Sunday, February 2, 2014

How to explain

I don't even know how many years ago it was, for all i know it could have been in my first. But i had a 'flash foward' of this life in a sense, a bunch of unfamiliar images and events.
I went to see the opera in Domain with a cousin, she bought two friends along and we had fun enjoying a performance to that which would normally cost near a hundred dollars. It was during the event, a friend named Sam imitated the opera singers, sitting down flowing his hands in the air and gesturing with a cynical face.
But for one instant, time froze for a second and i had the most intense deja vu that i had ever experienced, and the memory of having the 'flash foward' came forth to my mind once more, only this time i just experienced the final image, my last memory.

I only half believe this myself, so really i won't be surprised if you read this and think "you're crazy"

So anyway i decided not to catch the bus home and walked drinking rum, played a game at capitol and spoke to some italian and french people on the way..the rest i was very anxious at what is to come.

here is a great movie, it has all genres but mainly quality fighting and even plot (rare in kung fu movies) with my favourite martial art/ actor in it as the main char.


Admin-chan said...

you lead your life with the control you have. It may be true that this is the image of your final moments, but you can change your own plane. cause the future is constantly shifting and swaying. What you witness is perceived from afar.

The values your bring to this planet are far more important than the fears that impede you.

I have no idea the relevance of my comment.

Xedalenar said...

you're right, i suppose

that was good advice, whoever you are