Monday, January 25, 2016

italians and memes again

no actually i should just call this one, "this one italian guy is super racist and homophobic and for some reason i keep getting sad about it"

1 "You (pl) party, you (pl) party..."
    "Regardless, in Italy"

2  "The law about gay marriage"
    "will never be approved"

3  ""

11 people like this
 (the comment: "eeeeexactlyyyy")

anyway he's basically one of the same guys who keeps posting this kind of stuff and I don't know why it keeps getting to me but it does.

for context this is coming off the back of a possible referendum to allow gay marriage in italy (loll) and the pope chiming in being all "yeah nah cunts straight people only." (side note: holy shit the picture used in that article was taken from a rally that I was actually at when it happened in Rome in early december last year what)

 so like was the strip just an excuse for him to use the word "froci" (± translated as 'faggots')
i mean come on

but also the guy is super misogynistic as well like he's a real catch. i wish i could say it's just him, he just happens to be the prototypical example of such a person is all


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

i thought pope francis was about gay marriage? didnt he say he was cool with that before he was elected..

Șмž said...

nah i mean he's still the pope
he's supposed to be the 'cool pope' or whatever but the church are still total fucking dinosaurs and not in a cool way

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

oh man thats so fucked. i remember reading a newspaper breakdown of all the pope candidates (or whatever they're called) and it said that pope francis had positive views on gay marriage... did the media lie again..

and didnt he also acknowledge that the church has to do something about the rapes that it had caused in the past? the article that i was reading emphasized on his use of the word 'rape', which apparently was the first time a pope has ever referred to their church crimes in such direct terms.

i thought he was ok man. but damn. like how can the people on your facebook view other human individual with such inferiority and inequality. fuck.