sour nightmares are unmade of that

m9(^Д^)jeering laughter
m(_ _)mkowtow as a sign of respect, or dogeza for apology[10]
(´・ω・`)snubbed or deflated[10]
<`∀´> or <丶`∀´>stereotypical Korean character (Nidā)[11]
[ (★) ]
stereotypical North Korean character (Kigā)[12]  
( ;´Д`)
stereotypical Japanese character (Monā)[12]  
/ 中\
(  `ハ´)
stereotypical Chinese character (Sinā)[12]  
/ 台\
( ^∀^)
stereotypical Taiwanese character (Wanā)[12]
/ 越 \
( ・∀・ )
stereotypical Vietnamese character (Venā)[12]
( ´∀`)
stereotypical Indian Character (Monastē)[12]
| ̄ ̄|
( ´_⊃`)
stereotypical American character (Samū)[12]
stereotypical Jewish character (Yudā)[12]
ミ ´_>`)
stereotypical English character (Jakū)[12]
ξ ・_>・)
stereotypical French character (Torirī)[12]
ミ  _⊃)
stereotypical German character (Gerumandamu)[12]
彡 ´_)` )
stereotypical Austrian character (Osutō)[12]
( `_っ´)
stereotypical Russian character (Rosukī)[12]
( ´m`)
stereotypical Mexican character (Amīgo)[12]
(>ミ - ミ )>
stereotypical Persian character (jujø)[12]
(`・ω・´)feel perky[11]
_| ̄|○given up[11]
(´;ω;`)terribly sad[11]
ヽ(´ー`)ノpeace of mind[11]
ヽ(`Д´)ノbe irritable[11]
( ´Д`)yelling, or panting[11]
( ゚Д゚)surprised, or loudmouthed[11]
┐('~`;)┌don't know the answer[11]
( ´_ゝ`)indifferent[11]
( ゚ヮ゚)happy, upbeat[11]
キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!! "It's here", Kitaa!, a general expression of excitement that something has appeared or happened or "I came".[10]
キタワァ*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・゜(n‘∀‘)η゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* !!!!! Girlish version of "It's here".[11]
⊂二二二( ω)二⊃"bu-n", being carefree and above, with arms stretched out while running/soaring.[11]
(*´Д`)ハァハァErotic stirring, haa haa[11]
( ´Д`)ノ(´・ω・`) ナデナデPatting, nade nade[11]
(((( ;゚Д゚)))Spook[11]
Σ(゚Д゚)Huge surprise[11]
( ´∀`)σ)∀`)Jog someone's cheek[11]
(・∀・ )ヾ(- -;)コラコラBlaming "now now"[11]
( ゚д゚)Amazed[11]
( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )Toast "Cheers"[11]
m9(・∀・)Flash of intuition[11]
( ´,_ゝ`)Depressed, unsatisfied (based on indifferent)[11]
(´-`).。oO( ... )Thinking[11]
( ´д)ヒソ(´Д`)ヒソ(Д` )Whispers[11]
(・∀・)つ⑩Carrying money[11]
⊂(゚Д゚⊂⌒`つ≡≡≡(´⌒;;;≡≡≡Sliding on belly, "whooaaa!!!"[11]
(゚⊿゚)"I don't need it"[11]
щ(゚Д゚щ)(屮゚Д゚)屮Come on[11]
(・∀・)Mocking, "good"[11]
(・A・)"That's bad"[11]
(゚∀゚)Discharged drug-in-brain, goofing around, "A-HYA!"[11]
( つ Д `)Sad[11]
エェェ(´д`)ェェエNot convincing[11]
( ̄ー ̄)Simper, Snorlax[11]
( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \Evil laugh (literally ahahaHAHA...)[11]
♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪Happy expressions, dancing to the music[11]
d(*⌒▽⌒*)bHappy expression[11]
_| ̄|○, STO or OTZ or OTLDespair. The "O" or "o" represents one's head on the ground, "T" or "r" forms the torso and "S" or "z" forms the legs.[10]
(╬ ಠ益ಠ)Extreme Distaste, meant to appear as an exaggerated grimace[11]
(ΘεΘ;)Pretending not to notice, asleep because of boredom[11]
お(^o^)や(^O^)す(^。^)みぃ(^-^)ノ゙Kana reading "O ya su mi" meaning "Good night" or "Night"[11]
(*゚ノO゚)<オオオオォォォォォォォーーーーーイ!Calling out, "Ooooi!"[11]
\|  ̄ヘ ̄|/_______θ☆( *o*)/Kick[11]
ヽ(o`皿′o)ノreally angry[11]
o/ o_ o/ o_"It's here"
(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ or ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)"Do it"[11]