Tuesday, July 9, 2013



There was I was, chillin like a villain in my car stuck in traffic, when I realised I had no tunes!

So I'm sitting there, and my radio's broken, and I've left my phone at home, so all I got for music is my motherfucking voice

Being the boss I am I start singing I Will Always Love You, 'cause I don't take flak from nobody, when I suddenly realise I hate this song (even my angelic voice can't change that fact, friends.) So I'm like, YO, I gotta hit next to change this shit!

And then I realised what I had just done.

1 comment:

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

I feel dats bro.

The main street I was walking down, nobody was there cause all the power was out so business couldn't operate. For 2 hours I sang green day and beatles songs til my throat ached and my lungs could bare no more. My voice became my only companion and my best friend.

But then I found an operating burger place so I got the most delicious nacho burger and OH dang bro i just realized that you had your tune player all long.

what a plot twist