Monday, July 16, 2018

Wait for the video to pan out to the crowd

Now imagine me in the 3rd row. Goddamn life is good right now.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Wild wild Toronto???

Hey guys,

last Saturday, I went out for a picnic with some people and it was super chill and nice. I mean it was 37 degrees and people were like saying it was crazy hot but tbh it was nice.

Around like 7pm, we left and took the TTC (Torono transit commision) Street car to go to the main part of the city to take the subway to wherever we were going. A few of my friends were going to go to a drag show with me. So we are chilling and talking in the street car and we were riding down Queen st pass the clubbing district, next minute we hear like 3 "Poom Poom Pooms" and I thought it was like fireworks cause Canada Day is the day after but then people were like shouting "Shooting" and the bus driver shouted "Everyone get down" or something like that, and then everyone was on the ground of the street car like squatting. And then we hear another 3 shots and I can't see shit cause I'm squatting in this street car but I can see people around me crying (in the streetcar) and I can also see like, people on the second floor of buildings using their iphones to film something on the street. We stay like this for like a while until we hear sirens coming.

I don't know whether it was like paranoia or some shit but I was like, right next to the back door of the street car where it's glass or plastic and I was like thinking, if someone shoot this back door they be shooting me.. hmmm.. but then someone else told me that in previous shootings, gun fire can go through the whole streetcar (like the metal bits) and I was like oh ok.
I feel like it was more of the energy that was scary cause I was like, in denial for the longest time but people kept screaming and crying and calling other people having panic attacks. One person died and 3 people were injured in the thing.

Once we got off the streetcar, somebody told us that the shooter hadn't been caught yet, so we walked down 2 blocks to go get the other streetcar (which we didn't pay for cause we paid for the first one). There was this one guy walking behind us on his phone, and he shouted at the top of his lungs "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU" and we all freaked?? Cause any sudden loud shouting was suddenly freaky???

Anyway, i'm just writing this cause it was wild. Is this what it feel like to live in America???

And yesterday there was another shooting in Kensington but no one died. Apparently it's all these rapper gang targetted shootings so it's not so bad but like, i feel like Tarana people are trying to imitate american gang life and it's hurting innocent people??? I don't like it, it's making people more paranoid. Like yesterday someone's tire blew out on the street and I thought it was a shooting outside me apartment??? I feel like I'm crazy.

THanks for reading