I noticed this while on camp. Like, I was observing the teachers there all the time and stuff, and trying to figure out all their cliques and stuff, which I think I did quite well. Brian, you won't get any of this. To protect their privacy, I'll just refer to them by their initials, and you'll have figure it out.
SN, ET (lol) and SP hang out together, SP being SN's Gay Best Friend, and SN being the one with relationship woes about her on and off boyfriend (Simon?). ET is the other one that never has a steady relationship and is kind of a skank. (Sorry, miss.)
MH is considered by them to be a dork, which he is, kind of. He kind of gets along with everyone, but none of them are really his good friend. He tends to hang out with the students instead, as they accept him and his dancing. The popular kids (see above) are obviously too cool to associate with someone who would dance badly to Grease.
SD and ?T are man dating. He said it, not me. ?T is keen to impress SD as SD has been here longer than he has, and therefore has more status, although he's actually considered to be below MH, who holds a similar position to, say, me.?T wants to be more accepted, as he doesn't really have any friend yet, and is thus latching onto SD, because he's the best ?T can get. However, he is slightly disturbed with SD's obsession with a certain student with the initial SH.
DM considers himself to be a bit above all this, and isn't really friends with any of the rest, but will tolerate them. He is by far the smartest, and is kind of the Chessmaster. He is respected, having been a part of the group for possibly the longest.
DP wasn't on camp, but I really see him as SP's angsty love interest, both of them being angsty. I so ship them now.
So yeah, teachers have more interesting lives than us! Well, at least me.
I really hope those concerned don't find this, but if they do, please be aware that our blog doesn't get many visitors, and no-one else would know who you are. So please don't sue or expel me.
aww you should have used their last names cos i'm really confused on who they are..
but then again i am hui
in ru's account kakakakkaka
oh oh oh i get it.. lol lol lol.
marlenaman:hey mr daly, hows stuart?
All (smaz,hui,ru,marlenaman):burst out laughing insanely
hui:are you getting bored, do you want to go to sleep?
Daly: what? with stuart?
kakakaka he said it i didnt
-another post from hui in ru's account
it's MT. just so you know. i've worked out everyone except DP. is DP a history/geo teacher or an english teacher? and you missed ?G.
DP is my history teacher.
Okay, I have to admit I have no idea who ?G is. I'll probably feel rly bad when I figure it out.
I mean, DP is my english teacher. Not history.
?G teaches creative writing. and runs decathlon. i've never been taught by him.
its actually BG kakak i love the beegees
that's right! i remember that now.
You mean G-dog! I feel so bad for forgetting him! I even knew his first name!
...... he tends to hang out with students instead, as they accept him and his dancing. ROFL. QFT. LOLLLLLL.
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