Monday, October 31, 2011

oh guys. its halloween.

happy halloween guys. We had a halloween party and i took a picture. Turns out emily hogg and i were the only people to dress up. thats a bit sad right.

this song

do it
it's completely different if you listen to it while watching the video or not

aesop rock is an amazing rapper
(seriously, if you don't believe me but cbf listening [fair enough], press read more to see the lyrics and judge for yourself)

What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
"To get to the other side."

Think about it. Think about it and you'll actually get it. They're not talking the opposite side of the street.... What the fucckkkkkk

Saturday, October 29, 2011

adsadjasoas omg wut

Eggss.. they are eggs/ egg stacking art.. how is that even possible...

Soo many eggss..

Friday, October 28, 2011


I found this add funny and also, Thai life insurance adds are REALLY sad. Also, in Jon's mist recent post, swap all of the "smells really bad" for "is really awesome" (it is how it was meant to be).

Also, I really like the Childish Gambino lyrics that are happening on the Hogg tumblr.


ok so like

lets meet up tomorrow or sunday and do something? please? yeah?
fuck man, I'm so bored
let's go to dinner or something

edit: ffffuuuck nevermind shit happened
if you guys do something interesting as a group lemme know but otherwise I'll see you later in the week for physics

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Christian Is Really Average!!!!!!

Yeah, so as I said above, Christian Is really average and also he is gay for Gilbert from Beauty and the Geek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey guys what are we doing for halloween?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

there's a meme called scumbag Jon. like Jon

and the guy is half asian.

and apparently is pretty much me

but i'm pretty sure that it's all made by one person. (not me)

Hey guys, do you know what tastes nice?

Rice and chocolate. I had it for lunch and it was so delicious I had to tell somebody.

I also had it with curry. It was nice because it created a richer and sweeter texture and it is true that chocolate is a valid ingredient in curry. It makes it very smooth and creates a depth in the dish as well. There is a reallly good fusion of flavours in the dish so I encourage you to try this out. Remember if you are going to make a curry chocolate dish, it works better with indian or malaysian curry other than a japanese or korean curry.

i dont know why i made this post.

I really hope this won't be me...

Guys, it's oreos

So 3 things.
1. FFFUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK maths extension tomorrow

2. Oreos reminded me of Nam.

3. After tomorrow 75% done, or 6/8 exams.

So god damn happy.

Oh also schoolies is like only 2 and a half weeks :D

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Sorry to post another Childish Gambino post, but he just posted the video that Jon posted on his blog , he's totally looks at our blog!!!

These girls be actin' crazy when they're dancin', Black Swan

Credit: Omnomnomnomfishcake

best flow ever!

(different kind of flow to alex) but for real, this guy's flow is insane. check it...

Best flow ever!

These guys have the BEST flow ever, its almost superhuman how comfortable they are with flipping everywhere >.>


Just a quick track from CG that I found (relating to Derrick Comedy's 'the Mystery Team' [which for those of you who are not in the know, was a movie he made with his youtube comedy group Derrick Comedy]), and I haven't downloaded it, so I don't think it's on any of his albums (so I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't heard it).

Just to let you know, Gambino doesn't do the 2nd verse (the higher part).

Also, in that photo is CG and Mos Def (who he references in 'Untouchable')


Monday, October 24, 2011

Best Music video ever? Don't take the screen image you see as what makes it awesome though.

just trust me its good.

Edit: An explanation. It's pretty obvious what the video is about .

The latter half of the video is showing the perspective of the black haired girl towards sexuality and her situation. It is foreign, scary to her, and destroying her friends, but even her own body is undergoing transformations for sex. The end is showing that she will never see the world the same, not that she died. The large creature is like the realization of sex, hence its shape like female reproductive organs.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


it's kanmuri right?

Australian stuffs

Did you know that there is a lake hope;

And a lake disappointment within Australia;

Silly explorers and their names for lakes.

Gambino fans

Aight, so CG's first proper album comes out on the 15th of November 2011. Just to let you know, that's like 3 days into Schoolies. So, I propose that we all (that's people who like him/ at least one other person with me) go and buy it from the nearest JB Hi Fi (which is 2.8km away from our hotel, which equals 35 mins according to Google Maps). I reckon I'll pre-order it and then the rest of Schoolies will be even AWESOMER!!!!

So that's my plan, laters (and good luck with Maths tomorrow for all you Math doers)!

Here's my credible source:
And here's one of his new songs from the album (it starts off a little slow but it gets good):

question 10

why so hard fuuuuuu i spent like an hour working on just question 10. goddamn maffs i dont think i'll be able to finish it tomorrow >,<

Hey guys

This is what Hui actually believes

goat towers

these towers are made entirely for goats. The original one is from South Africa, and there's also one in the US and one in Norway.


Saturday, October 22, 2011


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Damn newgrounds...

And damn you jon haha :
if you have patience play this

one chance

In case you weren't procrastinating, heres your chance

its called One Chance and its about the world ending. Its similar to that game maxim posted a while back.

p.s you really only get one chance. if you finish the game and try to refresh, you get the same image as when you finished.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

so like i really had lots of fun today

I hope everyday in summer is like that. yay. except maybe not all the k pop at the end. because that was really loserness of me. lol

yay summer

Just Some Schtuff

Aight, so, first of all, we are all done with english (unless any of you do english ext.)!!!!!! So that's awesome!!! And because that's awesome, here's a video (it was also my back up text for Dickinson yesterday)!!!!!

And here's an awesome song that I only just found out who it was by yesterday!!!

The video clip is really weird and reminds me of Mad Max (which I really like and is awesome - the top comment says Fallout 3).

And here's why we need to bring a frisbee to schoolies (maybe a B-Ball too) (I really like the "WOOOOOOAAAAHHHHH!!! that comes after each shot).

And here's why we need to get into longboarding.

I feel like maybe I should have said more to do with the HSC, but this is stuff I've liked listening to/watching and I wanted to share it and there isn't really all that much to say about the HSC other that what's been said (which is pretty much well done so far and good luck!!!).

So yeah, good luck guys and just remember, schoolies is only like 3 weeks away!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ok ActionMan

you're a good person, kinda like the goat standing over the other goat, where the goat below the goat that represents you is other people

Monday, October 17, 2011

I guess people have already said it,

It is the beginning of the end

I would like to say, after my 12 yrs of school, it has culminated in this.
And you know, if I could go back and do it again. I don't think I would change the last year at all. Not give up going out to study, no way. I would do the same thing & maybe that makes me ignorant and naive and maybe even a little bit stupid, but hey, HSC is HSC and this is life.

Good Luck Guys, from now til the end of the exams. And then SCHOOLIES!!! AWESOME HOLIDAY TIME!!!!

this is it guys~

like passas and maxim said, this is it, the culmination of 13 years of school life
it begins tomorrow (or earlier today for some of us)

(when are you guys gonna get to school? it starts at 9.25, so I'm gonna be at school at 8)

remember this going into the exams:
the only thing that lies ahead of us is the future
my grandma just called me to wish me luck in the exams and that's what she said

no matter how you do in the exams
there is only one direction in your life
and that is northforwards
no going back
none at all
so fuck it lets just do what we do and come out the other side having done what we did
and if we fuck up, well fuck, we're the most prepared that we'll be (at least for english) and we can only do what we do
but no matter what the future will happen, and that's the only thing that will
and we all have awesome futures ahead of us, all of us do, even if we don't know it yet

like maxim, I also have some inspirational music, which will inspire you

also hello to pico from japan!

Indeed we go Alex!

Let us go fourth for the final hurdle to our lives of freedom and revelation! It is impossible to turn back now - only to move straight and face the music. This is it. All of it.. whatever "all" may be... comes down to this. In high hopes and our lowest moments, let us go fourth and never look back! In preparedness and chaos, this is it!  In ten years it will mean nothing, today it means everything! This is it friends! Do not be afraid to conquer! This is it!

less than 12 hours to the exam

and im still procrastinating

Good Luck to all you Beautiful Bloggers and do your best from now on.

It is time for me to do some hardcore cramming so I won't be back on the computer. To prove to myself that I was being serious, I have 2 days worth of posts queued up on my tumblr so I shall see the internet, maybe tomorrow.

Once again, everybody, We can do this!


Here we go :)

It begins now, i guess. What a good thought- its almost over. Finally, i can see some light headed my way, aint that right?
This is the long awaited speed bump that we've waited for 13 years. There will be plenty more when we are older, not a doubt, but for now-
its almost over.

I can't wait.

Goodluck to everyone. I hope the effort, whether it be minimal, substantial, or great; is enough to make your future's bright. You're all great people, and there isn't a thing in this world that will stop anyone of us from being awesome and important in life's roles.

We can do this XD

so going to school now

so im going to school now and just thought i'd wish myself luck and pray to the internet gods for help, if any of y'all see this before 2:00 then wish me luck and pray as well (or don't pray, whatever) but yeh.... fuck my first real HSC exam. i'm shivering, but not with excitement, with FEAR.

but im ready to do this. LEGGO

i think i did well. thanks guys

Few-month old song I like

Sunday, October 16, 2011

yo ru

this is the end credits of one piece before the time skip
it's really well done too, check it

I got a new camera!!!

Actually I sold my 1000D to my sister with an old itouch for $550 and then spent my christmas present on the other $300 to get a 600D
To put that in perspective, the 1000D is the lowest entry level camera.
Here is my analogy to reading
My first words - Disposable Camera
Picture books - Film Camera
Short Novels - Digital Camera
Young Adult - 1000D/1100D (entry level)
Adult Fiction - 550D/600D (top end entry level)
Epics, old novels, very long novels, - 60D/7D (Low professional level)
Books in other languages - 1D Mark I and Mark II. (Really damn expensive, like $4000)

So I am at the beginning of adult fiction.
It's actually exciting. Also it basically looks like the older one but I can film now and it has a flip out screen.
It looks like this:
Yeh so super happy.
Although I did manage to just go shopping while sitting at my desk. Kinda like online but with like people doing it for you.

Quiz thing

Another personality quiz thing. This one's from Dungeons & Dragons, and tells you whether you're Chaotic, Neutral or Lawful (how much you believe in following the rule of law) and Good, Neutral or Evil (pretty self-explanitory.)

I got

Neutral Good

Neutral Good people are practical romantics. Which might sound like a contradiction in terms, and maybe it is. They don't care though. They know the world doesn't always make sense, and that you can't put all your faith in cut-&-dried definitions. A Neutral Good person generally takes the moderate position. Both security (order) and liberty (chaos) can be good things, but one isn't necessarily better than another. In some situations the law brings the most benefit, in other cases personal freedom is more desirable. It's all relative. Order and chaos are just theoretical constructs. They are means to an end, not ends in themselves. The greater good is just that : whatever brings the greatest amount of actual good to the world. People get too hung up on definitions. Many people believe "good" has a single concrete meaning, and anyone that disagrees with their interpretation is the bad guy. Good people fight each other over different shades of meaning, never understanding that the other guy is not all that different from them. Neutral Good seeks to avoid this, knowing that a real understanding of the world is only achieved by respecting human life, keeping an open mind, and seeking Truth in all things. In the words of Socrates, "There is only one good -- knowledge. And one evil -- ignorance."

Apparently George Orwell is Neutral Good, lol.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Cleaning my room

So I was cleaning my room and I came my old photo frames and I decided I would put pictures in them. So you now all feature in them. IPhone won't let me upload a picture. Also I can across this folder of yr 11 and 12 memories and there are things like the theatre sports ticket and the bus ticket when we went to alex's house and the ticket from when we saw Harry potter 7. It all made me smile and I gotta say; I really love you guys no matter how much I get pissed at you and such. You are all amazing people.

Sometimes I'll come some sort of realisation

about what I perceive to be a fundamental principle by how the world work by

and I'll think

"Wow, that's pretty cool bro"

Friday, October 14, 2011

So good

In a Lambert/Jon style post. You should all watch Community, the new one is so good.
Also top 3 comments of this video; you'll get it after you watch the most recent episode.

I've decided...

There is one thing i have decided to do after every exam finshes. I'm going to throw away the book of every subject one by one straight into the trash can.

I mean, i will rip out the funny pages that have doodles and stuff in them (i.e my english book completely), and i will keep my future related stuff, like my japanese. However, boy oh boy i can't wait to shout sayonara to those other subjects >.<

Believe It !

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What are we doing for halloween?( ಠ◡ಠ )

let x = x^6
therefore 0=1

wait thas not how i said it
and not in that font
or formatting

oh well its equally as valid

So I was sitting in my room today

And I realised. I just cannot remember everything I need to for the hsc. It is near impossible and there is so much. How the hell am I going to remember all this stuff in the exam? I just don't know anymore

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ganguro fashion... is really scary....

and the website i got this picture from is called .....


So I was sitting in my room today and it started pelting down ad I chose this time to go and make some toast and I realised as I was waiting for it to toast, I really love like when you are sitting undercover on like a deck or something on like the first floor looking out at the rain, it is the nicest feeling. So I went and sat outside and ate my toast under a blanket and watched the rain. I dunno why I like it so much but I could actually do it for hours just sit and think and watch the rain. It's also the best time to talk to people because when it's silent you can just watch the rain and it isnt awkward or anything. like it's just a nice appreciate the weather silence. In summer I really enjoy sitting outside at night cause it's warm and sorta just comfortable and generally this happens when I am with my family and they are having a drink and there is such nice chat. When I was at my grandparents studying for trials I would always make 15 minutes just to do that like when my mum gets home now I sit and talk to her for 25 minutes just about my day and such. I dunno I just like talking to people about things and it generally doesnt have to be about anything important even a menial conversation about nothing in particular generally just makes me happy. Hence why I talk to people on Facebook because especially after a long school day or studying it just gives me the chance to talk to someone where i may not have had that chance before.
Sorry for any mistakes iPhone post. But yeh I like watching rain and chatting.

hey guys

so for english, what are your related texts you're doing?
Imma do this song for belonging but for carey - I have no idea, maybe code geass...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hello Dear friends.

Today's topic is....... Procrastination. It has been a very hot topic recently as it is affecting everyone and if it is not affecting you, then you are a bit special. So for today, I have a poll.

My question is, what is the biggest procrastination device. is it:

1, Games
2, Youtubes
3, Facebook and other social networking sites
4, Blogging
5, any other internets (please specify)
6, the mirror in your room
7, music
8, The outside because the weather is so nice
9, Your friends
10, Other social activities
11, others(please specify)
12, You don't procrastinate

Thank you for you time and please respond.

Monday, October 10, 2011


So on schoolies it will be the most lucky (supposedly) moment ever
as as 11:11pm on the 11/11/11!!!!!

Which if you have seconds is like 12 1s in a row and thus intense.


(we will probably not realise at the time and have that, oh right like an hour later)

PS: best/weirdest list of things to do when you are bored ever.

I confirmed what I heard via the school email (When finding email addresses of people) . Mr. Strange was demoted and replaced by Mr. Patulny as Head of English thought you might find it interesting

this is currently my favourite song i cant stop singing it

bye bye facebook

hey guys

so i deleted my facebook. well i "deactivated" my facebook - partly because of the hsc, partly because of people i don't care for and partly because of the illuminati. and yet i still keep typing in the facebook url and i have to stop myself from logging in. when did i become so reliant on a website to make me feel like i'm a part of something? it's like an addiction really, and it kinda feels great to be off it. i don't know how long it will last and this blog will probably be like a nicotine patch but y'know, for now it feels good. i'm getting stuff done, like i made a really nice wallpaper for my desktop and cleaned up my room and its nice to not just sit there refreshing the page and etc etc y'know facebook junk.
also guys... i'm having a really pensive night and i just wanted to say that i'm really happy to have grown closer to a lot of you this year, especially recently, because you are some of the most beautiful people i've met and i'm going to miss you all so so so much. especially emily hogg; i used to think you were kinda weird back in like y9/10 but then again i was super weird then too, so it means nothing really, but now i consider you a really good friend of mine and you're one of the kindest, most interesting people i've ever met. i think a lot of you mean a lot more to me than i ever realised really.

nah bro, lions are better

skip to about 0:40

tigers r da best

another post about my life.

so like i was trying to type that thing you type when your speechless or something. You know, most people's look like this:

annie feng's looks like this: oqwoeowqoqoeowqoeowoqoqo

so usually when i type it, mine looks like this: f290yfe8dfq0qf0qqf83fnn44j9sk which makes no sense so i have to type it out manually. To create the best affect you usually have to use a,f,g,j,s letters right? so i was typing it out but in the end i looked up at the computer and it looked like this:

which says fags three times. so i couldnt type that.

*sigh* why is expressing speechlessness so hard.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

I killed a bug on my notes.

It's that black dot on the page. Its actually more disgusting than that but my photo computer camera is wanting to become blurry.

Mr. Strange's English thing

Does anyone know what day it's on / if we haven't already missed it?

When high....

The extent of my procrastination.

this snake is really pretty

Reality Check

I realised the most painful thing today;

Tomorrow, my sister goes back to school in her final term of yr 6 with all of high school left to go.

And I don't.

Brittany is seriously distracting my study with all her sexiness>

plus that giant fish thing was starting to creep me out

Saturday, October 8, 2011

So I saw Alex's Post

And I went and looked the jellyfish up on google and got to Wikipedia.
It is pretty scary, but then I clicked on a link and it took me to largest organisms page.
And 2 things caught my eye.
1. Ocean Sunfish
They grow up to 4m long, but they look so weird. It's kinda like a turtle/fish/shark/piece of plastic in one.
Here is a picture:
Yeh and they only really keep them in captivity in Japan because they have very specific needs in terms of water and stuff. Apparently, they are quite a popular tourist attraction.
2. Continuing on the Jellyfish theme, a Box Jellyfish
There is an anti-venom for these but if stung badly, it can kill you in under 3 minutes, as the pain is so intense, people go into shock in the water.
Here is a picture,

They are at leat 5,500 recorded deaths from their stings in the last 120 years, from the Phillipines, Thailand, Vietnam and the Northern Coast of Australia (Like Cairns) but only 64 have occurred in Australia since 1883, thanks to medicine and good hospitals & roads, unlike other countries.
and yeh, they are pretty scary. Oh and they have 24 eyes.

Also fun fact, of the 10 most poisonous animals in the world, 6 of them live in and around Australia. My question is Why? Just wondering.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Would not like to swim now.

The Lion's Mane Jellyfish can grow to be eight-feet across, with some types growing tentacles to over 120-feet long, making them some of the longest living things on earth.