Sunday, May 16, 2010

We lead such ordinary lives...

Today, i got up and was like, yea i gotta go to marlenaman's house to go do some filiming! awesome! so i treked across my room which is like a mine field with all my drum kit parts all over my floor and went to marlena's house. on the way, we went and got sam his sixty dollar birthday present which was yakitate!! Japan or Pantasia. Then we arrived at marlena's house but no one was home. So hui called jon and turns out they were in broadway. so like, we had to wait outside and it was really bad for me cause im overly paranoid about lasses and shit like that so i was like, godammit, when are they going to come.... and then they finally came and then something really bad happened. fashion crisis. You see, i forgot to call smaz up and ask him what he was going to wear cause WE WORE THE SAME FRANZ FERDINAND SHIRT!. and like, omg it was like so totally embarressment.

the end.


The Baron said...

ahahaha, huihui you poor thing.
same shirt crisis' are evil! D:

Anonymous said...

hahahhahahha oh ru you are hilarious

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

lolololol but that not me morgann