Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hello Dear friends.

Today's topic is....... Procrastination. It has been a very hot topic recently as it is affecting everyone and if it is not affecting you, then you are a bit special. So for today, I have a poll.

My question is, what is the biggest procrastination device. is it:

1, Games
2, Youtubes
3, Facebook and other social networking sites
4, Blogging
5, any other internets (please specify)
6, the mirror in your room
7, music
8, The outside because the weather is so nice
9, Your friends
10, Other social activities
11, others(please specify)
12, You don't procrastinate

Thank you for you time and please respond.


Brian said...


End of story

Xedalenar said...

im actually really sick at the moment, my throat is so sore and im always dizzy
aka im stressed and screwed for next weeks english cause i havent prepared enough

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

hahaha its cool man you dont need more than 2 days to study for english :P

im going to study 3 days beforehand this time to be extra prepared.

also the mirror distracts me so much

Hoggle said...

umm actually anything, that isn't what I'm meant to be doing. And alex, yeh I think I am getting sick too. it's horrible.
Stupid HSC

Șмž said...

a number of things keep me procrastinated

I will write you a list in the order of your list
-theres this one yugioh gba game from 2003 that I picked up again while I was trying to avoid studying and I started again on it
-facebook and this blog, I'll just turn to them and stop whatever I was doing
-manga obviously
-the mirror in my room, more than it should
-music - not only have I found a whole bunch more awesome music recently as well as madina lake's third album (and they are my 2nd favorite band of all time. of all time), I actually started creating music again and also playing guitar more
the outside because the weather was kinda nice, not like when its sunny but when it was rainy and it was really relaxing and stuff
my friends... naww if only
I've been really sick and had a minor surgical test thing so I spent a few days 'recovering' from that
also the stress is keeping me from studying because I suck at studying
also photography

goddamnit, you know that thing thats like, 'I know that I could be preparing so well right now, I could easily get like 80% in english if I tried' I have that, why the fuck aren't I studying right nao?

also typing this up was procrastination