Thursday, May 30, 2013

THere's actually a show

on disney channel called

Doge wif a BLOgu??

dOG wiTf bLoG??


ok maybe it not that weird but still???? ???

???? ??
i thought some1 made it up like paroday satire or sumtin

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013

that time when Hui beat all the levels in that neopets snowball fight game and then the next day neopets announced that that game will be awarding trophies from then on...

isn't it ironic

Monday, May 20, 2013


I don;t know if you guys watched the got to dance uk final or if you watched it all
but this guy man, he won it
holy fucking shit though talk about putting in your whole heart and then some, this guy just spilled his entire fucking being all over the floor.

then there was these guys who came second who were fucking amazing!
then there was this kid who deserved to come third but he didn't even qualify for top 3 for some reason? (the other group was just this really terrible ballet group who were good but defs not good enough for top 3, they got 1/3 from the judges) but yeah here he is, just wow, he taught himself in his bedroom

cool that's my little synopsis of the final of got to dance uk you should watch the videos

i fucking love(d) that show man, some of it was next level shit
anyway laters guys

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013




(also EXO's having a comeback yay summer 2K13)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

It's been a while I suppose

How're you guys?
How've the last 3 years been treating all of you?
Like, dang I have been super out of touch.

The main reason I came here actually, as well as to hopefully catch up with all of you guys again, was to get your opinions on the Mars One program.
I've been thinking of applying but there's a lot to be thought about before I do, even though applications close August.
I suppose I've been having conflicting feelings about how I'd feel even if it were successful and I were to be selected and I guess the best way to consolidate all those thoughts is to talk about it yeah?
For those who don't know, Mars One is that rumored not-for-profit project that aims to colonize Mars with 4 astronauts by 2023

Monday, May 13, 2013

yesterday I was volunterring for this awesome kids science day at my university

ANd I got this awesome drawing of a microscope on my arm

Sunday, May 12, 2013






fuck yo tradishun

got these for my mother's day but my dad said they were unlucky or something ridiculous so we went out and got other more appropriate ones

at least i have these beautiful chrysanthemums all to myself now.

i dont understand. i like them cos i think they pretty but their aesthetic is completely disregarded because of something some old person said thousands of years ago and somehow associated these natural, innocent living elements with negativity. wtf. they're just flowers. and then my father went off being like "thats just the reality of it" no its not. in fact its the complete opposite. goddamn human made realities. especially old ass irrelevant ones.

you know what else is traditionally chinese? feet binding.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013

Roommates moving out makes my hoarding tendencies rise

Roommates are awesome because when they leave they always leave me like the stuff the can't take so like when I left my other residence, my roommate gave me some of her clothes and my current roommate, well he's not my roommate anymore, he just left like 2 hours ago. He gave me those toy blocks and a bottle of whiskey.

I just have all this stuff for no reason now what

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day in the life

So like I work in an office right?

Very so often when my boss is telling me something and when he says things like 'Ok , I'm going to entrust this to you and you know that if you make a mistake it may cost us thousands, even ten thousands! BUt you can do it right? I know you can!'

and as he's saying these things I often just zone out and think: "Im in an office.. what am i doing in this office... what.. WHAT... WHHHATTT"
And then it seems really funny to me like I'm really out of place.. Like I don't belong here but then I'm here for some reason doing this.. and it makes me laugh a little on the inside so I smile on the outside which in turn makes my boss respond like: "Okay I can see you are excited! I'm excited too! Yes perfect!"

and I'm like


(what have they gotten themselves into..)

Monday, May 6, 2013

according to an article, 60% of 18-30 year olds in north korea take meth

"A source from Yangkang Province told The Daily NK today, “Between students of 14-18, it’s so bad that if you don’t do ‘bingdu’ you are branded a loser. It was only small when it started in 2007, but at this point you would probably find 5 to 7 kids in any class of 30 doing it.”

The source explained that these students first get hold of the drugs by stealing a little bit of their parents’, but then later they pool what money they have to buy it in the market.

They are not able to afford the ‘A-class’ drug that adults take, since it sells for 100 Yuan per gram, instead purchasing a lower purity ‘B-class’ version for half that amount."

apparently its so they can work more efficiently and not get tired. those crazy NK's. 

The me in this now is my future me from yesterday

I saw za below post and figured i would make an update too, maybe to encourage others to aswell because i wanna see where everyone is at in life
-i have no job
-i live on an allowance that my dad gives me and one tutoring session i do a week, everything goes by the end of the week
-i live with my dad, but he's more like a really helpful room-mate. Like right now, he just a had a couple half shots to try some rum i got, and he's on the phone on his bed with a red face and his legs up talking to his girlfriend (haha i wouldnt say this alot but its actually kinda cute)
-im doing badder than i predicted at uni.
-im searching for something for exercise. Im thinking of starting wing tsun nextdoor to my place, i just cbf to start another martial art from scratch. But i guess it'll work out, i learn easier when it's physical sheit (thats why im so popular among da ladiez OHHHH)  ( -.-) wtf even am i..haha
-i got new curtains in my room, they look awesome (cept they are actually used for a window haha sorry rururu)

It's just crazy. When we were kids going to bed at 8-10 was normal, and there was so much time for anything. But now it's hard to find a damn hour to talk to someone.
I guess it's nice being busy, purpose n shit. I'm only at uni for spanish and japanese really, i'm thinking of doing part-time next year so that i can have time to earn some money to go away again. I hate being so time forbidden, it makes me feel like an ant in this society you know?
Plan: I-wanna-do-something-to-change-the-world (ver.alex) isn't going too well, i dunno what i'll do yet. Helping hogg is my best ambition atm!

also i left my laptop charger at my mums and its crazy stressful doing assignments and begging friends to use chargers, but meh hakuna matata, it'll work out always does haha

It ain't pretty when the pretty leaves you with no place to go

Here is update on ru life
-moved out
-got a job
-summer school start in a week
-sit in room on bed eating pasta that is cold due to being distracted by internet while having computer
-never finish unpacking
For now I'm living in this den thing where one of my walls is a curtain (it also functions as a window to the kitchen and my door). So far I miss having a desk (my roommate is going to move out in like 5 days and i will get possession of all his furniture) and I miss having a shelf because I have too many random things to keep in a closet or in a box. I have things like a hologram sitting on my bed. The bed is way too huge for me so I use half of the bed to store my clothes.
The only time I ever see my roommate is at 3 am when he comes home and I'm awake because I always leave the house before he wakes up.
Sort of sucks that I can't just go up a few floors or take the elevator down to see my friends or bump into people in the dining hall and go to random hotel room parties but I get to cook food now.

Last week I felt like that Kendrick song cause everyday of the week was like: monday
DRANK tuesday DRANK wednesday HIGH thursday DRANK friday DRANK saturday DRANK

I have to commute 35 minutes to work and everyone thinks that that is a real bad thing but i thought it was pretty standard???

And I keep going to lunch/dinner with my friends but im really bad at waiting for other people to get their food before I start eating so imagine how bad I am at waiting for people to say grace before i begin eating....

ALso, one time i did a cultural tibetan chinese dance thing and performed it so if you wanna see some traditional tibetan chinese cultural dance, here's your chance. (i'm on the far left i made too many mistakes O_O)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I was checking out a Sydney youth service site

When I saw this image that looks a lot like the basketball court on top of IGS's roof