Saturday, January 3, 2015

2014 lettuce wrap

Hey y'all! Happy fucking January 2015 to all my favourite humans!
First I would like to thank Smaz for spawning this web space! Always in my heart

And next, if it's ok, would you guys like just posting a summary of your 2014? How did those 365 days go? So, here's mine:

2014 was so much soul searching for me. I kind of made it my selfish year which was hella awesome. I gained so much confidence in myself this year and learnt not to care about lots of stuff.
I got super loose this year, was a little reckless, made and spent lots of money and had a shit ton of fun while  kinda neglecting my studies.
It was also an extremely gay year for me, I experienced all the homo.
I had an amazing year with crazy ups and downs and loved all of it. Also I have the greatest homies in the world.  Cheers cunts!

Also did anyone make New Years resolutions?

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