Wednesday, January 13, 2016

hatin & spewin

hey guys
this is a rant
i am sad
so very sad

still havnt been offered a scholarship
thats ok
whats not ok is other people who literally have done jack all last year and who have shitty GPAs have been offered one.
like dude
i have research experience
and a pretty good GPA
+ I worked my butt of every single day last year
and did an extra research unit
for fucks sake
like seriously
people who did not do shit. only came in 2-3 days a week. who didnt even turn up to lectures for 2 years. who literally have a pass average.
i am mad as hell.

why do people keep getting handouts despite not doin shit
like fuck i put my all into my shit last year
i cant think of anything i could have had improved on

fuck it man
i give up
what is this system
all that cryin and sweating
i couldnt even work for real money last year
what even is the point


Hoggy.woot said...

hui maybe they have decided to give you the best one?

But seriously man, that sucks. Will they tell you if you don't recieve one? or is it just kinda a 'we'll let you know' and never actually does thing.

The amount of work you put in is really obvious to everyone, so like I know it's hard but try not to worry, I'm sure you'll hear soon

Anonymous said...


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

its hard to believe sometimes! i really thought i wasnt gonna get it and it was the most disheartening thing to check the site 3 times a day and getting a 'no scholarships have been offered' message while other people were posting their offers on facebook

its all good now thanks guys!

maybe i need to get off social media. that anxiety man.
