Thursday, March 31, 2011

holy fuck

Once again I must pronouce how utterly useless I am

So when i came home, i barely did any art in school, i then went off to read naruto to about 4 o clock, had a 3 hour nap. Had my dinner and i am now watching american idol and in between breaks i go and read naruto....

how much art ive done? nearly none. but yet. i not worried...

"add enclosure link" smells

it didn't work, so just check it out here:

Just thought ya'll should see this

so i thought this was pretty cool.

p.s. if the video doesn't happen, then go check it out

Welcome to Procrastination Land

So this is a vaguely short introduction to galvanic cells that I thought I would tell you all about as I am trying to study. Here is a picture:

So basically what happens is to metal bars basically are places into salt solutions. On the left there is a zinc bar and on the right a copper bar. A salt bridge KNO3 joins them.
Okay so in the left half-cell is you have Zinc, this is the anode. It oxidises (losing electrons), the electrons pass through through the wire while the Zinc ions remain in the solution to create something like Zinc Sulfate depending on your salt solution.
In the right half-cell, is copper, this is your cathode, as the electrons pass into it the Cu2+ ions collect on the cathode as copper. This is the reduction (gains electrons) reaction.
A Salt bridge connects the two as the flow of electrons continues, creating electric current etc.

The reaction is called a redox reaction, where one substance is oxidised and the other is reduced. Yeh.

That's it really.
Don't worry, probs only Lasry will get it. It just makes it clearer in my head.


Urahara. You is my favourite

Cant decide who i love more ~~

Ikebukuro. Ikebukuro.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

3 things

1. I am pretty much fucked for the physics exam...

2. Am I the only one that has noticed how the amount of blog posts posted in exam time is triple like every other time.

3. English is actually ok. I'm looking forward to that exam

I'm just saying

High on Ancient

i kind of felt like this after my ancient history exam.

like happy and shit cose i think i did well, but also terrified cause im in year 12 and have other exams im not going to do well in and i should really be studying right now. anyway this song made me laugh, andy samberg usually does just cause his comedy is just so simple.

How come it already year 12

and ru still doing everything the night before?

looking over some past papers and

I am not looking forward to tomorrow's physics exam

In response to Joel's rant

So with what you said Joel, I am kind of in agreeance.
I am an atheist as you all know and it is kind of difficult to think that this all might end in what geological time is only a fraction of a second, and I get these thoughts, that no matter what I do, on Earth or whatever happens to the human race, it won't be of any vague importance to the existence of the universe.

But then I think, well maybe we are on this planet to create a purpose for the universe, I mean when we are gone, it will continue to exist, but it only goes in a way, that is obeying the laws of physics and chemistry. I mean as humans we can decide what happens, we obey the laws of physics and chemistry but we don't really just go round in circles, if you get what I am saying, good. What I mean is that like, the shortness of our lives is comparable to how much we can experience. I mean there is so much we can do.

I guess that is not much but as an atheist I have a goal, to die happy. If I can end with a smile, thinking it's the end but it's ok. I have had such a good time, and it's time for my chemical compounds to return to Earth or to another planet. I guess that's my sorta happiness. Chemically things that have passed through my body or were part of my body, may be somewhere far away on another planet. So maybe there is nothing I will experience, but if one copper molecule from part of my body, lands on Neptune or Uranus, it's like wow, I guess there is only a small chance that will happen, but it is many times bigger, than complex, thinking, functioning organisms to be living on a planet in our solar system. Earth.

I'm going to stop talking now cause I have to study, But I suggest you read/watch 2 things.
1. Read Tuesdays with Morrie. It is actually the best book for this kind of contemplation. It's interesting a bit sad and only like 100 pages.
2. Watch a program called "The Wonders of the Solar System" It makes me happy.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A rant about life, death, depression, dimensions, teleportation, beleiving in ghosts, atheism and religion.

So yeah, I was thinking about life and other miscellaneous and I came to the depressing conclusion once more that once you die everything ends. Consciousness ends along with the ability to perceive anything. Effectively, everything ends. Our brains stop and along with that so does consciousness, we won't have any recollection of life.
I think that's why religion is so popular, or was. People were given hope of something beyond death, of heaven. A way to remember. I'm sure we all have our own personal views on religion so I'll leave mine aside.
I'd like to believe in ghosts... I mean, at least that gives me some hope for what's to come after death. I have alot of reasons to believe in them aswell. As scientifically invalid as they are.
Speaking of atheism and ghosts, so many people these days identify themselves as being atheists, I'm fairly certain aswell that these people will soon outweigh those who consider themselves some form of theist in third world countries (Maybe not America)
though most of these people devoutly believe in ghosts or the supernatural... it's as though people really believe that believing in a deity is extraordinarily more absurd than believing in the supernatural, so much so that they grace the supernatural with the recognition of their cynical minds. I don't believe in the supernatural though (As much as I'd love to), also if you were wondering, I'm agnostic.
Other than that though I don't really have beef with atheists. It's an improvement on the previous theist-based society, where everyone knew eachother and went to church on sundays to pray for their side to win the war.
That brings me to teleportation, I remember, vaguely but yes I remember on New Years Eve Josh posing the question "What comes after teleportation" (with the sub-context of, nothing does, the universe is limited ooooooh, mind blown) or something like that... it's a very loose quote. On the night I was feeling too happy to say anything about it aside from feigning a few "AMG"s and here's what I really have to say about it. It's teleportation may not necessarily mean that the universe is limited. It means that better forms of transportation, if that's what you were using teleportation as are merely inconceivable. We simply aren't able to fathom them, their creation, their purpose or their reason. Our universe and existence may not be constricted simply to what we can comprehend, or even perceive.

Ultimately, all of these thoughts took a toll on me, I wasn't necessarily a happy chappy.
I don't want it to end. I don't want to forget and stop existing. That's why i think to myself, "If this is it, if this is all there is to existence then I'll live it out, I'll live it my way." which has kept me going.
Also I've been thinking about dimensions, planes of existence, the unknown and the unfathomable. "Perhaps", I think to myself. "Perhaps, somewhere, at some point in the ninth dimension there's a plane of existence where consciousness continues. Where existence is blurred and perverted from the 4 dimensional one that we know and live so that I may remember" that's what makes me happy right now, it's scientifically valid, to an extent and it's what I now believe in... Ofcourse a belief that dictates ones life is not something to take lightly... I'll need time, a lifetime to consider it.

Here's a song. It's amazing.

Yes, I do realize how conceited this whole rant is. Only being concerned for my own continued existence in this universe.

Did you know frustration can be caused by a lack of calcium?

Sunday, March 27, 2011



Actually, I'm ok with it, just essays in general piss me off. It's all to subjective

So guys...

I just got an iPhone just in time for the exam week
oh well it's been good studyin time to cut some fruit

Dear Emily Dickinson

So I was writing my essay for Emily Dickinson and I HATE HER.

Why the fuck does she exist with her annoying views on God and the world.

I am sorry but I just don't get her. Like I know what I am meant to get, and I just can't get past the religious aspect.

I mean I am just not religious and she annoys me.

I'm off to study something.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ah shit.

I forgot about earth hour...

Friday, March 25, 2011

this is what i was talking about twins. i love this picture.

my favorite, is probs between hufflepuff and ravenclaw, though to tell the truth any of them would be good. and yes i know its sorta creepy cause this is like when she was 13 or something. i mean like ..... you know what i mean. she's hot.

p.s open it in a new tab to view it bigger and stuffs.

This is me, studying....

So, whilst everything going on in Japan with the whole earthquake is pretty shit, it's good to know they still have some BAMFs out there looking out for their people..

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


But more specificly I want breadtop and i want those ones and also, i want cream cheese bun but i could not find picture of it..

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Snorlex why so cute?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Smaz's Sofa

So weird that it's not us on it. Turns into such a foreign place.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hey kids

Its not that i have time on my hands but Im using other more creative ways to procrastinate.
Anyway, Im doing a tally of the number of individual posts that everyone has made to the blog. Anyway, ive only counted from september 2008 to july 2009 and you can track the progress here.

and yea, obviously smaz is winning


Look here this post...
It post by the hogg but im not sure if hogg wrote the last word... It really puzzleing me that i stay up late at night so much. Did someone type that or did hogg type it. Im looking at you sam vaile.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


guess what I did on this friday

...I would have gotten down, except my friend (to my right) came back from 1 year away so I saw him again...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Im actually really digging this song.

I think this song is like a good mix of semi-old BEP but still with that whole electronic thing but i especially love the fergie bits where she sings with a bit of twang and its cool.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Worth Listening Kero version

This song is my life right now

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ok last one i swear

the floods in japan...



i cant believe people complain about not being able to get record deals.

it looks pretty easy to me, i mean if she can do it, anyone can

but for legit though i kind of feel sorry for her, i mean like she probably didnt write the song, and then the label told her to sing it, so now she has this on her record. got to say though. i did listen to it like 5 times, so maybe they're onto something.



Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Look i can make gifs nao


Why so beautiful?!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

that awkward moment where your parents find your friend's wallet on their bedroom floor

"no, uh, marlena, ru and someone else came over to my place on saturday night before we went out to dinner..."
mum probably doesn't believe me...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Please do your best to have fun


Just cause.

Yeh so you should watch this video of a song from the 60s.

I actually really like this song, although its a bit sad, with dragons.

What keyboards need

If you are also a disgusting otaku like me

you can go here to see the google spread sheet of the mangakas and such.


nah nah nah dancing cats nah nah


All my favourite j-rock bands (except veltpunch who hasnt had confirmation) have been confirmed safe and well and all the staff, voice actors and other personnels involved with kuroshitsuji are okay except the voice actor of ash who is missing...
also Oda is fine and so is my other two favourite mangakas (yana toboso and yuhki kamatani) but im not so sure about Hiro Mashima (fairy tail) but the mangaka for naruto is also safe.
so yea... epidode 490 of one piece will be delayed and such and such so most of the famous people are okay....


c-c-combo breaker

17 posts between ru and hui in a row is enough, or at least enough for in a row

also, fuck you to whoever opened the tim tams. what the hell. why would you just open things from someone else's fridge
(I say that, but I don't really care at all, I bought more)

and yeah, pokemon black is amazing
only cause of the zebra guy and this thing:
(best gen 5 pokemon hands down)




Saturday, March 12, 2011

yellow scarves.

Cutest thing in the world?

Story of my Life part IIII

A 6 year olds perspective on what's going on.


My sister woke up this morning so concerned with what was going on in japan, which led to this conversation.
Me: Why are you up so early?
Her: What in the world? Did you not hear about the tsunami?
Me: I did. I know. It's horrible.
Her: Heck yes it is. We need to buy sushi as soon as the sushi place opens.
Me: Huh? Why?
Her: Oh my goodness. Do i need to explain everything for you?
Me: Yeah. I don't understand why we need to buy sushi?
Her: It's because when you buy something japanese the money goes to japan. or could I send my piggy bank to someone in japan? they need it more then I do. I'll even send them my floaties. I don't need any of it. Why did this happen to japan? they never did anything wrong.
Me: That's just the way mother nature works.
Her: Well where's father nature? I'm sure he's gonna be mad at mother nature. She's hurting her kids. She's a mean mom.
Me: She's not really a mom, thats just what people call it.
Her: Whatever. Whoever this nature lady is, is a pain in the butt. She's always hurting people. Tell her go to mars, and nature herself over there.

Story of my Life III

Mirror says I look alright, camera does not agree.

Story of my Life part II

Story of my Life

"I love clichés, I love predictable scripts, I love it when they paste over problems and I love it when they force a happy ending too. What's wrong with working towards that?" - Ryuugamine Mikado

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This right here has now been another reason to procrastinate.
I can't believe Ms Silk introduced me to such a random thing eventhough we were meant to talk about procrastination. Please explore this site and click on the archives.
This one is my favourite

Cake of the day (firetruck special!)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Uni Shtuffs

Things I've thought about uni so far
- coming from an all boy school, being surrounded by women and men is a really nice change
- be prepared to be at least be a little lonely when uni starts
- starting at 8 o'clock on Mondays and Tuesdays makes it difficult to stay awake during lectures
- there's around 500+ students in maths lectures which makes it a pain to find a seat
- 4 unit maths is really helpful for those looking to do any form of engineering and IT
- you can still get by with doing 3
- you'd most likely struggle with 2
- Sydney Uni has a lovely environment
- put something beneath you if you fall asleep on grass or ants will bite
- the line to buy uni text books is huge (ie. 20 minutes to an hour wait)
- be prepared to meet some really dumb people
- be prepared to meet some very smart people
- be prepared to meet some attractive people
- 75% of my programming course are international students
- don't have lectures or tutes for more than 4 hours maximum, 3 hours is the longest i can concentrate
- don't have inflated expectations of uni really...some of my friends were quite disappointed
EDIT: don't get me wrong, uni so far is quite the experience so far

That's all i can really think of so far. I'm very tired from my 8 am to 4 pm day and mentally tired from working on complex numbers and vectors.

bye for now

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A rant, I guess.

So, it's been a while since I've been on a rant. So yeah.

Last night was alright, I guess. I wasn't happy about it but I got to see quite a few people who I haven't seen in a while and that I wouldn't have seen otherwise. I guess, for me that was the best part of the night. personally that is. I also learned*1 alot about my friends. Apparently I was called a downer (I'm not aware of the situation nor the context though) and I'm certain there were some who agreed, verbally or otherwise I don't really care, I'm okay with that. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, usually I wouldn't just take something like that laying down though, in this case I don't really care because I have the personal satisfaction of knowing otherwise. I'm 17 years old and at university doing Architectural Computing. I'm going to have a bachelor degree at the age of 21. When i graduate, if I want to follow that career path I can start a career earning $240,000. I'm going to be successful and I'm happy knowing that I have the motivation and the means to do so.

This part gets really ranty and loses the point alot of the time.
We (Hui, Sammy T and I) were also ditched by that same person. after we had waited for them while they were talking to a complete stranger, which I didn't question nor pass judgment on, and while the rest of the group walked on ahead toward our extremely vague goal, which I didn't mind, it was a completely understandable thing to do, however when they finished talking we were asked where everyone is and after explaining that they went on ahead we offered to just catch up to the together (We were all going to catch up to the other group anyway) and then they ran away saying "I don't want to hang out with you guys" which was just generally rude and disheartening. I honestly don't understand how someone can't even stand to walk for 5 minutes with 3 people who they're apparently friends with after they've just displayed an act of friendship by doing the right thing while everyone else continued on. Whatever though.

Lately (It seems like every time I've been drinking with you guys) I've been called a hypocrite for views that I used to hold on drinking and I've just laughed along with it at the time because I don't want people to take my rebuttal as a sign of hostility and or as a retaliation. Honestly though I don't know what else I want to say in that kind of situation more than "People change, I'm no different."
It's the truth aswell, I have changed, I'm still changing and I'll continue to change. I'm different to what I was a year ago. I'm different to what I was a week ago. I'm different to what I'll be a year from now. I'm still me though and I'm intent on only changing for the better.

Ummm... I ran out of rant juice although I had ALOT more to say... so yeah.

*1: Should we (Australians) be using Learnt or Learned?

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