Saturday, July 26, 2014

Interesting blog statistics

You know I was just thinking, this blog still receives something like 1500 hits a month and like it's not used that much by us, I'm just wondering where those hits come from.

In it's history, this blog has received almost 200,000 hits, even with the 6 or so of us that still visit regularly, maybe once a day, I'm just wondering where the average of 75 or so per day comes from?

If anyone is curious, in the entire history, our blog has amassed 183,014 hits, it's most popular post are Arthur Comics (Maxim), followed by two Dragon of the Day  posts (Lord of the Palmtrees), followed by How to Write a Prac Report (Smz), followed by my rant on Beauty pageants.

Also quite a large percentage of out current blog viewers come from the US and Russia, rather than Australia, interesting enough.

1 comment:

Poo Peero said...

People really like their arthur comics