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!! i can't remember where in one piece i was!!!!!! cos i haven't read any since wednesday cos i've been busy doing stuff. do you remember where i was????

also how was mardi gras?


The problem with life is that you will never know how much worse the road you didn't take would have been.

Saturday, March 7, 2009




Srsly, where's lamboi?
Haz he even made a single post?

Not like I can talk.
Lazy marlena is lazy.

also, who in my history class has finished their assignment? I haven't even started mine... I figure I can finish it in a day.  It's pretty easy.

I just lost the game. fuck.
Also, in regards to previous post, I'm sure madagascar is good, cos I trust you guise's opinions. But I still hate it, just for being a cgi talking animal movie.

Also man i hate geography srsly is so boring.
