Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
So sunday..
So on sunday we are going on an outing to reverse garbage to get physics stuff for the motor. But anyone is welcome to join.
We are going to Reverse Garbage and maybe a couple of other places.
Meeting central at 11am on sunday I think.
Although this can be changed, depending on the people who do physics.
Otherwise bring like $20 - $30. It is various prices, but $20 should be plenty for a box of stuff and they have fabric and models and various stuff and paint so if you need anything for art or dt at cheap prices, you should probably come with. They have so much random shit.
This their website:
Yeh if you can come,
comment or text me.
So on sunday we are going on an outing to reverse garbage to get physics stuff for the motor. But anyone is welcome to join.
We are going to Reverse Garbage and maybe a couple of other places.
Meeting central at 11am on sunday I think.
Although this can be changed, depending on the people who do physics.
Otherwise bring like $20 - $30. It is various prices, but $20 should be plenty for a box of stuff and they have fabric and models and various stuff and paint so if you need anything for art or dt at cheap prices, you should probably come with. They have so much random shit.
This their website:
Yeh if you can come,
comment or text me.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Worth listening X4
So yeah, I found this album... it's the ministry of sound chill out sessions 10 from like, last decade sometime...
It's pretty awesome and oddly depressing, here's like 3 songs from the album, it's pretty awesome. definitely worth your time, that's right... YOUR time, you.
Again and again - The Bird and the Bee
Sad song - Au Revoir Simone
The Knife - Grizzly Bear
It's pretty awesome and oddly depressing, here's like 3 songs from the album, it's pretty awesome. definitely worth your time, that's right... YOUR time, you.
Again and again - The Bird and the Bee
Sad song - Au Revoir Simone
The Knife - Grizzly Bear
Double poasht time
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Love your ego, you won't feel a thing.
Always number one, the pen with a bent wrist crooked king, sign away our peace, for your war
One word, and it's over.
Dropping your bombs now, on all we've built, how does it feel now to watch it burn, burn, burn?
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Swimming Carnival!

This was me doing the 100m freestyle (which i didnt finish)
It was a great day :) house spirit is best!
I came third in backstroke and breaststroke (tho breaststroke was a 4 people race and fourth was msgoldenweek)
the best parts were the dancing
also, every single kuyal year 12 person swam today
It was a great day :) house spirit is best!
I came third in backstroke and breaststroke (tho breaststroke was a 4 people race and fourth was msgoldenweek)
the best parts were the dancing
also, every single kuyal year 12 person swam today
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Sometimes in my life this happens
sometimes this happens

Then after the triceratops complains for like 5 hours

And then i wish this would happen

but that never happens

Then after the triceratops complains for like 5 hours

And then i wish this would happen

but that never happens
Fuck this weather.
God I hate the weather at the moment.
Its humid and hot and fucking gross.
Plus I get heaps of migraines cause it keeps being the most indecisive. grr.
Happy Birthday Kwon.
Its humid and hot and fucking gross.
Plus I get heaps of migraines cause it keeps being the most indecisive. grr.
Happy Birthday Kwon.
but it didnt happen.
so instead of leaving the house at 7am, i overslept.
goddanmit i was looking forward to this day since before the december holidays but stupid matthias is having a party and he refused to invite me eventhough he told me about it.
infact, i was all like, Tng! you birthday's comin up what you gonna do? and he was all like "Im having a barbeque at my house and like 30 kids for c'brook will be there. you wanna come?"
and i was all like "Of course i would! when's that at?"
then he said "oh but idk cos you'll only know me and mike west and im afraid you'll be uncomforatble"
and so i says "pfft idc i liek meeting new people anyways"
but he was like "yea but im still worried"
so i was like "I'll bring blaise then, is that k?
and he was like "yeah that'll be fine"
and i forgot to ask he when it was on so i like texted him and stuffs and we'll have a normal convo and then i'll be like btw when's your birthday thing and he'll just stop replying. like what the shit i justed wanted to celebrate his birthday and all like he couldve just told me that he didnt want to invite me.
and then i was all like, screw that kid im going to the skate comp with blaise. and then blaise was like its 6am so ima text hui, saying ho noes my dad might not like me go and also he took my phone
as9ojhdaklsjdas dahsudahs iajhda god i was soo looking forward to it
im gonna go eat a bucket of fried chicken and cry in a corner now
but on a the upside, Its Manakon's Birthday! Yay Manakon!!! Everyone's favourite Thai person (after Ton but still) WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Everybody loves you <3
so instead of leaving the house at 7am, i overslept.
goddanmit i was looking forward to this day since before the december holidays but stupid matthias is having a party and he refused to invite me eventhough he told me about it.
infact, i was all like, Tng! you birthday's comin up what you gonna do? and he was all like "Im having a barbeque at my house and like 30 kids for c'brook will be there. you wanna come?"
and i was all like "Of course i would! when's that at?"
then he said "oh but idk cos you'll only know me and mike west and im afraid you'll be uncomforatble"
and so i says "pfft idc i liek meeting new people anyways"
but he was like "yea but im still worried"
so i was like "I'll bring blaise then, is that k?
and he was like "yeah that'll be fine"
and i forgot to ask he when it was on so i like texted him and stuffs and we'll have a normal convo and then i'll be like btw when's your birthday thing and he'll just stop replying. like what the shit i justed wanted to celebrate his birthday and all like he couldve just told me that he didnt want to invite me.
and then i was all like, screw that kid im going to the skate comp with blaise. and then blaise was like its 6am so ima text hui, saying ho noes my dad might not like me go and also he took my phone
as9ojhdaklsjdas dahsudahs iajhda god i was soo looking forward to it
im gonna go eat a bucket of fried chicken and cry in a corner now
but on a the upside, Its Manakon's Birthday! Yay Manakon!!! Everyone's favourite Thai person (after Ton but still) WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Everybody loves you <3
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
baba yetu from civ 4 wins a grammy
this song is fucking amazing, here is a live performance of it
it's a traditional music piece with like an orchestra and stuff, but it won a grammy award, being the first video game music to do so...
anyway, this is an incredible song, etc etc. im sure at least some of you will know it. yeah.
Photo Updater
So here are a few photos cause I can't be bothered to write a post at the moment.
Yeh thats it.
I'm back at school tomorrow.
Cya then
Yeh thats it.
I'm back at school tomorrow.
Cya then
Monday, February 14, 2011

Yay happy valentines day everybody!
first i would like to say that everyone here is now my valentine. except for msgoldenweek.
so now that everyone here except for ru is thinking, wow im soo honoured to be hui's valentine i'll now tell you about my rational hate for movie outings with friends
aiight, so like yeah, movies are expensive and there's a pretty high chance that they will suck. like cereally, joshi walked out of the romcom. and i always hate how we have to spend time with the movie and not our friends.
movies are great if they are something that we must watch like
harry potter movies
some super hero movies
japanese/chinese/korean comedies
japanese animations
and even japanese/korean romcoms which are much funnier and cuter than american romcoms
and finally any movie concerning justin bieber
as everyone knows, im pretty stupid so if the picture is dark/all the people look the same/the people speak in murmurs/ people sound the same/ there are too many big words/ too many complex things/ they make you figure it out yourself through showing not telling or hints or plot twist/ there are too many things moving quickly, i'll get lost and fall asleep then lie that i thought it was good when really i dont even know what it was about.
also cinemas tend to be cold and the food is overpriced
i would rather spend my evening sitting in a park and talking to my friends or getting some excercise
and the imax has terrible seats, like airplane seats of a budget airplane that do not cater to my demographic because apparently i lie within the minority circle
finally, here are movies that some people have said were amazing that i have fallen a sleep in
- transformers, transformers 2, lord of the rings 3, quantum of solace, that movie about the facebook guy, inception, all the batman movies, sherlock holmes, kung pow, all the star wars movies except for space balls, most horror films, all the pirates of the carribean movies
there are more but i cant remember
thats all for now
xxo lord.of.the.palmtrees
And then
I was seriously going to start my DnT case study (i think im the last [not even an accomplishment]) but I brought the wrong sheet home so here I am infront of the computer again going to read manga.
Also, on an slightly unrelated note, i think everyone should dress like this to the prom:
Also, on an slightly unrelated note, i think everyone should dress like this to the prom:

And the winner is..
Ok no winner.
But I couldn't think of another title.
So what happened today?
I always miss the most interesting days at school it seems. But oh well.
I have a cold/headache thing.
Which I have had all weekend and will probably still have tomorrow too.
Just a favour:
Christian, can you tell me what happened in German?
Christian or Maxim, what happened in English?
Maxim or Smax, what happened in Physics?
And Jon, what happened in Chem?
Yeh that's really all.
But I couldn't think of another title.
So what happened today?
I always miss the most interesting days at school it seems. But oh well.
I have a cold/headache thing.
Which I have had all weekend and will probably still have tomorrow too.
Just a favour:
Christian, can you tell me what happened in German?
Christian or Maxim, what happened in English?
Maxim or Smax, what happened in Physics?
And Jon, what happened in Chem?
Yeh that's really all.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Yeah maybe not... Too lazy...
Anyway, there is an article for the differences between tram and train tracks
Anyway, there is an article for the differences between tram and train tracks
Friday, February 4, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Worth listening X3
So how's school y'all?!
I'm totally loving being able to wake up at 2p.m. and being able to go for a swim then being able to play vidya for the rest of the day/night. I fucking love life.
Anyway, this was shown to me my Jack Colqhoun yesterday and I've been listening to it on repeat since, it's pretty bad-ass
I'm totally loving being able to wake up at 2p.m. and being able to go for a swim then being able to play vidya for the rest of the day/night. I fucking love life.
Anyway, this was shown to me my Jack Colqhoun yesterday and I've been listening to it on repeat since, it's pretty bad-ass
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
A post about Saturday
Hey guys,
Who can make it on saturday?
So far I have coming; from the blog,
and Joel.
Who else can or can't make it.
Brian you are invited too.
Who can make it on saturday?
So far I have coming; from the blog,
and Joel.
Who else can or can't make it.
Brian you are invited too.
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