Wednesday, August 25, 2010

time travel

i really wish i could time travel. that would be awesome. for one i'd travel back 2 hours and go to sleep. but any time travel would be great. if i could start the year again i would fucking... hmm actually i can't think of anything i would do different. this year so far. maybe study more but we all know that ain't happening. if i could really time travel i know some moments i would go back to a change. like a certain night in birchgrove i'd go back and break that bottle on the floor. or yr 5 picnic day. i would go back and tell myself to put some bordies on (i was wearing speedos). with time travel i could stop myself doing some really stupid stuff, REALLY stupid. unbelieveablly stupid. you no shit wear you just look back on it the next day and think WHY?!? why did i or didn't i? what did i have to lose or gain? but my life is really ok as it is. not great but OK.

what type of sandwich would you be? i think i would be one of those really disappointing B.L.Ts at maccas. where theres like one slice of tomato and like the tiniest half a bite of bacon. and it looks really good on the menu (YEAH it does!!) but IRL its pretty shit. i wish i go back and put more bacon in those disappointing moments (one of the best metaphors of all time). if i could time travel i would go into the future. see the dumbshit i'd do and stop it. plus id know the answers to the exams.

i go into the future. make/buy wine. then come back to the present so the wine unaged... lor whatever the opposite of aging is. oh and id punch Campbells pregnant mother in the stomach.


Lambert said...

lol, what a segue into sandwiches and why are you punching a pregnant lady?

lord.of.the.palmtrees said...

lol hmmm sandwich. i would be a hero sandwich that's like, got everything in it, like a cupcake.
no. actually my sandwich would be a krispy kreme sliced in half and filled with nutella, marshmallows, chocoloate, hard candy, honey, cereal treats and hershey's chocolate syrup. toasted. nom nom nom

palmtree said...

oh and travelling through time, i would like go back and do everything i can to get minsub to be leader