Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Singapore airport adventures 3: social tree?? what even??

So there's this thing called the social tree which is a 360 screen with faces on it:
 you just take your photo picture and put shit on it and text etc 

then you like swipe it on to the big screen thing

and your face joins the other faces

wut even??? idk?? but it killed time so it served a purpose. looks expensive.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Climbing the steps of the corporate ladder

 Hey look guys. So my coworker's phone wasn't working so when I was out they put her phone on my desk and took my phone. So when I came back, I fixed the phone and then I saw this. My name. on the phone. I have my own extension. Imagine people calling the company and asking for RU. and then they transfers it to my line. I have an extension on the phone. I made it ma. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Singapore airport adventures 2: fun facts about laos

Weird Laos exhibition thing. what even. I dont know all I know is that people weave and there are plenty of monks.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


so bureaucratic

so like
uni goes back on monday
but for whatever reason the university scheduled updates to the online portal for this weekend, so it's unavailable
and now I can't get my timetable
so I have no idea what classes I have when

what the fuck usyd
what the fuck
what the hell.

EDIT: oh ok nvm I found a way.

wow my timetable is kinda great, kinda terrible this time around, but it'll probably fuck up very quickly when I change subjects
here's how my timetable goes (post you guys' ones too?)
on monday I have one lecture and that's it
on tuesday though I have 4 hours of straight class from 1 to 5, and the classes are about as far away as possible on campus. oh well the first one is a lab, so it can end earlier (which it will, I'm pretty good at the subject)
wednesday I have 3 hours of lectures plus a tutorial (for a subject I'll drop) straight after them, the lectures are kinda far away but
thursday I have from 2 to 5 of tutes, but they are close to each other so that's sort of ok. having tutes in a lecture room will be weird tho. I'm supposed to have a lecture at 12 that day but I'm dropping the subject

also for whatever reason none of my things start earlier than 12? hmmm, I should get a job where you can work mornings, somewhere around uni... hopefully something that's not kmart... ugh idk

if you guys need the timetables thing click the read more thing

Thursday, July 25, 2013

singapore airport adventures 1: COD

i versed myself and still lost Q.Q

Sunday, July 21, 2013

lost all my pale

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013


Tuesday, July 9, 2013



There was I was, chillin like a villain in my car stuck in traffic, when I realised I had no tunes!

So I'm sitting there, and my radio's broken, and I've left my phone at home, so all I got for music is my motherfucking voice

Being the boss I am I start singing I Will Always Love You, 'cause I don't take flak from nobody, when I suddenly realise I hate this song (even my angelic voice can't change that fact, friends.) So I'm like, YO, I gotta hit next to change this shit!

And then I realised what I had just done.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

digital age

I finished a drawing and my hands instantly reached out for the "ctrl + s" keys before my brain was like hey man thats not how it werks IRL herp
also, adblocker is amazing. i cant believe it took me this long to get it. i feel like i should give them 5 bucks or something

heres a hyena cub with its mother. i squealed so hard i cant take how cute this is. animal families are the cutest

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

apparently according to CNN, yesterday 33,000,000 people were out in the streets of egypt protesting

That's thirty - three thirty three fucking MILLION people.
holy hell that's a lot of humans