Sunday, October 18, 2015


I'm just going to write about what I think. Don't reply to this if you think the same; however if you never thought of/have a different opinion go for it.

There is no meaning to life; however it is very human to search for one.

Our consciousness thrives on emotion, slightly greedy bias to ourselves and hopes to enhance our own experience, however makes exception to those who we care about or wish to gain more from.

Nothing can't be avoided, as we are a part of it. "In the end it doesn't even matter," however we still try to make everything something, because for some reason if there wasn't anything to try for then why are we here. (back to point 1)

The more I pretend to care and get involved in things, the more time flies I notice; and actually end up caring.

Fuck man... Like we're gone in less than 70 years probably. That's it, no one knows what's after and that's the best part of the game in my opinion. When you're asleep you don't even notice it, there's a solid 7 hours in an 8 hour sleep of you not knowing. Life has rules of survivability, which albeit have become very easy in our generation and growing in the coming one's... That's pretty much it though, we just have to survive for some reason, and teach and reproduce more to do the same until judgement day brings our extinction like the rest; to what ends..

The buildings might get taller, the people larger or the earth smaller... How many people realise this now, and how many people care to do something about our current death run atm.. ?

I really hope i'm right in that our conscience right now is just a game to some better being; a form of entertainments equivalent to a fiction novel in our worlds.

I don't know what I want to do. I don't know much, and am even still trying to know myself; and I know that even if people out there think they have it figured out they are wrong.

Uniting the world would be great.... Wouldn't it?


Xedalenar said...

Hey yo.... straight up i know this can be seen as 'oh haha this is such stupid stoner talk' but im serious af

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

im serious too but no comment becos i agree.

Șмž said...

i feel mostly the same but i think that there being no meaning to life is pretty good motivation honestly. and the fact that there's no purpose has nothing to do with how much i care about anything. i care about shit at this point in my life!

but yeah mostly i agree with you so no more comment whoops im commenting this