Thursday, February 19, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

It's been a long fucking time.

Hey guys, long time no see lol

I totally forgot about this blog for about a year and so I thought to myself "is the blog still a thing?". Of course it's still a thing. I fucking love you guys, seriously.

So I just thought I would write about me now. Like my life now and maybe a little about the future even though I don't know what it will be.

So I'm in Japan, living with my mum, which has been weird because it's kind of the first time I've really lived with her since high school, I'm mean there's been a few months here and there but this has been legit living with her and it's totally... I mean it's different (I mean it was like 3 years of living by myself) but at the same time I've really quickly fallen back into my same old habits. Which means I'm probably more of a piece of shit than ever (for example it's 6 40 am and I still haven't gone to sleep (same shit different country)) . I've got old bad habits and new ones rolled in to one lazy mother fucker, but hey maybe I'll  turn my life around :p. Family isn't doing so well, my mum and uncle are having this big inheritance battle even though my grandparents aren't even fucking dead yet and it's just about the shittest thing that can happen to a family. It's fucking weird because it's like when I was here last year it was all chill but now just  fucking just attacking the each other in court  and shit and it's just so fucking sad, but I'm happy I'm here to support my mum emotionally. I teach English and tend bar. It's good because they're both jobs were you don't really need excellent Japanese skills and and the hours don't overlap often. Japanese is improving however, a lot of my students can't speak much English at all and  a lot of random drunk Japanese people off the street don't either. Obviously I don't have any qualifications for either but. ... I dunno I've managed not to kill anyone so far. I got one really close friend, max, whose this German dude who's like 6 foot 8 and super cool. He's an engineer doing an internship with a massive Japanese company, and yeah we hang out every weekend without fail but he works during the week 9 to 5. I got a couple other friends  and stuff but I'm kinda lonely especially compared to the hostel lifestyle where I was with people constantly,and even compared to before new years when I was going to the Japanese school and so had some seriously cool people to hangout with. Also spent a lot of time with possibly the hottest girl I have ever met, but we didn't do anything because of... Next paragraph. (ok there may have been some things but whatever we were super drunk)

A big development in my life is that I've got a girlfriend. A big problem is that she lives in London. We met in Estonia, and she's like.. Way out of my league, (hot redhead gamer chick with ridiculous body and I swear she's real guys) but yeah she lives in the other side of the planet. She came over for Christmas and new years and my birthday and stuff and it was... Probably the best month of my life. I have no idea why she likes me especially since I treated her like shit back in Estonia. But yeah we're in love and it sucks so much ass. She's the reason I got 2 jobs, it's so I can get some dough and head over there and have more cuddles and stuff, which my life is severely lacking. BTW you know how I'm shit at keeping in touch? Yeah long distance is the bomb (but to be honest I'm much better at it with eliis I message her every day and we Skype like 3 times a week). So yeah single muming this shit but it'll be worth it, because she's worth it (you guys would really like her, she's not quite nerdy but she's really into like comic books and fucking Disney and getting inappropriately drunk then naked and I'm in love with her so I just assume y'all would like her as well). Of course I'm doing all this and saying all this but I'm still the fucking worst, I done cheated, and for the worst girls too, but I'm doing better now. I'm more sure now.

I'm sorry I'm such a shit friend to you guys. I'm so sorry. I love you guys so deeply but I'm still such a shit cunt. I don't know why. I just can't come back, I feel like if I do I'll never be able to leave again, or like as if my life isn't in Australia any more. I know I'm come g back eventually, I just don't know when. Honestly it could be in 2 months despite everything I just said. I'm so fucking disorganised and lost and just apathetic about everything, my whole fucking life but whatever, I got a short term goal of get to London that's what I'm going for. My fingers are hating me just wrote this on my phone so I'm going to stop now but yeah.  Miss you

Tuesday, February 10, 2015
