i know some of you WHo reAd ThIS blog HAve iPod touches and iPhonEs?
well, i just did somethiNg for the blog IN this reGard.

See The jrs icOn? The Mr. saturn, sEcond row?
THat IS our blog.
I have added a cuStom icon to it: however, this is only a teMporary onE...
chAllenge for you guys:
create a 45 x 45 pixel iMage, SAve it as a .png, and post it, (Don't steal otHers' ones!) thEn, we'Ll have a vote, and hoPefully we will have a good Icon.
anyway, don't Like curve the edges or add the shIne that the icons have, oK? that is donE on the ipod itself. for instAnce, that icon above is this iMage:

So, anyway, To get it like this, go add from the safari in the itoUch/iPhone, then go add to home screen. call It whatever you want. (D)
so! post some images and we'll have a vote, and feel free to post more than one.
that's an order.

Love Joelnes <3!!!!
hahah and i didnt put no mr saturn, pikachu or anything that someone else created in it (but smaz). MSPAINT FTW!!!!
XOXO mst of doom
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