Tuesday, January 31, 2012
ok guys
this is really cool
2 high school students in canada sent a lego man up to the skies and tracked it down with gps in a few days and the footage off a camera there... is incredible
just watch
2 high school students in canada sent a lego man up to the skies and tracked it down with gps in a few days and the footage off a camera there... is incredible
just watch
I kinda want to live in the USA for one reason.
And that reason is...
holy fucking shit, i want one. But here it's not really moral (heat) or allowed (pest species/quarantine)
But they are so cute
But then again cause of quarantine, we can't keep hamsters or gerbils, which are both a lot cuter than guinea pigs
Also, Happy Birthday Lambert.
And i made a new tumblr to post all the photos I have that I am finally editing.
holy fucking shit, i want one. But here it's not really moral (heat) or allowed (pest species/quarantine)
But they are so cute
But then again cause of quarantine, we can't keep hamsters or gerbils, which are both a lot cuter than guinea pigs
Also, Happy Birthday Lambert.
And i made a new tumblr to post all the photos I have that I am finally editing.
Monday, January 30, 2012
smaz's long adventure: part 2 - levy fest
ok so anyway its been a day since the last one but fuck it, that was a hell of a night and i think i should share it with you guys
ok so anyway yesterday i went to a 'festa di leva' (literally levy party, its origins are in ww2) for this girl, angelica, (who calls me samu for some reason which is hilarious)
and whoah. i did not expect it to be like that at all
so anyway it was this big community hall full of sards in the town of dualche, they are called bronzers or something like that
and they are like, the lad culture of sardinia. ok so maybe i said miei amici were but they sho as fuck aint compared to these guys. these guys carried around like knives and shit, and they were like, 'sam you know what this is right?' and i was like 'dude what the fuck dont like stab me haha' but cause i cant speak italian good enough it and also because i was very very confused it came out as 'cosa? non uccidami?' which means 'what? dont kill me' and anyway they were laughing at me and shit and it hurt my feelings ):
no but jokes aside those guys were cool guys but its a fuckin weird subculture, they only drink beer and wine and when i was like, 'back in australia everyone does vodka and rum' they were like, wtf. it was very tough not to drink or smoke or anything because everyone does it there and everyone was doing it and they were all like, 'sam have a beer!', but one of the rules of the exchange is 'no drinking, drugs, or smoking' so i didn't.
and they all had shaved hair and black jackets and the weird thing about it is, maybe because its such a small town or something or a close community but the age difference was immense, they were a group of tough cunts from the ages of 16 (...there was this one guy that looked so much like will mitchell) to 22 and it was pretty confusing and they all like hardstyle as well and they were like, 'haha you go to defcon 1?' and i was like, 'haha oi yeah ya tuff cunt it was fukken hektik ey' which they didnt get or understand but it was ok cause i really cant impersonate a lad at all.
nah but fuck they were great people except for this one guy who was a total dick and he was like, 'hahaha vadabidumanocu' (thats what sard sounds like) and id look at him and be all, 'cosa?' and he'd look at me and be all 'haha,,, "cosa?"' and he was a dick. and you know how theres always one or two kids who look like they dont belong in the subculture? yeah well there were some of those and i think they wanted to prove how much of tough cunts they were so they kept trying to come over to me and intimidate me and it was hilarious cause theyd hold out the knife and i'd just stare down at it and look at them and be like, 'ciao.' and they'd look up at me and then just sort of wander off. also there was this really tall guy who wasnt like that but he still hung out with them and he was cool.
and everyone kept coming up to me and being like, 'cangaru, cangaru' which is kangaroo in sard and i was like, yeah ok. and they tried to get me to say 'cangaru aminculu' and 'caballo aminculu' alot but its not actually hard to figure out what that means (caballo a min culu - horse in my ass - i get fucked my a horse)
and yeah, there was a point where they (and for a bit me too) all just kept running around the town being all like, 'hahaha ti piace correre' and i think the joke was that i looked stupid cause i run like a kangaroo or something but i didnt get it and so i was confused and they laughed at me for being confused. (that guy was a dick.) and i don't consider myself fit, but these guys were tired of running within like 5 minutes and it was hilarious cause they were trying to find a reason to laugh at me (btw the excuse they gave was that kangaroos run with their knees up really high or something which makes no fucking sense, but I don't think they'd ever seen a kangaroo so its ok)
but yeah, sards are really proud of their literacy rates which is really weird considering they are fucking dumb compared to australia. anyway like im sure i mentioned they only read the two genres. and they were like, 'in sard culture we like to read and read a lot' and i was like, 'you fuckers seriously aint smarter than australia' cause wtf I have this huge sense of aussie pride right now like, I;m so proud to call myself aussie, where did that come from? (I miss bacon. I think Imma cook myself a fried egg or 3 soon.) but yeah we engaged in some serious intellectual discourse and then i educated all over the pavement outside and everyone was like, 'dude...' [...meaning they didnt care] and georgia from my class was all 'hey sam, now is the time for water' [...which in the scheme of things doesnt make sense in this context] and i have a feeling she was really sort of dissapointed in me for being so smart. [...like maybe she was jealous or something.] and that would suck because my class has the coolest people in it, and I don't want them to think bad of me cause srs they are so coooollll... hdgioknadgbuhasidf but also apparently other people educated as well so its all good. they kept going on about how a sard tradition is to read a lot until they decided to impart their wisdom, but i just couldn't believe that.
and i was awake all night and got picked up at 6:30 am this morning and around 7:10 when we got home I went to sleep, and woke up at 4:00pm.
but now im kinda worried that i wont get to sleep enough tonight, its already 10 and i need to wake up at like 6 cause i have to walk myself to school tomorrow and I think I forgot the way. hmm. i worry too much.
also being here has made me realise how much I a) use things like and, but, also just to start sentences.
[[there's no b).]]
I prefer macomer to dualche though and I still miss boring old sydney. the charm of my lack of italian is sort of wearing off to the point that it's just frustrating now (for me) and I don't want to be the quiet kid but I'm sorta forced to be. also I wanna speak a bit of sard (even though all they ever say is 'aiu' which means 'come with me'.)
still miss you guys.
smaz out
ok so anyway yesterday i went to a 'festa di leva' (literally levy party, its origins are in ww2) for this girl, angelica, (who calls me samu for some reason which is hilarious)
and whoah. i did not expect it to be like that at all
so anyway it was this big community hall full of sards in the town of dualche, they are called bronzers or something like that
and they are like, the lad culture of sardinia. ok so maybe i said miei amici were but they sho as fuck aint compared to these guys. these guys carried around like knives and shit, and they were like, 'sam you know what this is right?' and i was like 'dude what the fuck dont like stab me haha' but cause i cant speak italian good enough it and also because i was very very confused it came out as 'cosa? non uccidami?' which means 'what? dont kill me' and anyway they were laughing at me and shit and it hurt my feelings ):
no but jokes aside those guys were cool guys but its a fuckin weird subculture, they only drink beer and wine and when i was like, 'back in australia everyone does vodka and rum' they were like, wtf. it was very tough not to drink or smoke or anything because everyone does it there and everyone was doing it and they were all like, 'sam have a beer!', but one of the rules of the exchange is 'no drinking, drugs, or smoking' so i didn't.
and they all had shaved hair and black jackets and the weird thing about it is, maybe because its such a small town or something or a close community but the age difference was immense, they were a group of tough cunts from the ages of 16 (...there was this one guy that looked so much like will mitchell) to 22 and it was pretty confusing and they all like hardstyle as well and they were like, 'haha you go to defcon 1?' and i was like, 'haha oi yeah ya tuff cunt it was fukken hektik ey' which they didnt get or understand but it was ok cause i really cant impersonate a lad at all.
nah but fuck they were great people except for this one guy who was a total dick and he was like, 'hahaha vadabidumanocu' (thats what sard sounds like) and id look at him and be all, 'cosa?' and he'd look at me and be all 'haha,,, "cosa?"' and he was a dick. and you know how theres always one or two kids who look like they dont belong in the subculture? yeah well there were some of those and i think they wanted to prove how much of tough cunts they were so they kept trying to come over to me and intimidate me and it was hilarious cause theyd hold out the knife and i'd just stare down at it and look at them and be like, 'ciao.' and they'd look up at me and then just sort of wander off. also there was this really tall guy who wasnt like that but he still hung out with them and he was cool.
and everyone kept coming up to me and being like, 'cangaru, cangaru' which is kangaroo in sard and i was like, yeah ok. and they tried to get me to say 'cangaru aminculu' and 'caballo aminculu' alot but its not actually hard to figure out what that means (caballo a min culu - horse in my ass - i get fucked my a horse)
and yeah, there was a point where they (and for a bit me too) all just kept running around the town being all like, 'hahaha ti piace correre' and i think the joke was that i looked stupid cause i run like a kangaroo or something but i didnt get it and so i was confused and they laughed at me for being confused. (that guy was a dick.) and i don't consider myself fit, but these guys were tired of running within like 5 minutes and it was hilarious cause they were trying to find a reason to laugh at me (btw the excuse they gave was that kangaroos run with their knees up really high or something which makes no fucking sense, but I don't think they'd ever seen a kangaroo so its ok)
but yeah, sards are really proud of their literacy rates which is really weird considering they are fucking dumb compared to australia. anyway like im sure i mentioned they only read the two genres. and they were like, 'in sard culture we like to read and read a lot' and i was like, 'you fuckers seriously aint smarter than australia' cause wtf I have this huge sense of aussie pride right now like, I;m so proud to call myself aussie, where did that come from? (I miss bacon. I think Imma cook myself a fried egg or 3 soon.) but yeah we engaged in some serious intellectual discourse and then i educated all over the pavement outside and everyone was like, 'dude...' [...meaning they didnt care] and georgia from my class was all 'hey sam, now is the time for water' [...which in the scheme of things doesnt make sense in this context] and i have a feeling she was really sort of dissapointed in me for being so smart. [...like maybe she was jealous or something.] and that would suck because my class has the coolest people in it, and I don't want them to think bad of me cause srs they are so coooollll... hdgioknadgbuhasidf but also apparently other people educated as well so its all good. they kept going on about how a sard tradition is to read a lot until they decided to impart their wisdom, but i just couldn't believe that.
and i was awake all night and got picked up at 6:30 am this morning and around 7:10 when we got home I went to sleep, and woke up at 4:00pm.
but now im kinda worried that i wont get to sleep enough tonight, its already 10 and i need to wake up at like 6 cause i have to walk myself to school tomorrow and I think I forgot the way. hmm. i worry too much.
also being here has made me realise how much I a) use things like and, but, also just to start sentences.
[[there's no b).]]
I prefer macomer to dualche though and I still miss boring old sydney. the charm of my lack of italian is sort of wearing off to the point that it's just frustrating now (for me) and I don't want to be the quiet kid but I'm sorta forced to be. also I wanna speak a bit of sard (even though all they ever say is 'aiu' which means 'come with me'.)
still miss you guys.
smaz out
Saturday, January 28, 2012
smaz's long adventure: part 1 - in my house in sardinia, there's a maid
in my house in sardinia, there's a maid
her name is margarita or mhargarita or margharita or something but anyway she's not full time but she does everything a maid does and she cooked me lunch the other day
also she was there during our skype call the other day ru and joel
also I saw a comedy in italian yesterday at the theatre
it was very good
I forgot it was even in italian after a certain point
so I think my italian is improving much here
tomorrow i go have lunch with a bunch of girls after school (...on saturday) and then i go to a 'festa di leva' or levi idk but it comes from the same root as the word 'levy' in english, ie conscripting soldiers. it's not an italian thing it's a sardinian thing and it started out as a way to celebrate everyone's 18th birthdays before they were shipped off to go to the war but the war ended a long time ago and so they just got all the 'compleete' (com-ple-e-te) or whatever the word is which means 'born in the same year' to have a party for when they turn 18.
I know a little bit of sardinian, (but the spelling is wrong) the word for water is either 'ebba' or 'abba', the word for 'come with me' = 'aiu' [vieni in italian] the word for yes is 'eiya' and the word for axe (as in to cut something down, not axe a question) is 'istrale', and you say it whenever someone sneezes and the connotation is sort of like, "off with your head" but its a bigger thing here and its incredibly offensive. idk
i bought a game on steam called 'the binding of isaac' and the price was in euros.
cafes are small and what the fuck is a bidet i still don't get it.
all my italian friends... or at least classmates, idk if I'd call em friends yet but it's a week in, post a LOT on facebook. my class is 4f and they are pretty much the 'fuckups' of the school (jn the sense that rules don't apply, not like they are retarded or anything), it's really cool. two of the other exchange students in the school [from turkey and hong kong] when i met them were like, "which class are you in?" and I was all, "4F" and they laughed and were like, "that's hilarious". today we had 2 hours of the worst teacher, sra. campus, cause one was away and so we skipped out the first basically hour and a half by going to a cafe or something. it's a real interesting class to put an exhcange student in but aparently it's because they play a lot of music. all the teachers they dont like (theres campus who 'teaches' english and 2 who teach philosophy/history/social sciences) they just don't do shit for and it's hilarious. also campus can't speak english properly and pronounced 'rag' as 'wreck' and 'taught' the class today about "from rags to riches" and all I could think was "from rags to riches niggas I ain't dumb I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one, hit me" which isn't actually the line but still I thought it exactly like that. and yeah her english is so slow it's hilarious and theres this one english teacher who's really cool sr. marron or marronne or maronne or something but he taught the class for 4 years prior to this one, and he's the one who chose 4f for me. and he can actually speak english so.
i'll maybe tell you about the actual (awesome~) classmates some other time though.
you know what kinda sucks though... my 'new kid' shininess thing is rubbing off a bit. also I haven't slept well since I got here, I wake up like 3 times in the night from jetlag maybe and my eyes still have bags no matter how much water I drink... is that related? idk.
yall should get skype mofos so we can talk and shit. (im lucky i dont swear in italian yet but i make up for it in english) although it's not always so convenient for me to talk in the lounge room and stuff so maybe we should im. but do it over skype, so there's also the possibility of speak/webcam/whatever.
and with that its 10:30pm and imma go bed cause I NEEED sleep badly. also erryone else in the house is asleep so.. I'll continue this and put like the 'sardegna' tag on it at the bottom so and title it 'smaz's long adventure' so maybe in the future I/you/we can look back and go 'oh, that's how smaz's adventure was, in sardinia.'
smaz out
her name is margarita or mhargarita or margharita or something but anyway she's not full time but she does everything a maid does and she cooked me lunch the other day
also she was there during our skype call the other day ru and joel
also I saw a comedy in italian yesterday at the theatre
it was very good
I forgot it was even in italian after a certain point
so I think my italian is improving much here
tomorrow i go have lunch with a bunch of girls after school (...on saturday) and then i go to a 'festa di leva' or levi idk but it comes from the same root as the word 'levy' in english, ie conscripting soldiers. it's not an italian thing it's a sardinian thing and it started out as a way to celebrate everyone's 18th birthdays before they were shipped off to go to the war but the war ended a long time ago and so they just got all the 'compleete' (com-ple-e-te) or whatever the word is which means 'born in the same year' to have a party for when they turn 18.
I know a little bit of sardinian, (but the spelling is wrong) the word for water is either 'ebba' or 'abba', the word for 'come with me' = 'aiu' [vieni in italian] the word for yes is 'eiya' and the word for axe (as in to cut something down, not axe a question) is 'istrale', and you say it whenever someone sneezes and the connotation is sort of like, "off with your head" but its a bigger thing here and its incredibly offensive. idk
i bought a game on steam called 'the binding of isaac' and the price was in euros.
cafes are small and what the fuck is a bidet i still don't get it.
all my italian friends... or at least classmates, idk if I'd call em friends yet but it's a week in, post a LOT on facebook. my class is 4f and they are pretty much the 'fuckups' of the school (jn the sense that rules don't apply, not like they are retarded or anything), it's really cool. two of the other exchange students in the school [from turkey and hong kong] when i met them were like, "which class are you in?" and I was all, "4F" and they laughed and were like, "that's hilarious". today we had 2 hours of the worst teacher, sra. campus, cause one was away and so we skipped out the first basically hour and a half by going to a cafe or something. it's a real interesting class to put an exhcange student in but aparently it's because they play a lot of music. all the teachers they dont like (theres campus who 'teaches' english and 2 who teach philosophy/history/social sciences) they just don't do shit for and it's hilarious. also campus can't speak english properly and pronounced 'rag' as 'wreck' and 'taught' the class today about "from rags to riches" and all I could think was "from rags to riches niggas I ain't dumb I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one, hit me" which isn't actually the line but still I thought it exactly like that. and yeah her english is so slow it's hilarious and theres this one english teacher who's really cool sr. marron or marronne or maronne or something but he taught the class for 4 years prior to this one, and he's the one who chose 4f for me. and he can actually speak english so.
i'll maybe tell you about the actual (awesome~) classmates some other time though.
you know what kinda sucks though... my 'new kid' shininess thing is rubbing off a bit. also I haven't slept well since I got here, I wake up like 3 times in the night from jetlag maybe and my eyes still have bags no matter how much water I drink... is that related? idk.
yall should get skype mofos so we can talk and shit. (im lucky i dont swear in italian yet but i make up for it in english) although it's not always so convenient for me to talk in the lounge room and stuff so maybe we should im. but do it over skype, so there's also the possibility of speak/webcam/whatever.
and with that its 10:30pm and imma go bed cause I NEEED sleep badly. also erryone else in the house is asleep so.. I'll continue this and put like the 'sardegna' tag on it at the bottom so and title it 'smaz's long adventure' so maybe in the future I/you/we can look back and go 'oh, that's how smaz's adventure was, in sardinia.'
smaz out
Friday, January 27, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012

look at this turtle.
big ass prehistoric turtle that was around in the late cretaceous period.
i wanna ride it.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
my lyf
so far, singapore has been pretty fun
i miss all of y'all sooo much. last night, i karaoked with relatives which was mad fun since all we could sing was old school hits like britney spears cos the machine thing was super old
also, all the animals here are freakin scared of me. like they see me and they shit themselves cos they so scared. but not really
like i went to my cousin's house for the second time and the dog remembered me from before and ran behind 2 people and his tail uncurled and went between his legs. and my relatives said that they have never seen their dog so terrified before. like this dog runs away anytime im in the room and hides somewhere and has the most terrified expression on his face.
and everyone here uses intense singaporean slang and shit which = no grammar
so i've been communicating like that cos it seems easier to understand so im gonna speak so much engrish when i get back >.<
and last night, my parents went to they;re friend's house for dinner so ru and i stayed home and got mcdonalds deliveed to our house
yeah, they deliver mcdonalds here. and kfc. glad they dont have that in america or erryone will be even more obese.
anyway, thats all for now. see yall later xx
Skype Stuff
Hey Guys,
Basically make yourself a skype account and such.
Post your names and shit here, or just like fb message them and we will get a group going.
Just think we should with people in different unis and all.
Basically make yourself a skype account and such.
Post your names and shit here, or just like fb message them and we will get a group going.
Just think we should with people in different unis and all.
aww shit guys
today was the first day of school. It was awesome being the new, foreign kid cause everyone was interested in me. all the italian kids are awesome. all of them. except it's kinda weird because everyone smokes. but school only goes till half days here and its weird.
also the language barrier.
everyone in my class can sing and they all seem glad that I play guitar and also kinda excited that I (can) play the drums.
at the end of the day, I forgot everyones names and they all got angry at me except for fabrizio, whose name I did remember, who kind of understood and he was like, "domani, sei." which is like, "tomorrow, you will remember six." and I was like, "ok......." and it was awkward and shit and nobody else talked to me on the way out.. and they all seemed pretty displeased...
be honest with me guys, how badly did I just fuck up?
(whatever it'll all be good in a few days)
also guys what are your skype accounts? I bet you can't guess mine.
also the language barrier.
everyone in my class can sing and they all seem glad that I play guitar and also kinda excited that I (can) play the drums.
at the end of the day, I forgot everyones names and they all got angry at me except for fabrizio, whose name I did remember, who kind of understood and he was like, "domani, sei." which is like, "tomorrow, you will remember six." and I was like, "ok......." and it was awkward and shit and nobody else talked to me on the way out.. and they all seemed pretty displeased...
be honest with me guys, how badly did I just fuck up?
(whatever it'll all be good in a few days)
also guys what are your skype accounts? I bet you can't guess mine.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Hey guys
You were probably wondering 'hey what has that ru kid been up too?'
what? You were not? okay... ill tell you anyway..
im in singapore now. in my own home bedroom with my old same stuff. nothing in my house works and all the cats and dogs here seem to hate me. But they hate hui more.
Ive been visiting family because its chinese new year and all and im meant to do uni stuff when i get the internet but i end up spending my internet time on things like this.
i went ice skating the day before yesterday and i think i fell more than everyone at the rink combined. and i nearly killed people with my ice skating blade.
anyway, i miss yall and we should have some awesome february friendship time and sam can be on skype.
what? You were not? okay... ill tell you anyway..
im in singapore now. in my own home bedroom with my old same stuff. nothing in my house works and all the cats and dogs here seem to hate me. But they hate hui more.
Ive been visiting family because its chinese new year and all and im meant to do uni stuff when i get the internet but i end up spending my internet time on things like this.
i went ice skating the day before yesterday and i think i fell more than everyone at the rink combined. and i nearly killed people with my ice skating blade.
anyway, i miss yall and we should have some awesome february friendship time and sam can be on skype.
k whatever Imma post again
I miss you guys
all of you
except that nope I miss you all kid
man she smells so bad
anyway so yeah. Italy's cool
every bathroom has bidets and I'm not sure what they do
I don't speak italian enough so I'm functionally retarded, but the school is gonna put me in beginner Italian classes which is just stupid cause I speak enough Italian that I won't learn anything
cafe means espresso shot and capuccino is the only 'normal' coffee existing
their lunch is our dinner, it's crazy big and stuff
I'm still jetlagged or something because I'm just falling asleep all over the place
I'm really nervous about school which starts tomorrow, some of my classmates added me on facebook but I haven;t accepted or anything yet
I met with the principle yesterday and got a tour around the school and there are some cool english teachers there but their english is conversational at best they also can't understand me if I speak too fast which is apparantly my normal speed so like I have to speak a bit slower and it's crazy but I fully understand
I figured out the reason italians (also french, germans, etc.) speak much faster than english speakers is because their words are much longer and their phrases are more complicated, but they need to relay the same amount of information in the same amount of time so they just increase the speed
I literally wasted all day today on my laptop just doing all the same useless shit I do at home... fffuuuccckkkk
I know I'm supposed to be doing this on my own but there's nothing to do and it's really quiet and shit and guysssss help me out or someshit what the fuck do I do
guys hold my hand or some shit ok I seriously miss you all and it's kinda awkward here because of the language barrier and the fact that I don't know what the fuck is going on half the time and that there are no host siblings so I haven't met anyone my own age yet at all
fuck I'm homesick alreadybut at least I'm not homest
all of you
except that nope I miss you all kid
man she smells so bad
anyway so yeah. Italy's cool
every bathroom has bidets and I'm not sure what they do
I don't speak italian enough so I'm functionally retarded, but the school is gonna put me in beginner Italian classes which is just stupid cause I speak enough Italian that I won't learn anything
cafe means espresso shot and capuccino is the only 'normal' coffee existing
their lunch is our dinner, it's crazy big and stuff
I'm still jetlagged or something because I'm just falling asleep all over the place
I'm really nervous about school which starts tomorrow, some of my classmates added me on facebook but I haven;t accepted or anything yet
I met with the principle yesterday and got a tour around the school and there are some cool english teachers there but their english is conversational at best they also can't understand me if I speak too fast which is apparantly my normal speed so like I have to speak a bit slower and it's crazy but I fully understand
I figured out the reason italians (also french, germans, etc.) speak much faster than english speakers is because their words are much longer and their phrases are more complicated, but they need to relay the same amount of information in the same amount of time so they just increase the speed
I literally wasted all day today on my laptop just doing all the same useless shit I do at home... fffuuuccckkkk
I know I'm supposed to be doing this on my own but there's nothing to do and it's really quiet and shit and guysssss help me out or someshit what the fuck do I do
guys hold my hand or some shit ok I seriously miss you all and it's kinda awkward here because of the language barrier and the fact that I don't know what the fuck is going on half the time and that there are no host siblings so I haven't met anyone my own age yet at all
fuck I'm homesick already
Miss you guyssssssss
Seriously guys, I was creepy stalking y'all on Facebook and I was all. Uuuuuuughdshsjaj I miss them. So yeh. Misses you. Just had to say it.
Also I'm pretty sure the blog getting censored has made a huge impact on American politics. Like massive.
Like my di
Also I'm pretty sure the blog getting censored has made a huge impact on American politics. Like massive.
Like my di
Sunday, January 22, 2012
why for the censorship
guys i cant believe you havent updated the blog in like, the 5 days ive been in italy.
fix this shit.
fix this shit.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Mofo'n italy
It's fucking cold
But Italian is a cool language and it works really well and shit so it's ok
Awww guys I miss you it's really fn surreal being here
But Italian is a cool language and it works really well and shit so it's ok
Awww guys I miss you it's really fn surreal being here
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
I did it.
Guys, guys, guys.
So for like the last 20 minutes I have been having a little attack cause I did it.
I got in to the double engineering degree that i sorta gave up on after my atar wasn't high enough but I did it.
I got in.
Fuck this makes all the work I put in, so utterly worth it.
(for those who don't know, the degrees are both engineering and i can choose between civil/environmental or civil/mining at UNSW)
So for like the last 20 minutes I have been having a little attack cause I did it.
I got in to the double engineering degree that i sorta gave up on after my atar wasn't high enough but I did it.
I got in.
Fuck this makes all the work I put in, so utterly worth it.
(for those who don't know, the degrees are both engineering and i can choose between civil/environmental or civil/mining at UNSW)
lambeerrtt this is the shaman king update.....
lambert.... i finished it some time ago but the ending was so vague... and the mangaka seemed stressed too... anyway, with my super manga obsessive skills, i present to you the next part of shaman king. this is a sequel but it literally starts where shaman king left off. it is called shaman king Kanzenban
you are meant to read this before you read funbari no uta which was that ending chapter thing with anna and yoh's child. also, at the end of shaman king kanzenban, there should be a special chapter called snake's legs or something like that. then after this, there is another sequel called shaman king-flowers but only 1 chapter has been scanlated. and if you want, you can also read another one called shaman king - zero which is a prequel but only one chapter has been scanlated too. and if you still want more shaman king, there is a shaman king - remix track which is a side story type thing. it is just like an add on but not really revealing anything new about shaman king. and then there is another side story and it features Hao, this one is called Mappa Douji . that's all the Shaman King i found, they are all written by TAKEI Hiroyuki which is the author of the original shaman king.
Smaz you nigga
You better be on the blog all the motherfucking time I seaweed to god man. All the fuckig time.
Also being in Europe is sick. Your going to love it. Promise.
Also being in Europe is sick. Your going to love it. Promise.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
hey guys
so if you wanna meet up before going to the airport we can meet at central at 12:30.
of you can just proceed to the airport by yourself and we will meet you there.
of you can just proceed to the airport by yourself and we will meet you there.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
oh wow jb
shit if only this kid was a rapper not a singer
only thing is there's no way that's a freestyle, that shit has to be pre-written
but serious respect for this guy right now
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Hey guys
I really miss you.
I'm with Hogg.
But she smells like poo.
Gonna miss you soooo much Smaz. The fuxk is this shit y u leaving before I come back. Sucks.
Anyway love you guys miss you
I'm with Hogg.
But she smells like poo.
Gonna miss you soooo much Smaz. The fuxk is this shit y u leaving before I come back. Sucks.
Anyway love you guys miss you
I don't usually post aus-hip-hop to the blog but this
okay, so anyway this is a song of of Mantra's album, Speaking Volumes,
which features 5 other aus rappers, showing off their abilities.
trust me on this: it's a great song but if you don't want to listen to the whole thing, just listen from 3:06 onwards where the elefants come in and trample the others. Urthboy's verse is at least 2 cuts above the rest of the song, but then Solo's verse... that shit is fucking incredible, no, I can't do it justice by describing it - idk, but judging by the fact the majority of the comments are along the lines of: "...oh wow, fuck, Solo" it hit other people as hard as it hit me
so yeah, you guys should defs listen to horrorshow.
ok theres more on each of the artists under "read more" or whatever it is
ok theres more on each of the artists under "read more" or whatever it is
Thursday, January 12, 2012
public service announcement
lets meet up at like 12.00 (yeah?) at central to go to eastwood tomorrow for everyone who was coming and whoever wants to come
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
hey guess what
You know how I posted Alex's video of Schoolies on Youtube and it was copyright infringement so they not let me play the music? It was so much copyright infringement that it was deleted from youtube and if i keep doing that youtube going to delete my account. im just such a badass you know. copyright infringing and all.
and then youtube sent me to copyright school which i didnt know existed ~.~ http://www.youtube.com/copyright_school
then i had to watch this happy tree friends video about copyright infringement and take a copyright test afterwards if not i wouldnt get my youtube account back.
and then youtube sent me to copyright school which i didnt know existed ~.~ http://www.youtube.com/copyright_school
then i had to watch this happy tree friends video about copyright infringement and take a copyright test afterwards if not i wouldnt get my youtube account back.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
guys there's only seven days left until I go to sardinia...
counting from 4:15 today (that's when my flight is on the 17th)
so like
lets be serious and do some shit ok, so let me just say a few things
with the exceptions of rules 3 and 4 these are the new rules for the blog
but for real
I wanna go to the beach so much and I haven't done it at all recently at all
and also I'm leaving so guys can we please spend as much time this week-long period doing as much stuff as we can together because Imma miss you guys and I want the last week of mine in australia for forever to not be just fucking around at home reading manga and going on tu
ed: ok 11.30 at the qvb then to bondi
ed: ok 11.30 at the qvb then to bondi
you know one of those 90's style pd vidayos

this is donald glover in one of them
It’s called “Reality Matters: Stress and Anxiety” by Discovery Education.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Oh hey guys
Saturday, January 7, 2012
take your nose of my keyboard, what you bothering me for?
hey guize.
what cant i have hood dreams?
or just ambition in general?
i cant be anything if i dont got something to aim for.
hows everyone?
im havin a mad summer summer tiem. we should beach it sometime
'cause we blowing like a c4
got my whole crew blowin like a c4
Friday, January 6, 2012
sorry for irrelevant post (again -.-')
Look smaz, teen top was playing that music cube button tapping game we were playing in capitol...

So generally I just a bit homesick on these trips.
Like I miss my family a bit but more so, my friends.
But you know I am going through this thing now and it makes me sad.
Cause people are leaving and I have my own regrets and sadnesses.
Like I know, from talking to Marlena, that I will make new friends and such.
But I dunno, not seeing you guys feels like it's going to hurt badly.
Yeh sorry, sadness.
On a side note, I am almost finished one of my surprises for you guys
PS: Mainly directed at Lambert but everyone else as well; try and use as many of these words as possible in everyday conversation.
Like I miss my family a bit but more so, my friends.
But you know I am going through this thing now and it makes me sad.
Cause people are leaving and I have my own regrets and sadnesses.
Like I know, from talking to Marlena, that I will make new friends and such.
But I dunno, not seeing you guys feels like it's going to hurt badly.
Yeh sorry, sadness.
On a side note, I am almost finished one of my surprises for you guys
PS: Mainly directed at Lambert but everyone else as well; try and use as many of these words as possible in everyday conversation.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
i got a debit card guys...
i just got a debit card and I want to buy something with it to mark the occasion
but idk what to buy
so guys
what should I buy? (maybe up to/around like $10 though cause I'm pretty poor)
but idk what to buy
so guys
what should I buy? (maybe up to/around like $10 though cause I'm pretty poor)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
I feel bad
I feel like I'm cheating on childish gambino with Mac miller.
It's bad man, it's bad.
But he's so good.
Dunno what to do.
Go to a gambino concert maybe?
It's bad man, it's bad.
But he's so good.
Dunno what to do.
Go to a gambino concert maybe?
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
sam vaile is cool
why are college application fees so expensiivve??? Waeeeee
It cost like 300 dollars to apply to two universities in ontario.. And i still gotta apply to more in british columbia and maybe montreal... sad face...
liam if you read this.. is applying to all those colleges really expensive seeing as your only going to go to one! I mean you cant attend all of them even if you get accepted to all of them right? or can you.......
here is a .gif of displeased jules
why are college application fees so expensiivve??? Waeeeee
It cost like 300 dollars to apply to two universities in ontario.. And i still gotta apply to more in british columbia and maybe montreal... sad face...
liam if you read this.. is applying to all those colleges really expensive seeing as your only going to go to one! I mean you cant attend all of them even if you get accepted to all of them right? or can you.......
here is a .gif of displeased jules

so anyway
I'm not moving in to like 2 doors down from your house (ru and hui, obviously)
nope not even the colgate building that happens after i leave
but thats a good thing
a very good thing
but thats a good thing
a very good thing
Monday, January 2, 2012
Sunday, January 1, 2012
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