Tuesday, December 30, 2008

yay im part of blagospheroid

As you can see, Im now part of teh blag!
Go me!
So guise I'm goin away soonz, that is, teh thirty-firstiest of Deck-cember. yay canada ftw.
Oh lol have you guise been seeing those deck-cember ads on TV again? srsly, they're on every fucking year.
You know, those ones with the guy called decklan and he's liek furnish ur outdoor deck cos it's deckcember and you don't hafta be deckstrus so you should deckcide to do it? You Know? Yes you do. Fuck. They're rly weird.


JD said...

Dont worry deck-cember is nearly over xP

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

oh no. your influeneced by a commercial on tv....