Friday, July 24, 2015

im having a panic attack

i don't know what i'm doing.
i just feel really anxious and paranoid like the past few weeks
like i don't know if i really want to be doing science
this is such a drag.
i just constantly feel like a disappointment and this isnt fun anymore
i'm not doing anything i feel i'm good at.
i just want this to be over
i think everyone's looking at me like i'm an idiot
i think people don't understand why i'm here
and neither do i
i feel super awkward around everyone
i'm like 200x less confident here and less sure of myself
i don't feel like im as into this or as intelligent as everyone else
i keep comforting myself by saying shit like 'at least i can draw' to myself
that isnt gonna help me do good here
i dont know.
i dont know what to do
i cant tell anyone here
i feel like im a waste of money
im just not gonna get this
i need to stop being so negative
i want to punch a wall

1 comment:

Șмž said...

fuck man panic attacks are horrible. just remember that it's all in your head and breathe deeply and calmly, count like 20 deep breaths.

dude it sucks that it's gotten to this point man. you ain't a waste of money. even if this is not the path you end up on it's shapen who you are and you've at least got a lot out of it yeah? sometimes when shit gets hard it can be hard to see things in a positive light at all but there's always positives.

we have your back, but you know that already <3