Just saw this at like 3am and I have to vent about it somewhere. Man... it really gets me down to see Italians being super racist, fuck.

Tradux - "Spain - no stranger shall pass; Australia - 24h naval blockade; USA - they'll shoot at you; Italy - a total fucking mess!"
As if our or the USA's treatment of non-white immigrants is anything to be proud of. As if Italy is actively fucked up by black people? Um no the guy who posted this shit lives in a town that barely even sees people from outside that town, let alone other Europeans. It's just appealing that this fucked up world view is so prevalent over all the world, that people like this guy think we should be lauded for dehumanising those who are born fucked up. Aaaaaaaahhhhhh fuck man. I hate this shit so much what a crock of shit. These attitudes are exactly why tone got elected somehow, and they all come from the media (berlusconi is like Murdoch but if the only channels on tv were his, no wonder Italians are so sexist, racist, homophobic... Shit breeds fear which keeps the people under control)
There needs to be a revolution, but one of love, where people open up to the human inside them instead of fucking sitting huddled in a corner of their own brain shivering while the ads they pay for deliver them reaffirmation a that their empty lives are valid and under threat.
Ok my writing style is all over the place sorry
wow thats super fucked up. and large communities of people believe in that. like 'look at australia doing such a good service keeping the trash out'. and to post that on facebook so publicly? like its super accepted? thats crazy dude. like wtf.
like can they not think for a second about how lucky they are to be comfortable and not have to try live as an outsider somewhere just so they can survive? imagine being born into a world that cannot support you and is literally too dangerous for you and everyone you care about. and then to be faced with shit like that from people who were just lucky to be where they are? man that's insane.
Dude, about that revolution thing, I like 100% agree. Like man, I've had thoughts about just standing outside QVB with a megaphone and being like "This is an age of change, we have to learn to how to think outside of our own little lives and focus on the bigger pictures out there"
I'm not sure if that's legal but if it isn't it'd be making my point stronger
But anyway yeah dude I know exactly how you feel, people seem so able to wilfully delude themselves of the hardships of others so long as their little lot in life is okay. It's like, shit, how can anyone be so self-centred in this world, when like every action they take is either going to be working for or against the greater benefit of mankind?
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