Saturday, January 16, 2010

Worst injuries/ illnesses?

I shall now pose a question to you all of what are your worst injuries or illnesses.

I've had my own troubling experiences with many many illnesses ranging from simple rashes to odd smelling bodily fluids coming out of me.

Starting with the earliest of which I can remember was my camping trip in year 4. The trip itself was fine but the bunk bed I was sleeping on must have had something microscopic crawling all around it. The afternoon in which we were to depart back home, I was unbelievably itchy (my eczema is quite bad). I scratched and scratched until the night I get home, I realise that I have little pustules of what seems to be filled with clear fluid running along the length of my arms, particularly on the inside of my elbows. In the shower, I wash myself off and then the pustules pop and reveals raw spots underneath. Tis almost bed time and I scratch once more, this time bringing blood to the surface. I go to the bathroom to wash the blood off my arms and wrap a towel around them. I take them off a little later and see blood spots all over the towel. Twas quite disgusting. At this point my arm was moist of my own clear bodily fluid which I don't know what it is, blood and bits of skin. Nonetheless, mumsy wrapped my arms in bandages and off to sleep i go.

Ahhh tis morning and when I lift myself up I smell something really really foul. The stench of my arms are hard to describe. A very sour, pungent and musty smell is the best I can word it. At this point it seemed all too blatant to see a doctor. The doctor examines my what I assumed was my decaying arm (it looked like it when I was little..). Once diagnosed I had to take antibiotics and slap on some ubercream.

Recovery didn't exactly look all that good either. Instead of being all leaky and smelly my arms were more dry and flaky. Killing off the last bit of infection resulted in a lot of dead skin for me to peel off.

Now I'm sure you're quite disgusted at me for now so I'll tell you other things about me that others like to laugh at me about:

- I ate KFC at Marrickville Metro and i ended up going to the toilet 8 times a day for the next 2 days

- I nearly sliced my balls when i broke the DT Jigsaw cutter which the blade dug into the ground between my feet

- I electric shocked my finger when i forgot to turn the power off to my computer and i went tinkering in it

- My friend found it funny to ram his rowing boat into mine which made me capsize and fall into an area of jelly fish (we used to throw jelly fish at each other)

- I yelled "FUCK OFF" within ear shot of my year 5 teacher when my friend threw a shuriken made out of paddlepop sticks at my back.

- I'm scared of pidgeons

that's all i can think of right now.

well then that was just one of the worst illnesses that i endured, what about YOU?


Kwon said...

for me it is when i just learnt how to ride wiv no hands and thinkin i could do it i let go and stacked it hard. i manage to take a chunk outta my knee. all the while had max laugh at me cuz the fall was funny

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Vincent threw a tissue box at the fan and the tissue box flew and hit a light case and the light case fell on my head. that was fun

um.. matthias and yannick got into a fight and in the middle of it, my head got pushed into this corner that was sticking out and then there was this dent in my head...

i was standing on a chair using the computer with a standing fan next to me and i walked off te chair (thinking it was the floor) and i fell of onto the standing fan and my chin hit the top of the fan and the blades like cut my chin...

Hoggle said...

i burnt my finger on 100C toffee yesterday, worst accident. It has now swelled up into some massive blister, which is like the size of my finger print. When I first got it, the pain was so bad i was crying and shaking.
Never broken a bone so thats probably why its that.

But the worst illness was food poisoning from chicken last week. That was bad.
Or the migraine where i threw up in the street at like the middle of the day. Embarassing.
Or when I sounded like jules laughing last year, throat infection.

Jonny Boyz said...

ok worst acciedent is i guess when i was moving and i set up my bookcase, and then it fell on me. fracturd my arm. oh and sickness is when i got constipated in madagascar and...... most of you no the rest of the story, but for those who dont. it ends with alot of shit

BMSilverFish said...

wow you guys have a lot more accidents than i

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

i dont think i have ever had anything physically horrible happen to me in my life so far. worst injuries are just pains and cuts and stuff from skateboarding and pacouring. im a safe kid :)

smaz? hmm said...

i broke my chin after dropping an ice cream and trying to get it but tripping, after the surgery was done and the stitches came out my grandparents bought me an ice cream to celebrate, i dropped it, tripped and broke my chin again

BMSilverFish said...

clumsy aren't you

Șмž said...

more like repetitive.

Action Man! said...

Haha smaz that sucks lol

Well anyway my worst injury is probably when i was on one of those shitty Razor scooters or w/e and I rode down this ramp/driveway at my old house and over a drain pipe, which got the front wheel stuck and catapulted me over the front on onto my chin (I don't think I've ever used the "F" word louder than I did that day)

BMSilverFish said...

those razor scooters weren't that bad