Wednesday, October 31, 2012

candy dinosaurs

so you know like those natural confectionary dinosaurs
each serving is 4 dinosaurs.
one serving size is 14% of a person's daily sugar intake
there are 8 servings in a packet

i just ate 112% of my daily sugar intake


(why is the serving size 4 like who even just has 4 pieces and is like 'im done thats all the dinosaurs i need')
(and i always eat whole packets)
(and 1 serving size of timtams is a single timtam i never just eat one timtam who does that they give you 9)

Monday, October 29, 2012


that sentiment where you're too lazy to make lunch so you order delivered pizzas from dominos at mid day

man I'm such a lazy shit what the hell

and also don't try meatlovers with mushrooms and pineapple, it's much better without the pineapple

Sunday, October 28, 2012

that one time i went to a football game with cheerleaders and stuff

It was below average and we left before it even hit half time.
(wow what a terribly blurry pichurr)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

holy fucking shit

wow this song

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

im on da train to quebec city

its so dam dark outside

do you ever get this thing when youre in trains and you realise you are in this big thing of metal and sofas and youre just sitting there chillin on the train but all the while you are actually moving. you are changing places at a rapid rate with every train station you pass and here you are, doing nothing but in reality you are going about really fast. once you walk in and then you walk out and the scenery is new. this large thing is moving you and so many people all at once from point to point like wow travelling is so cool

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

皆 愛してる >。<

ありがとうサム お前はダベス

Monday, October 22, 2012

alex passassas


¡Por favor no te preocupes por nosotros mi amigo! Te veremos cuando regrese. ¡Habremos al aeropuerto! ¡Lo más importante es que te diviertas!

dont worry about us! we'll be here when you get back. things are a little different but it's not bad different!

make the most outta japan!! meliorate your japan talk, do many japans thing, make friends for life! do as much as you can.

you're in japan
coolest place out ー( ̄~ ̄)ξ
if you aren't having the best time I'll come over there and kick you in the face till you are
so enjoy it
ヽ(ー_ー )ノヽ(ー_ー )ノヽ(ー_ー )ノ

 ( ̄∠  ̄ )ノ
japanese emoticons are badass
that one time on yahoo answers when the question was: if you could do anything in the world what would you do?
and everyone said things like cure cancer and world peace but for some reason i said i would be a pirate and travel the seas arrr and i got chosen best answer and got 10 points. best day of my life


omg guys -Part II-

so like i went down for breakfast with my roommate and met up with a bunch of ma homies and then we went for a walk in a really sketchy park outside nearby the residence and then someone was like yo lets have a dance party so we weres like aww yesh and then we went back to my room to go have a dance party BUT after the walk back and the elevators, we arrive on my front door and then we sees something on our door knob

who did thisssss

woah wait i meant dinner not breakfast it's nighttime here

omg guys

So there is this textile museum like right outside my uni residence and I never go there because it cost moneys to go into the museum. But for the past 2 days they have a sale to sell of a bunch of textiles and stuff and omg it's great it was so cheap you could buy cool prints for like a dollar. I told my roommate but she said she didn't want to go in because all she saw was old ladies which was true because when i went in i just conversed with a bunch of women in their late 50s or 60s about projects because most of them wanted to make things like drapes and pillow cases but i was wanting to make things like masks and collars. ok anyway look at these glorious prints:

ok so what else is exciting in you guy's lives???

Saturday, October 20, 2012

I love Japanese emoticons!

i really want a day to use this one;

hahaha  or you know, the traditional "my plot is a success" one

and finally, the whispering to someone look
( ゚∀(・-・)

Ahhh. I wanna be drunk like the post below me. Im gonna buy so much booze on the way back Ψ(`▽´)Ψ

I cant stop thinking bout you guys, but i have to focuse on life here or else its gonna slip away. Ngggg you guyzzz stoppp ittttttt ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ


niggas im drunk


Tuesday, October 16, 2012


(I made my flash drive have a picture of my face)

(what the hell...)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Da fuk


So like I'm pretty sure that last time there was like this campaign about how bananas are natures energy snack or something??? so i was living by that and i ate one banana in the morning for breakfast everyday. like just a banana for breakfast. but then one time i was running late so i had to eat the banana in class and my friend was like is that all you ate and i was like yess and he was like um thats bad. and i was like what no i swear bananas are the best but then while i was procrastinating i checked the internet and then i found this ridiq article and now im going to die from bananaannanan poisioing Dangerous Diet Scam Exposed

Breaking News: Special Scambuster Report on the Dangerous Morning Banana Diet

Dateline: Scambusters HQ

If you value your smile, steer clear of the Morning Banana Diet

Have you heard of meth mouth? The Morning Banana Diet is worse. “The sugars in bananas adhere to your teeth more than other fruits, so eating them in the morning puts you at high risk of cavities,” according to Lisa Sasson, clinical associate professor of nutrition and food studies at New York University.
When your teeth rot away from eating bananas, you will have trouble eating. This does admittedly result in weight loss, but you will not be able to obtain the vital nutrition that your body needs, leading to disease or death.
Even if you manage to survive, your disfiguring dental problems will drive away members of the opposite sex, driving you to depression, which may result in suicide.

The Morning Banana Diet will make you even fatter

Eating all the bananas you want for breakfast can pile on the calories, making you even more obese than you were to begin with. Again, according to Professor Sasson, “Bananas can range anywhere from 60 calories to 180 depending on their size.” Eat the wrong bananas and you’re looking at a caloric price of a whopping 180 calories per banana, equivalent to two Snickers “fun-size” candy bars.
Here’s an example. Let’s say you eat ten 180-calorie bananas for breakfast, as the Morning Banana Diet allows, and then eat an additional 2,000 calories for lunch, a snack and dinner. If your normal caloric needs are 2,300 calories per day, you will be consuming an unneeded 1,500 calories per day — and it’s all legal under the rules of the Morning Banana Diet! You will gain 150 pounds in the year following your adoption of the Morning Banana Diet, all because of the Morning Banana Diet.
Take the sobering case of New York Daily news writer Eloise Parker. After two days on the Morning Banana Diet, she did not lose a single ounce of weight. Hopefully she wises up and gets off the diet before she begins to balloon out of control.
“It’s not well-defined or scientifically based,” says Bonnie Taub-Dix, a New York-based dietitian and national spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. “Whenever you have a diet that says eat all you want, there’s the possibility that people who are prone to overeating will have problems.”
Ed Zimney, M.D., warns that “even if you experience some weight loss” on the Morning Banana Diet, “before you know it, the entire program will be a distant memory and you’ll be hunting for the next diet.”
Registered dietitian Kerri Glassman says that the Morning Banana Diet could spell disaster for many dieters. “[M]any people we know, no matter how many bananas you have for breakfast, (if) they’re told you can have whatever you want for lunch and dinner — you could be having a turkey sandwich, trying to lose weight, and then all of a sudden, you switch to pizza and fries — you’re gonna gain weight.”
Finally, jonneyboy25 of doesn’t mince words: “this cant work…no way.”

Malnutrition dangers

Did you think that malnutrition is limited to Africa? Think again if you plan on trying the Morning Banana Diet. How does this sound: protein, amino acid and vitamin deficiency. That’s what you have to look forward to on theMorning Banana Diet, according to mockingbird of Yahoo! Answers: “It would be nonsense to call a banana a ‘complete food.’ No food has all your required nutrients. For example, bananas have only 3 percent of your daily protein requirement – you’d have to eat 33 of them to get enough protein. And it still wouldn’t have all the amino acids you need because most plant foods, including bananas, are not complete proteins. Not to mention that you’d easily be deficient in every vitamin except C and B6, same thing with minerals.”

Gastrointestinal nightmare

“Bananas are very difficult to digest, if you eat a banana on an empty stomach it forces the acid in your stomach to work harder to break it down, which results in excess acid,” warns aliendewd73 of “You should also never eat a banana before bed, for the same reason.” He’s joined in his concerns by plasmagic, of, who notes that “they say u shouldnt eat it with empty stomach.”
Disabilitating stomach cramps, projectile diarrhea and esophageal cancer are not just unpleasant, but can be fatal. Bananas can be safe to eat under medically supervised, controlled circumstances, but you should consult with your physician before considering adding them to your diet.

Diabetes Risk

Ron Garcia, blog commenter, warns that “eating that much of any fruit especially one as full of sugar as banana’s will cause a major glucose spike which (especially for higher risk people) could cause problems later in life especially if a diet like this becomes a lifestyle.”

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

spendin monay

So the other day I bought a video, that Louis ck comedy video that he was selling fo 5 
 dollars, and I found myself enjoying it less because I bought it. Isn’t that kinda weird? I think its because I bought something I knew I could get for free, I was expecting more. I dunno, but it was weird for me, sitting there being like, I wish I was enjoying this more, I bet I would if it was free.

Also I just said “I” alot. 


the xx released a tour date for toronto recently so i didnt actually need to go to quebec

#yolo (?) (I dun evn think it applies)


Shit time flies. Dude....sm2 your in Australia. I dont know if i should say congratulations or something haha but bro i cant believe your back!

Annnnddd im still in Japan. But its ok. Because the way i see it is, its enough time to improve my Japanese and nail this test *cough i payed 60 bucks for RIP OFF cough* in december. And by the time that finishes i will be well on my way packing for the return trip. Btw sm2 how did you go with packing and weight and stuff? Did you end up sending boxes?

Im still at school. Ya shit. But i dunno, its fun because i have got that igs feel again, you know that feel where you walk down the corridor and you see someone you know and say hi, as you are talking to your friend and you go to class or something- i dunno in short im comfortable here and dont feel as much as the Australian foreigner. Also the other week an Amercian guy came here and is here till next June, and weve been getting along pretty well. Also his Japanese is better than mine was when i first came (cause hes half japanese) and yeah he is hilarious and i like hanging out with him, but never speaks japanese. And he talks...alot. Like to the point where in your head you are thinking "cant you read my face, im fucking bored of this conversation". Like we are mad friends, but yeah when im doing something like reaeding manga bitches dont interupt.
I dunno, thats another thing. Why cant people read the pattern of conversation sometimes. Or maybe im too sensitive  Like, i always think whether what i am saying is actually intriguing to the other person or not, and whether i should just switch the conversation by asking them a question about themselves. But then sometimes i get the reverse effect and they start talking about stuff that i kind of dont care about and i just want to turn my body around and make them face the back of my head so that they get the picture.

Haha. Maybe i should do that. Just turn around.

Anyway, so do you guys ever get into those situations or am i just stupid and paranoid.

Monday, October 8, 2012

god damnit jetlag is the worst

i keep falling asleep and it sucks

Saturday, October 6, 2012

You know, I'm just going to say it

I don't like the xx's new album.
They refined their sound, but did nothing new or experimental, so it ends up just sounding like an entire album of their "smoothest" bits of their last one. Not a single song stands out.

4/10 might slowly pass out to after a night out to, but nothing else
being home is nice

its just


alex: make the most of japan while you're there, seriously, just do EVERYTHING ok?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Today I kissed 20 girls, twice

Player lyf

...Cause that's how you say goodbye to someone who you maybe will never see again, you kiss them on the cheeks

Way back Tuesday

hey super friend. here is another pointless clip This one also features paddy. it also features jon. knock yourself out

Monday, October 1, 2012

Guys, I need your advice!!!

Whats the best way to physically and psychologically hurt christian?

My sister's y12 jersey is 'twinkle toes'

She is the coolest person ever wth