Wednesday, August 25, 2010

hello to all IGS staff reading the blog

in other news, be careful what you write online, you don't know where it will end up


Brian said...

is the blog that prominent that even staff reads it?

JD said...

Yeah, we're just that popular...

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

thats totally the reason that they read it ya know. Man i really hate those IGS staff. like the ex-principal. she was SUCH a stalker, that ms murphy. and ms duma i mean like, what has they got against us? like why cant they leave us alone. also, glynis. seriously. hates them alll.

hey kidz, you reckon they know who is who i mean like i dont use my real name and neither does many peoples but do you think they know or do they just find the post where i told other people who was who?

Lambert said...

if they didn't know and they do watch then they'll find it now. hahaha. and we are that popular

Palmmtree said...

yeah its pretty obvious who is who but i mean im from Mexico and like, who are you people that i've never met before. now that you seem to be ragging about your principal i shall do the same to mine,
ahem, principal of my totally anonymous mexican school, she is a fat bitch that stalks people and her hair looks like a bird died on it.
and she smells bad. it a strange coincidence, my principal, like yours is leaving soon and maybe things will get better and less stalkerish.

totally not Action Man! said...

what happened nao? did they find out about something completely private or something? Or like new the each indiviudal amount of alcohol consumed by each individual person at... that party.. or something??
i wasnt at school so i didnt get to find out DX