Wednesday, January 27, 2016

there are so many rays of hope

Last night I had a dream where marlena, jon, hogg, smaz and I went to an aquarium. At the end bit, there was a petting section but it was a massive pool and you could get in with sharks and rays.
In the pool, there was a huge leopard print stingray that no one dared to touch. It like swam towards me and gave me a big cuddle. it was amazing.

anyway, I started looking up leopard print rays and the one in my dream is actually known as a Whipray! Here it is:

Its so cute.

There are many kinds of whiprays and they're fully different to other rays, like they have longer tails and no tail fins. Here's a honeycomb whipray!

The leopard whipray's patterns are less jagged than the honeycombs and apparently the colour is different. idk.
But look at all the kinds of rays that are out there!

I mean this spotted eagle ray!! Like look at this majestic thing!

Is this manta ray even real?? look at the humans!! these rays can grow to 7m in width or more!

the xingu river ray! sooo kawaii

raspy river ray family! also, female rays give birth! just like sharks! batoids are incredible
full  story on raspy river rays mating here. the male apparently bites the female throughout mating

my mind is just so blown at how diverse rays are! and we know so little about them. even the famous big ones. I didnt even know rays chilled in freshwaters. Most rays are threatened because of habitat loss but new species are still being discovered (2 species newly discovered in south america in 2013! like damn!) 

Monday, January 25, 2016

italians and memes again

no actually i should just call this one, "this one italian guy is super racist and homophobic and for some reason i keep getting sad about it"

1 "You (pl) party, you (pl) party..."
    "Regardless, in Italy"

2  "The law about gay marriage"
    "will never be approved"

3  ""

11 people like this
 (the comment: "eeeeexactlyyyy")

anyway he's basically one of the same guys who keeps posting this kind of stuff and I don't know why it keeps getting to me but it does.

for context this is coming off the back of a possible referendum to allow gay marriage in italy (loll) and the pope chiming in being all "yeah nah cunts straight people only." (side note: holy shit the picture used in that article was taken from a rally that I was actually at when it happened in Rome in early december last year what)

 so like was the strip just an excuse for him to use the word "froci" (± translated as 'faggots')
i mean come on

but also the guy is super misogynistic as well like he's a real catch. i wish i could say it's just him, he just happens to be the prototypical example of such a person is all

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

its 2016 and i still type into the url bar accidentally

RIP the original and best

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

hatin & spewin

hey guys
this is a rant
i am sad
so very sad

still havnt been offered a scholarship
thats ok
whats not ok is other people who literally have done jack all last year and who have shitty GPAs have been offered one.
like dude
i have research experience
and a pretty good GPA
+ I worked my butt of every single day last year
and did an extra research unit
for fucks sake
like seriously
people who did not do shit. only came in 2-3 days a week. who didnt even turn up to lectures for 2 years. who literally have a pass average.
i am mad as hell.

why do people keep getting handouts despite not doin shit
like fuck i put my all into my shit last year
i cant think of anything i could have had improved on

fuck it man
i give up
what is this system
all that cryin and sweating
i couldnt even work for real money last year
what even is the point

Sunday, January 3, 2016

happy new year!!

i love you all so much
no matter whatever bs is going on in your life I'm always down to hang out or talk

bah after new years im emotionally exhausted but i feel so much love for and from you guys. is this just chemical? god i hope not i wanna always feel this way <4
how is it 2016 already what