Monday, March 21, 2016

ok tho

at some point in the future we (humans) will develop computers that are sentient
and at some point further on sentience will be cheap and easy to manufacture like today's basic computer chips
and at some point after that there will be sex robots with the cheap sentience chips built into them
they will be consciousnesses brought into existence for the sole purpose of fulfilling human sexual needs.
there might even be moral debates about it because some people will see them as slaves and some will argue that they were invented for that purpose only and that their consciousness will be calibrated such that they achieve complete fulfillment from fucking humans, just how we need food

on a completely unrelated note guys i really can't wait for the future

1 comment:

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

Alot of girl sex toys are super non human tho, like vibrators and saddles etc (literally a saddle you sit on with a hard phallic protrusion on top of it).

i guess a lot of people like 'emotional' sex or simulated human sex. i personally dont think robots can be considered to be slaves since they are programmed (no matter how realistic or intuitive their programmed emotions and reactions may be). really, they will just be large human-shaped realistic sorta vibrator / fleshlight / any other crafted body part.

imagine if that became an acceptable norm in society and everyone just got one. that would be so distopian but amazing at the same time