smaza2: happy tomorrowbirthday!
{FB}ActionMan!: its daniel
{FB}ActionMan!: itoldmax
smaza2: pssht
smaza2: im sure its actually gary but k
{FB}ActionMan!: :(
{FB}ActionMan!: nah
{FB}ActionMan!: gary died
{FB}ActionMan!: im daniel
smaza2: thats a terrible alibi
smaza2: im sure he just ran off to hide in the mountains or something
{FB}ActionMan!: well
{FB}ActionMan!: hesgonemissing
{FB}ActionMan!: and the policesaid its most liely hes dead
smaza2: hmmm... it must be a communist takeover that will end in the complete communismisation of the world, shallowly covered by the corrupted and defective police, and gary was the sole knowledgeholder to the events about to unfold, so they tried to kill him terminator style, but he escaped so they are instead making all believe he is dead instead in the hope that he will be forgotten and no interference will be had
smaza2: i hope he doesnt alert the us
smaza2: cause that would mean another vietnam, waged in the scenic deserts of australia, against an underground army of communists and a third party which is somehow led by pauline hanson (a feat in itself), in which the us government makes a mistake similiar to the taliban and arms them, only to be kicked out once pauline hanson takes control of australia for not being australian and being too american
smaza2: then the us would arm the communists against the threat with cheap guns (but they all get cheap guns so they're all equal :p ) and once a major battle occurs, bomb the battlefield doing goodbye to both enemies
smaza2: however they wouldn't count on the fact that pauline hanson has a huge supply of aa guns designed to stop planes with asian people on them, and would quickly adapt them to shoot down the bombers and the bombs themselves, however thus leaving an opening in which the communists can run through and shoot the uninationals
{FB}ActionMan!: wow man
smaza2: but the runthrough doesnt work because the uninationals had been planning for that, and they had a supply of rowdy yet australian teenagers (how unaustralian) to have massive parties, many of which resulted in sexual harrasment claims against the police which comprise a significant percent of the communist forces, and the police were too drunk to know if they did these things, because they confiscated all the alcohol from cory worthingtons party squads
{FB}ActionMan!: how do you know about thias
smaza2: but the uninationals were to turn on the partygoers, thus creating a fourth faction (although tbh the americans were just watching, whilst some of their finest soldiers were trying to kill goats by staring at them) which quickly adopts the police, most of whom are drunk, and many of the americans, who are sick and tired of having stiff, conservative, shouty, strict-ass army dudes shouting at them for years whilst the public was off having affairs with their wives and disregarding them
smaza2: the partygoers are yelled at and retreeat, and the americans realise that the communists dont pose much of a threat, so they arrange the assasination of p. hanson and leave. but it was a dummy pauline hanson, the real one was locked in a closet inside a cave somewhere, shouting constantly "please explain!
smaza2: "
smaza2: and then the communists and uninationalists ate each other until there was one left, but he got really lonely so he shot himself
{FB}ActionMan! is now Away.
smaza2: yeah...
smaza2: or maybe not