Monday, November 4, 2013

Hey check out this photographic artist : Nikki S Lee

So this chick, she just goes into these communities and immerses herself in them until she is them. then she gets the people around her to take a photo of her and she keeps going doing random shit. Like she stays in places for months at a time.

This is her living with the Hispanics:

This is her living in an Ohio community:

When we was an exotic dancer:

Being a nigga:

When she became all senior:

There are like a whole ton more but seriously imagine, she must have the best life or something.

Here is link if you wanna see more of thing she do:
she does like punk scene, skater scene, yuppie scene, tourist scene. i think shes pretty rad.


Xedalenar said...

whoa thats a really cool concept i love it

Xedalenar said...

she should do blackheath gang for a month with us haha