Thursday, June 4, 2015

hip-hop international is my life blood i fucking swear. even when i dont understand it

this song is so good w le francais

i found this guy through a remix he was in of a fabri fibra song (the remix had redman who's some american rapper? so like a trilingual it-en-fr rap song)

guise i just love the modern era and iternationalness and all that shittttttt seriously i dont know how id even live in a world where i couldnt just accidentally stumble upon some music from some guy on the other side of the planet who lives in a very different world to me not obstanding being the same species.

one day ill speak french i swear

in other news ive been programming for 9+ hours just doing stupid shit that might make me maybe 2 marks on my assignment? and i cant feel my hands or my brain anymore