Saturday, August 9, 2014

i feel like you need to get some spoek mathambo in ya + fuck yeah life is the best

the song i got the video^^ to start at (18:22) is called "dog to bone" and I've been listening to it non stop for like the last 2 weeks. its so good. just like. ((oh mang my weird south africa fetish man, where did that even come from..))

also yeah guys ive had an exceptional last 2 weeks. lotsa awesome shit happem. not gonna lie i was in a pretty bad place on account of my hands all throughout the holidays but the last 2 weeks, ever since uni started up again. I'm pretty much like, high on life right now and its legit the best thing ever. I'm repeating my self already?? aaa

how bout you guise. how're your lives going at the moment?


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

bro.. i feel ya. so hard

like a week ago i thought everything was going to shit but now it feels like im on drugs all the time.

if people wonder why im always sober its cos i love my reality. life is pre good man.. gotta appreciate that shit

Xedalenar said...

I feel like i've hit reality dead hard in the balls. Everything is back to a time game- i plan my day like it's a game.
Getting to know myself more, and people. Still dunno what career to follow