O-o-oh so lonely~

Sunday, July 10, 2011

so i was wondering

how much study has everyone done, how much studying has everybody done?

personally, my efforts have been minimal, and i mean very minimal

what of other peoples? and for those whom have already graduated, how much did you study at this point?


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

I have done soooo little study its ridiculous. on top of that, i havnt really worked on my D&T or art much. hahahahahahh im sooo screwed xD

Șмž said...

I have done 2.5 maths past papers
and got some ridiculous contraption for my art project which may or may not make the deadline

but the most studylike thing I am doing, legit, is playing assassins creed 2 with dialogue set to italian and no subtitles

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

oh right... these holidays were meant for studying... i forgot.


Brian said...

Study hard for trials

actual HSC exams overall are easier and less stress given you've done all the study before

Lambert said...

Yo Sam, that's actually a pretty cool and fun way to study for languages.

And now I have to start my physics study...

Șмž said...

wait what

ru how do you do that

Xedalenar said...

Woooo i played and nearly finished my bleach psp game that i got from japan- haha STUDYING LANGUAGES THROUGH GAMING FTW

other than that i haven't done much. actually, im screwed