Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

Baby, tell me what's your story, i aint shy dont you worry

listened to speeches
did speech
listened to one more speech

watched fail videos on youtube in class.
ended 40mins earlier than normal

Today was pretty intense.

and pretty awesome

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Since I'm so classy

More Deja Vu

I've been getting it heaps lately. I've also been a shitload more tired lately. Maybe there's a correlation?

And then I just youtubed Deja Vu hoping for something cool but instead I got a generic pop song.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

wow... just wow...

This remix is indescribably awesome. So much awesome. Pity none of you are going to listen to this, or the original. One of my favorite songs semi-dubstep remix. Just exploding with amazing.


all the suspended series (including dragon ball for some reason, which may containt strong language, nudity, blood, gore etc.) are on OM's sister site 1000manga.
not including kuroshitsuji obviously but...

God it's rainy

Holy fuck i got absolutely soaked to my underdaks today, mainly cause i slipped on the stairs and fell on my arse but nonetheless annoying.

At least i don't have to go to football training

anyway how was people's wet rainy days?

Edit: my uniform smells like wet dog when it's wet

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Little Fighter!

Come join the awesome chibi fun!
CLick Here!

This song

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Woke up yesterday,

walking through the park to the sound of a crying baby and the ambulance siren.

Met Tyler's parents as they talked about buying a motocycle now as it doesn't matter if tiggy and tyler are orphans now and about how exercise is good for Tiggy.

Walked across the anzac bridge and over the harbour bridge and over the dark stormy clouds, saw the biggest rainbow of my entire life.

Friday, May 21, 2010

I just read One Piece 13 minutes after it got out.

How cool am I? (sarcasm)
(Picture is from nam'. How pretty is it?)


Nightmare on Elms Street
sunday 1440
george st
cya there

Thursday, May 20, 2010

yum cha

saturday, 12, emperors garden.
be there or be rogan josh
or meet at central at 11 45.

I've got sooo many things i really really need to do now

so why am i on this blog instead?

Can you run? To sell gas to the city of pain for your liberation.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Since im so original

I decided to lighten the mood of this forum the only way I know how - making a half-assed post with some witty comment and a youtube vid of a song!

So many of u may have heard me singing a song called Buffalo Soldier by Bob Marley. Well, in the spirit of Bob Marley, I've decided to post.. Buffalo Soldier.

P.S. Who else likes the new youtube layout?

I don't know what's real anymore.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


ok check out the first post EVER on this blog.........i'll wait for you to check it out. ....................................................................... I KNOW RIGHT IM A HACKA!!

p.s i've also planted like a time capsule that will like arrive on the blog in the future so like look out for it!

i am

falling apart

Monday, May 17, 2010

My end to a rough day of school

Holy crap what an annoying end to my school day...

Ok the physical routine i go through when i finish school usually has me walking up the school driveway with Gary or Simon or whichever friend i have close by and i chat to them until i get to the front of the library. Once i see them off i cut off to my right over some grass and then onto the handball courts where i wait for mum to pick me up. Then i walk down further on the path to the entrance of school and there i wait.

Here is Canning, a teacher in which sits upon the bench alongside the pathway actually looking for kids to get in trouble. So i stand there, waiting for mum and i see another teacher walk up to Canning and the both of them chat. I see mum coming in through the entrance and so i move even further down the pathway in which i pass Canning. He then points to me, stopping midway through his sentence with the other teacher in which he is still conversing with.

"You see that? Don't walk over the War Memorial"

Turning towards him i have no fucking clue what he's on about so i replied with,

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

"That's the War Memorial, you're not supposed to walk over it"

At this point i still have no fucking clue what he's on about and i even turn to a nearby student and ask him "What the hell is going on.."
in which i finally understand he was talking about the tree which has a plaque which is dedicated to those who served in WWI from our school. So then i said,

"Oh that"

Canning then mocks me, saying,

"OH! now you remember!"

Right then i was ready to burst and lay out some fire upon him cause firstly, EVERYONE walks over that patch of grass; students and teachers and secondly it's not like i fucking vandalised the tree or the plaque or even had the intention to ruin it. Finally I WAS WALKING AROUND THE FUCKING TREE SO FUCK OFF.

Seriously the only way i could be in any fault is if i was walking over the tree and mind you it's a big tall tree. I swear this "Jock" Canning gets me in trouble for something so very very menial, i will explode on him. I can't believe he would look from so very far away on a bench just to target a student who walked over grass which isn't fenced off or even not supposed to be walked over.

This guy....making his own rules in which he uses to get other kids in trouble is a serious bully and needs to be eradicated.


so two important things.
1 i got my x360 wireless gaming reciever, and it works, with 2 controllers even. 4 are supported.
2. (more important)

black and white will sport full in-battle animated pokemon.
watch the youtube videos here, im in a bit of a hurry to start playing earthbound again wiht my 360 controllers so.
its quite amazing, but you have to wait until the battle scenes are shown.
also, i love japan...

school today

photoes taken
classed missed
more people going away.

and english isnt even a real class anymore

Vietnam Memories

So just thought I would be all reminiscent :)

so much peedophile!!!

lol much right, plus wtf school! it's like, were changing the whole staff, but the schools going to be the same, don't worry

Sunday, May 16, 2010

We lead such ordinary lives...

Today, i got up and was like, yea i gotta go to marlenaman's house to go do some filiming! awesome! so i treked across my room which is like a mine field with all my drum kit parts all over my floor and went to marlena's house. on the way, we went and got sam his sixty dollar birthday present which was yakitate!! Japan or Pantasia. Then we arrived at marlena's house but no one was home. So hui called jon and turns out they were in broadway. so like, we had to wait outside and it was really bad for me cause im overly paranoid about lasses and shit like that so i was like, godammit, when are they going to come.... and then they finally came and then something really bad happened. fashion crisis. You see, i forgot to call smaz up and ask him what he was going to wear cause WE WORE THE SAME FRANZ FERDINAND SHIRT!. and like, omg it was like so totally embarressment.

the end.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Does anyone update any of their own blogs anymore? mspaintstuff? jonny boyz? hogg blog? etc

so today,

i went over to my chum's pad and we had a jam sesh.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Picture of the Day: since i'm playing ACII right now..

Happy Birthday Smaz!

So like, yeah, to everyone who is non-Smaz, we should have a surprise birthday party for Smaz tomoz, since like, it's his birthday and all...
And, me, being part of the male genome, suggest that we do it in the after noon, as in the morning me and smaz and all other guys will be asleep still, and not feeling like doing anything

And SMAZ, since you cannot read the top part of this post (what top part?) instead you see this post as a critisicm of MLIA and how awesome ACIII will be!

MLia. mlia. edward cullen fail. harry potter win. high school choir singing some disney song. mlia mlia. he's a keeper. mlia. grandfather said thats what she said mlia. grandmother shes a keeper mlia. tough biker guy bought a stuff toy mlia shes a mlia keeper edward potter sparkly keeper mlia. sub teacher quoted star wars cooler than old teacher mlia. mliharry pooter harryia.

acIII templar russian conspiracy theories! lies by the american dream! aztecs fighting the japanese with european assassins no-one suspects for some reason! haystacks to a bottomless universe! rosepetals than can instantaniously stop an 80-kg from terminal velocity! killing lutists by throwing money and pushing them off the bridge! templars made up lies of "birthdays" since we're all born from tubes and birthdays are used to keep people ignorant of assassins! Assassisns were the true target of the holocaust! Colin Mockery is an assassin! harry potter mlia. Templars! Universe! Hidden Code! The Truth! Smaz's hidden code!

happy birthday me.

so melancholy though.
a year ago, i was like, yeah! imma 16 now! i can do things and imma be a different person!

and now 1 year later nothing have happened... i feel so useless in a murder city
but srs, i have done nothing
I havent learnt to drive,
got a job,
asked out that girl,
finished a game, (as in programming it)
written many songs,
performed much as a band

I dunno
but maybe thats just mee

edit: now i realise how much hanging out with ru as well as reading manga has influenced me.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I have to disagree Hui (with ur epiphany that is)

For me, it's SpongeBob, a lot of TF2, and a crapload of stupid Gary's Mod vids :0

And anyway, as my obsession with the Offspring continues, so does my liking of their songs (smaz u've probably heard this one but w/e):

there goes another day

you know one of those days,
that nothing really interesting happens,
and it aint special
but fo some reason
it feels like you've had a super awesome day

that never happen to you befo? aiight then.
well, like today was like all days, 'cept i spent my frees watching skating vids cos fo some awesome reason, they wasnt blocked.
then english we had irene and noone did nothin the whole time and that was fun too
and befo that, in physics, i organized my grooveshark files and listened to greenday the entire time

guess its real obvious and everybody knows that its the just small things that people dont even notice that make the biggest differences.
and you're probs liek, derp hui, as if you havnt realised that before.
but im like, yea, but not like i did today.

for some reason

Monday, May 10, 2010

epiphany again~

no matter how shitty a day is or how bad you feel,
there is absolutely nothin a little internet, music on full blast, tv trash, hugs and photoshoppin cant fix.

even if you're dying of ebola


You know what
I am going to have a little rant.
Not about any of you

You know what I hate, the people that you are talking to on facebook or somewhere and then they just spontaneously log off, no goodbye, no nothing, like seriously does it take that long to write.
I gtg bye.

3 fucking seconds.

just saying.

Also you know what else is shitty, when people tell me, oh, you are too fucking uptight about people criticising you and you know what, IF YOU FUCKING ATTACK ME EVERYDAY, DO NOT EXPECT ME TO JUST BE A FUCKING ROCK.
Yes I can be offended by some things but i will leave it; but if you pick and you pick and you pick, I am liable to get fucking angry. Yes, I can accept people making jokes and sometimes I am a little uptight, but telling me everytime, you are lame or you are stupid, it fucking hurts. Like seriously if you annoy me once and I ask you to stop, please fucking stop. I can put up with it for a bit but if you want to attack me a lot then I really dont want to talk to you, go and find another fucking play toy, I have fucking emotions, just leave me the fuck alone.

Sry I swore a lot there, I just rly needed to vent.
Thanks and Sry.

By the liquor store

Where the streetlight,

Keep you company
'Til the next night

Take me to where I want to be,

Take me to Halong bay...


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Dont ever think there ever was a moment that i couldnt listen to greenday

(or wanted to skip their song on my ipod)

new pokemon: oh shi-

we have a turtwig clone in the body of a pig, a duck and another penguin...
this does not bode well
different typing would be cool though if not unreasonable.

also, what happened to old blogspot posting?

Oh Gravity!

Why Can't We,

seem to keep it together?

Friday, May 7, 2010

yum cha

Yum cha tomorrow

1pm at emperors garden or 12:40 at central
Be there.
Oh and bring money enough.

Be there, or be squared <--- im such a nerd


Thursday, May 6, 2010


but its hard to pull the trigger.

Because, the trigger,

is hard to pull

cos im a super cool kid

and i totally finished my art assignment kakakakaka

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

this is my face

except times the sadness by a billion

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dam licensing people!! now most of the G-Fantasy manga that i read is not available on Onemanga anymore that means no KUROSHITSUJI or PANDORA HEARTS or NABARI NO OU....

also evangelion and detroit metal city is suspended... so many suspense..

so now i has to use which isnt as nice as onemanga......

edit: love (well not really) how on onemanga it says '
Welcome to One Manga, where manga scans are made delicious! Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Claymore, Hana... its all here and more!'
and claymore is suspended.

Monday, May 3, 2010

I actually

started my art assignment.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Picture of the Day

Randomstuffs? ok then

so like yea, i was in my room reading onepiece as usual when i realised that......

anyway, i didnt realise anything but then the volume finished and i ran out of hard copy manga so i'll have to wait some time before i buy manga again. what? i should just go onto onemanga and read? but no. cos things are better in hard copy. hahah hard copy.

then maths is sooo dismally boring that bad unfunny jokes become funny. ii was like sitting next to nicholas goldfinch and we were both about to fall asleep cos everythings so boring when sharkawy was like "all real x" and me being hui was like. hahahahhahahaha. oral x. hahaha oh wait that kinda sounds like oral sex BAHAHAHAHHA and me and nick laughed really hard for a small amount of time and i was like thinking, what is wrong with me. of course. everything.

so i hvnt been on the blog or the internet properly in a large amount of time. but then ru was like "HUI. that random shoujo that you read that hasnt been released since january is out!" so i ran up and was about to read. but then, ru showed me some funny pictures on facebook and i was like Fb?!?! so i went to blog and decided to type a pointless post that probably wont get read or commented on. kakakka life is nice sometimes.

anyway.... i missed Jersey shore yesterday cos i hung out wit smaz and lassie and marlenaman and ru. yayyy.


We were meant to make a film..

But instead, we went and got free comics, went to church to pray, went to a chinese art gallery which was pretty amazing and went to a playground to swing on swings and jump on matteresses.

then we went to marlena's house and ate food.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Also, i love Niizuma Eiji! (Flying guy with the feathers in the top left panel)