Saturday, September 20, 2014

A look into the future

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Friday, September 19, 2014

This week in school

Subject: Visual Arts Class Sometimes, being surrounded by lots of like really asian people who only do maths, commerce and economics shit, i get really confused as to why i'm majoring in art cause it's like, majoring in hoboness or something.

Anyway, that's beside the point. I'm going to tell you about how I semi-fucked up my first art assignment in my contemporary art class.

So we were told to bring to class a contemporary object. An object that encapsulates some part of contemporary culture. The object example he gave was condoms that were made in China (sexual openness, technology in contraception, outsourced products, global closeness etc.) and then we were meant to bring something that was along those lines.

On the day of the assignment due date, people brought like new Polaroid cameras (New products that take the shape of vintage objects), Selfies , Bitcoin (Electronic Currency), Bart Simpson T-shirt (commercialization, americaness), university diplomas etc etc. What I brought, was Condoms that were made in China. But I talked about how society today makes it so that your life is written for you already and all you have to do is do what you are told to survive the modern life.

So I basically just did what he told, like I brought the object that he used as the example. And after my presentation he was like:

"THAT HURRTTTTSSSS!! I'M REALLY HURRRRRRTTTTT!!!!!!! THAT HUUURTSS!! I'M NOT GOING TO GIVE ANY EXAMPLES OR SAY WHAT OTHER PEOPLE BROUGHT AGAIN! okay you know what, I get it. Fine, I get the point. ok, just, let's move on. Ok Thank you. SIGH"

I don't know what I did. I just hope he remembers me. (It's really hard to not look like just any other Quiet Asian Girl)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

New coursework

I finished my assignments on time, yay, so I start new coursework this week.

But I'll admit, I'm kinda tired, like I want a break, I guess I'll do this semester and then maybe I'll take a break over the December holidays and go back to full-time Uni. Or not. I dunno, it seems shitty to complain, but I do miss those few weeks break where nothing is due and there is no coursework.

Oh well, have another photo from Europe, this time from a different mountain.