Seeing as you want moar and moar pepl to contribute to your blog Sam, here i am to save the day in the most awesomest way!
I am not to hold back on this one! seeing as my bandwidth will be going towards getting a forum setup ( probably will be up by the end of the holidays) i wont have any spare bandwidth for bloging so Sam sorryif this is intrusion by posting about all my delusions on your blogspot but i have decided to use this as my main blog if i have Sam's approval.
Furthermore, i will be posting very private stuffs that i entrust you guys,s with and if this information were to be leaked by you to any people of certain interests then one of us would end up crying (me).
So without further adoo (adoe?(soz for bad spelling?)) here is my life in interwbs form for you guys to read or ignore!
P.S. some may be actually deep and thoughtfull and others may be random and spontanious so watchout!

1 comment:
Ill release a blog post every week...or whenever i fell like it. K?
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