Tuesday, December 31, 2013

hey guys

today will take us tomorrow which is 2014
here is a poem in japanese


i made it as google translate friendly as i could.

Friday, December 20, 2013

i fly like paper

hey guys im in  toronto now in ru's apartemente

on the plane ride to korea, i sat next to an old korean couple that gave me a bunch of candy but some of it was this weird red ginseng shit that was like eating sweetened ginger. it wasnt that nice. most of it was real good though

then from korea, i went to my seat and was about to put my bag into the overhead compartment when i saw it was totally full. and there was one chick seating there. like this single korean lady fucking took up a compartment meant for 3 people. what. thats not how carry-on works. and the guy i sat next to was from angola and he was real nice but he had a stench. like woo he had some odours happening.

just had ramen with ru's friends. who are all asian and wear glasses. i like this

I'm getting excited about 3D printing and Health again

This happens on a regular basis now because they will be able to literally grow you a new heart from your own cells in like an hour in under 10 years and if you don't think that's the craziest fucking shit ever, you need to get the fuck out. Because that basically removes the need for like transplant waitlists, and any sort of compatability issues because it's your own tissues basically, like holy fucking shit.

Anyway, I've had rants about that and how fucking amazing it is, and you know now I've learnt they have been able to restore sight in blind mice, literally the three blind mice would now be the 3 mice who actually had functional lives due to medical science.
You can read the article here, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-25405542 and right now the research thy have done only applies to certain types of blindness but this proves that eye cells can be printed, like do you know how fucking radical that is. In 25 years, medical science could be restoring sight to people.
Actually we see with rods and cone cells they are what decipher our colour vision, it's possible, maybe that we could return colour vision to colour blind people.
But like yeah medical science is fucking amazing.

Also, I seem to have contracted a throat infection of some kind, either viral or bacterial, it's fucking terrible. Basically it's just the sore throat though, so the head stuffiness is not so bad but like my throat feels like someone skated down it with a grater and I keep almost throwing up because of mucus, charming I know. Sorry.

Anyway, I will be back to wish you happy Christmas, until then, all the best.

Sunday, December 15, 2013


whateva maxeem.

also today i went to this Anarchist fair and they had a free free free market, so you like dump stuff you dont want and take thing you want.

if neopets money tree had a physical form this is it.

 I dropped of like 3 orange street cones as a peace offering. and took a box of 75 pieces of gum and random books.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

snake without scales

Monday, December 9, 2013

Why did it take me this long to watch Hunchback of Notre Dame?

Easily the best soundtrack out of any Disney film IMO

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Here's some anti nazi propaganda. I think the ending is the best.

God Bless the united states of merica

Saturday, December 7, 2013

kawaii desu


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

i accidentally got my left ear piercing infected

now that hole close

and i only have right ear

i can only pierce other ear in like 2 week

goin round being cool with only 1 ear pierced

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

ahora voy a japon

or like, in the mornign i guess. but ill leave super early so.

guys have a fun december see yall the 19th+
also new years at mine don't forget~

Friday, November 22, 2013

TED Talks are awesome

So TED talks are basically idea based talks about every topic imaginable, that happen I think once a year.

Anyway, the first one here http://www.ted.com/playlists/23/the_future_of_medicine.html, they talk about 3D printing a fucking human organ into a person!

Like jesus fucking christ. The future is coming really fucking fast.

This is like a bunch of really classic TED talks you might have seen around about education and design and such. It's all free to watch and generally just a bunch of really cool ideas.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I've lost it

why do i think the things i do

from an otherkin forum '

I talk to trees very differently. Probably because I'm not Elven, but I communicate via empathy with them. So rather than hearing words or anything, I read their emotions.'

wuttt. humans get so bored i guess.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

the most polite crowd out there

sorry not sorry for stepping on maxims toes and obstructing his views with my hands in the air.

easily the best concert all year and it didnt even have  a mosh. goddamn.

Good life advice

Friday, November 15, 2013

Yay Illness again

So it's that time again, another neurologist appointment behind me and here I am again, still pretty much in the dark.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hey don't know if you remember McFly or Busted

But this is a thing: I thought it was a joke but nope its happening my childhood what.


Monday, November 11, 2013

im so sad


r.i.p rhino species san

Saturday, November 9, 2013

dat anime about dat browser??

but the original non edited one looks pretty cool actually

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Hey check out this photographic artist : Nikki S Lee

So this chick, she just goes into these communities and immerses herself in them until she is them. then she gets the people around her to take a photo of her and she keeps going doing random shit. Like she stays in places for months at a time.

This is her living with the Hispanics:

This is her living in an Ohio community:

When we was an exotic dancer:

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013

moar cutie dawgs

Friday, November 1, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

i dunno

if this is really really funny or im just happy from one cider but this is my life pretty much


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Today my friend gave me like a vegetable peeler. cause he had 3. he gave me this nice looking ceremic one too.

I thought i was smart. I put in in my front bag pocket so that if i needed to get something from the back pocket i wouldnt cut myself

but my keys are in the front pocket.

ceremic sure is sharp

the meaning of channel orange

tried to update iphone

iphone goes to recovery mode due to unknown error
iphone requires restoring
iphone no longer has any music, photos, apps, files, contacts or anything
thanks apple

Sunday, October 27, 2013


I just finished a whole packet of mint slice.... i feel sick and so minty refreshed

I got a question for you, another question for you

So I really have a question.

What is Just-Random-Stuffs blog to you?

Cause for me it's like my means of seeing the interests that you guys have (and posting a large portion of mine) and to get updates and such. While reading hogg's post, I started wondering what JRS means to you guys. If no one replies I'll be sad.

Also, If you like dance you should check this out I know that this was from 2012 but seriously, it's so fucking good. just seeing how breaking has evolved and the new styles these battles have. Everything is pure physics. This is one of the sickest battles I've ever seen. The amount of creativity and energy these guys got is just insaneeee. so if you got 10 minutes to kill, I super reccommend watching thisss

Friday, October 25, 2013





SO FIRSTLY, ok i'll stop the caps. so firstly, the supporting bands were called CASUAL SEX and FRANKIE ROSE. Both are good but FRANKIE ROSE is really fucking awesome. and as a person she was like kdjasljdkasjlasd. The quote of the night for Casual Sex was when the drummer was all 'Sam, sam, sam, where is your lipstick sam?' and The lead singer (Sam I believe) was all 'You're right, I forgot to put my lipstick on, I must be looking really silly without it' anyway it was hilarious because perceived notions for gender roles etc etc. And Frankie rose kept being all 'I LOVE MY BAND THEY MAKE ME HAPPY THANK YOU BAND' and it was super cool.

For some reason when I bought band merchandise, there were a lot of shirts but I got two similar ones (what's wrong with me) and they were like 25 bucks each so i was thinking one time i spent that much in total on a green day shirt so instead i bought two shirts.

Oh, and after Frankie rose played, she threw the set list into the audience and it landed on my face. It's that paper plate thing in the picture. after the show i had a chat with her and she wrote on the plate 'sorry I hit your face' and signed it. She also proceeded to give me a patch for her band which i thought was pretty neat.

and then franz ferdinand played and it was fucking awesome cause the entire time everything was super theatrical and they played songs from all their albums but mainly the new one, like the right thoughts right words right action one but they ended with Michael and darts of pleasure but they didnt play any like 'special songs' or like songs there arent on the album or like random covers but it was freakin coolio. Also I was like behind 5 people first (in the 6th row) but these people around me were so rowdy and kept trying to mosh up an be crazy, it was a perfect oppurtunity to move onward towards the front cause they freaked people out so much other people got pushed to the side while i got pushed to the front. There was like a mad washing machine style mosh behind me too but i for some reason brought my vintage camera with me so I couldn't participate in the mosh cause that did be tooo dangerous for my 60 year old lens (or something).

also at the end alex kapranos(Lead singer) and paul thomson (drummer) came to where the merchandise was and i was like gasp and people swarmed like crazy and i was trying to get to paul but i couldnt (paul is my favourite) also now looking back at this picture, see that guy on the right side, I was talking to him for a bit but i didnt realize that i had accidentally taken a picture of him. I;m wearing a FF thing cause im cool like that and him and his homie lived near where I live so when we were in the subway he was all, hey Franz Ferdinand and what not and we were just talking about the concert which was pre chill. He was one of those lucky bastards to get a plectrum which I fought for but sadly lost as my fingers were too girl and smooth to hold on to the pick in the fight to the death. Oh yea alex kapranos is that dude near to the right side of the picture pointing to the other dude.

Oh and this really awesome thing happened too when Nicholas Mccarthy (lead guitarist) jumped into the audience with his guitar and people rushed to go and touch him and they left the front so I got to the front which was freakin ace cause at the end of the concert he was like shaking peoples hands from the audience and i shook his hand and like wow what a great concert its was.

anyway, thank you for reading if you came this far. I was really happy cause I was feeling sort of shitty when everyone last minute bailed on me and i would have probably been cool to go alone anyway since I got seperated from my friend for like 80% of the time.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sometimes I forget this place exists

I get the feeling sometimes with this blog that it's kinda like a distant memory. Every time I load the page I almost expect it to be like looking at pictures of an abandoned theme park, you know like there was so much joy but it's just been forgotten, an internet relic if you will.
I guess for me, this place is a memory of different times, in school specifically. Where we would all wait outside for each other and some afternoons just do random shit. Like go to Smaz's and swim or like chill in Darling Harbour. It's weird to come back to places like this and it's all still the same but things have also changed, like the layouts the same but we are all out of school now, and people who used to be frequent visitors like myself have sorta let it go a bit. It's not intentional I guess, just the passing of time.

(i'm gonna talk about being sick here so just like if you don't want to read that, it's cool, I don't want to be a burden)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

fucking korra omg

 (spoilers pls watch s2e7+s2e8 first)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Smaz Explains Stuff™ episode 1: Hashing and Computer Passwords and Salt

Hey guys! Lately I feel like I haven't talked to you guys about stuff. Like, interesting inter-personal stuff and over-analysing group politics yes, that's definitely been a subject of discussion (and I gotta say, I kinda love it!) But like, cool instances of science and interesting nature things and stuff like that, not really. Also sometimes I find really interesting and/or clever things where I'm like 'this is actually really cool, I wanna tell people about it!'
And I feel like I should be writing more things because writing is both an area that I'm becoming really interested in these days, and a skill that I need to improve... seeing as this blog is pretty slow atm I decided to do that here.
So I am starting a new internet-text-and-also-sometimes-photo-blog-post series on this internet-text-and-sometimes-photo-blog, called "Smaz Explains Stuff™". Without further ado, let's venture together into this exciting and interesting world of things being explained!

Friday, October 18, 2013

look at this skull

this is a whale skull from 40million years ago found in peru
it belonged to an amphibious whale that had webbed feet and was before whales evolved to become solely marine dwelling mammals. also horses used to have webbed feet how weird is that.
anyway, it was about 5 million years later that whales established their fins and torpedo shapes and other more water appropriate structures.
5 million years.
man thats so long compared to our lives. like woah. in a couple of million years that sound like no big deal on paper, our population will be completely different. a million years is soooooo much relative time. and we here living day by day trying to decifer billions of years worth of existence
i dont even know the point of this post

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

literal pineapple grenades

procrastinating from designing wallpaper (looks more like a neopets background)

but more importantly i missed naruto's birthday which was last week (10 octubre)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hey guys hey guys

5000 years ago in ancient egypt... there was internet; and the pyramids were a troll place to support  funny cats.

And we haven't changed a bit and misinterpreted it all

Monday, October 14, 2013


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The other day

So the other day, about 2 weeks ago. I had left work early because I wasn't doing anything besides trying to keep awake and the struggle was to hide the fact that I was really sleepy to my boss so I left. I decided to turn up early to martial arts practice since I had nothing better to do but on the way I saw this sign on a bulletin wall:
It spoke of a William Kentridge talk that was happening... in 5 minutes... Luckily the talk was happening in the same building area as my martial arts practice. 
I arrived right on time to a super packed lecture room and had to sit on the floor. I couldn't see the speaker at all but I had a great view of the projected images. The talk was pretty super. Talking about all the political sides and the artist process. As the talk went on though, I started to realize something, and that was that the speaker, was indeed William Kentridge himself. yes, the South African artist whose work I had seen in the Sydney Biennale on the Cockatoo Island, The william Kentridge whom we learnt about in art class, whom I created a colouring page in tribute to, the William Kentridge who was the prime inspiration to my class artwork last semester which I got 95% for. I guess I've heard a lot about him to this point so I to me he's a really big deal. And here he was just talking about his current art practice showing everyone videos from his mac book laptop.
It was seriously good talk though. I painstakingly took these terrible pictures from my phone only to have this lady behind me (understandably) tell me off because the light of my phone would be distracting to the lecture but it was okay because in the end when the talk was done, me and her had a short conversation about his art. It was pretty sweet.

So here are some terrible pictures I took from my phone. And I only missed 1 hour of my Martial Arts practice. 

what’s the definition of a will?

I'll give you a hint, it's a dead giveaway

drifting through drafts

i hate it when shitty hipster shit gives me feels. ive got so many feels. such simple things speak so much truth to errybody. i'd swim the ocean for any of you.i literally stared at this stupid gif for like 3 minutes.

man this blog started when we were like in year 8 or something. and look at all the people listed as nakama. idk i just think its weird and sort of nice that those people had some sort of interaction here. but now we never see or hear from them

rhiannon was in my dream last night. she was a  bit stand off-ish and acted a bit like she was too good for us.. weird dream/ hui's subconcious?

the anthem

Sunday, October 13, 2013

this seems oddly specific

Friday, October 11, 2013

my sense of humour

Look at this picture. Pretty cool yea. but that part where it says 'THIS PLACE IS GREAT' I literally laughed at that for 2 min. why. why is it funny 2 mi.

also this website haha:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


oh man

so I was watching some stuff on youtube and i decided to see the shitty shit i uploaded cerca 2009 when i was a shitty teenager

so apparently 101,000 people have watched a terrible video i made about mother 3

that's weird as shit mang

and 17,000 people saw the daft hands mashup i made and rhiannon commented on it this year??

but seriously guys please tell me you also made shitty youtube videos  (ok the daft hands one was good) but please ugh
i was in with the youtube poops
ahh man what a terrible internet life i lived

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

uts survey allows 'X' as gender option. how nice


all jobs want experienced staff

no way to get experience without a job

too old to work for a teenager's minimum wage so no entry point

fuck. I'm an idiot I should have got a job in high school

Saturday, September 28, 2013

remember michael jackson

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Reality is crossing dimensions for me

 This is me in my other world now haha.
 oh and i got a unicorn
 at one point this NPC called francel wouldn't let us players talk to him and continue our mission, so we all sat on him
 ...and tried to wake him up with festival flares and dance infront of him

 Just me n my unicorn go 'splorin on a nice winters mornin
hope you enjoyed :) (this is seriously my life atm)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wild and Wacky World

So there is this place in Yemen called Socotra Island. It is the one of the most isolated locations on earth. Because it is so isolated, 30 percent of the flora that exists there doesn't exist anywhere else on earth besides this tiny island.

Here are some pictures of some funky phresh flora you wont find anywhere else

Wow look at this crazy tree, it like from the prehistoric times

Woah how does this buddy even grow???

I guess this would be what you would see if you were a dinosaur

Think i would run away if i ran into this flower

Is this image even real??

Hi there plant buddy

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013

yeezus in the house

yeezus's face on the toilet cover in the top model house

and the models also stuck his face over all the tyra portraits in the house
i thought that was funny

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

singapore airport adventures part 4: coloring things???

So there are these things that i was like what the hell is that art?

on closer inspection they contain engraved changi airport graphics

you put paper on top and color it to make art. got a few weird looks from
5 year olds and their moms while i did this