Thursday, February 19, 2015

You hear about this?

It's pretty damn cool, 2015!

1 comment:

Hoggy said...

Oh yeah epigenetics, Mum's been talking about that for a while, it will very likely be what cancer treatment is in the future. Specifically as late stage cancer cells have epigenetic abilities, that is they can turn on and off the cells ability to fight them. In this sense, if you can control the environment you can probably kill or limit cancer growth. In fact epigenetic change is likely why some cancer patients live so long with one cancer, and in others with the same cancer, there is fast metastasis.

It's also likely, that diabetes, haemophilia and similar conditions, will be "cured" this way by turning genes on or off.
A cooler part of the research is the replacement of strands of genes so that if for example; you're body doesn't produce enough insulin, then they can basically substitute another set of genes which can replace yours basically and balance insulin.