Friday, November 22, 2013

TED Talks are awesome

So TED talks are basically idea based talks about every topic imaginable, that happen I think once a year.

Anyway, the first one here, they talk about 3D printing a fucking human organ into a person!

Like jesus fucking christ. The future is coming really fucking fast.
This is like a bunch of really classic TED talks you might have seen around about education and design and such. It's all free to watch and generally just a bunch of really cool ideas.


aarongrey112 said...

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Aaron Grey
aarongrey112 at

Kero Admin chan said...

TED Talks are pretty cool. they often have some at U of T as well not that I go cause im such an involved uni student.

Also @Aaron Grey, we are currently not accepting promotion requests for our blog. I hope you did actually like the content and not came here to shamelessly promote yourself. We will not be emailing you back