Monday, March 31, 2014

abandoned duck warehouse

Sunday, March 30, 2014

art and science why

you know that vodka, crystal head vodka?

Scientists used forensics and stuff to model what the person's face would be like

its hella scary )):::

Friday, March 28, 2014

ive done it

i lost my license.
i dont remember when but it was when i was with alex after we got wasted at work.
goddamn we're silly.

im only expressing this because i feel like it has officially solidified my dropkick status.

 still gotta be about that uni life tho.

also survivor is my life. i think you guys all fully understand this but the new season is killing me. damn. it is actually drugs.


i got my license back.
went to the coles where i  thought i lost it. guy was like 'hey you were here last night' and i was like 'yeeeh' and he was like 'we told you like 3 times not to forget your license and even shouted at you but you kept going up the escalator. you guys seemed pretty drunk'


Sunday, March 16, 2014

It's begun

Ever since my shoulders gotten worthy i've started exercising at home alot
And am drinking protein powder stuff
Ahhhh i succumbed to my inner wog. I. Must. Get. Bigger. Arms. (i must lift)

i'm semi-experimenting on myself too... i wanna see if there really is a result to this

Saturday, March 15, 2014

I completedly forgot GPOY existed.

Til now.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The 20s are coming up again real soon

Monday, March 3, 2014

feeling so sleepy

so tired
so paranoid
so doubtful
i dont even know
do you get that feel. where you just question everything and it seriously feels like you're losing your mind like you're not really there. im feeling extra crazy right now. i think sleep is the answer.

maybe i'll skip 2 of my lectures and go to sleep. what is life even.