Sunday, January 27, 2013


guys I'm sure you've heard of this language interlingua but can I just take a moment of your time to make you appreciate how good it really is

so it was a constructed language based mostly off of a very simplified romance language grammar, where all the words are made to be similiar-ish.

point is it's made really well and so anyone who speaks either spanish, french, portugese or italian can understand it completely, without even having to try. in addition to this it is very easy to learn because of how simple the grammar is. you know how in other languages, every person has it's own form? (ie spanish ir: yo voy, tu vas, ello va etc.) well in interlingua every single form is the same, so you only change it if you're talking in the past, future etc.
and with nouns, the article is always 'le' so none of this el, la, los, las bullshit. its always le. so in spanish, 'la cosa' (the thing) changes to 'las cosas' (the things) but in interlingua its le cosa, le cosas.

anyway i know at least one other person here speaks a romance language (french counts) so like read this shit and realise how easy it is to read:

Post le Guerra Mundial I il habeva un crescite interesse in le idea de un lingua auxiliar international. Multe linguistas, interprenditores, e scientistas se interessava in disveloppar un optime lingua auxiliar. Con lor appoio le International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA) esseva formate in 1924 con le financiamento de Alice Vanderbilt Morris pro studiar iste question. Finalmente, post le fallimento de attinger compromissos inter le linguas auxiliar international existente, IALA ha decidite a producer su proprie lingua auxiliar usante principios scientific. Le idea non esseva a inventar le lingua auxiliar, mais a extraher su vocabulario del parolas international commun inter le major linguas de Europa e a standardizar lo. Como on diceva, "Il non es necesse de inventar un lingua auxiliar. Lo que es necesse es solmente que on extrahe lo."'

yeah cool. anyway I love linguistics for some retarded reason what the hell like who even cares about this shit ok bye

English translation, pretty much word for word:
After World War I there was a growing interest in the idea of an international auxiliary language. Many linguists, interpretors and scientists were interested in developing an optimal auxiliary language. With their support the International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA) was formed in 1924 with the financing of Alice Vanderbilt Morris to study this question. Finally, after the failure to reach compromises between the existing international auxiliary languages, IALA decided to produce their own auxiliary language using scientific principles. The idea wasn't to invent the auxiliary language, but to extract it's vocabulary from internationally common words between the major languages of Europe and to standardize it. Like it was said, "It necessary isn't to invent an auxiliary language. That which is necessary is only to extract it."

oh yeah and btw here is that in italian just for reference:

Dopo la Guerra Mondiale I c'aveva una crescita' d'interessa nell'idea di una lingua ausiliare internazionale. Molti linguiste, interpreti e scienziati si interessavano nel svillupare un'ottima lingua ausiliare. Con loro appoggio la International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA) era formata in 1924 con il finanziamento di Alice Vanderbilt Morris per studiare questa domanda. Finalmente, dopo il fallimento di raggiungere compromis tra le lingue ausiliari internazionali esistenti, IALA ha deciso a produrre una sua propria lingua ausiliare usando principi scientifici. L'idea non era inventare la lingua ausiliare, ma estrarre suo vocabulario delle parole internazionali communi fra le maggiori lingue di Europa e per standardizarlo. Come si diceva, "Non e' necessario inventare una lingua ausiliare. Quello che e' necessario e' estrarsela."

yeah ok my italian isn't perfect but still I pretty much translated it word for word so you can see how similiar they are

1 comment:

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

i had to use my limited french and spanish (but mostly english) to decode that and i still dont fully get it. i suck ><