Thursday, April 1, 2010


So like today we werent meant to go to school but i didnt read jon's post so i stayed in school till lunch and then we all ditched assembly and elva and i went to karebear and go this BEN 10 colouring and sticker book and textas and then.... we colored in the book and it was weirdly fun but today was such a good day eventhough we went to school but i had an exam anyway and after the exam ms blacker was like, you guys have a meeting in the library at 11:30 but we didnt so it was like wut...

But we should have a baking competition and bake stuff and go to someones house and eat all the food and have a super fun friendship time.

Also, smaz (and lambert if your reading) and any one else, do you guys want to get Yves Klein Blues / Cloud Contol /last dinosaur tickets for the show on the 10th of April? it starts at 4:30 and ends at 7 at Oxford Art Factory so that will be so awesome and if you want, i can try and arrange to get tickets.


Șмž said...

YES get ticket for me :D
man, sounds like today was good...

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

oh actually its sold out so sorry...