Monday, October 13, 2014

I dunno what to do

I dunno how to say this but illness stuff is bad rn. I hate having to tell you this but it's an honest truth right now. I hate having to tell you, cause first, I have to admit it to myself, which is fucking hard, cause it sort of feels like failure. I also feel like I'm stressing you guys out, which I'm sorry if I am.

And like I have a cough thing at the moment so that might be making things worse, but even without that, things weren't great and I've been trying to tell you guys for weeks, but as I said, it's hard to say, cause like I don't want to be the person that is that stress out, and you can talk to me about it, if you're worried, like I'm cool to answer questions, I'm not in danger or seriously hurt, whatever I've got is just flaring so things are shitty.

And I can't pretend they aren't, which if I'm 100% honest with you, and like I'm only going to say this once, I do pretend, I pretend constantly that everything is better than it is, and I'm ok pretending most of the time but like you need to know that not everything is ok right now. I mean I go through ups and downs of how many symptoms I experience with the days and how optimistic I am and how much I pretend it's not affecting me, not necessarily related, but like it's pretty bad right now, so yeah I needed to tell you guys that.

Anyway, here is a photo from Europe, and a resource of gifs that I favourited ages ago and forgot about (here)

1 comment:

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

hey baby girl .. if you aint feelin fine and need to talk about it, it wont stress anyone out.. maybe telling us that you're afraid of doin that and then suffering by yourself is more stressful

anyway, everyone's got lots of time for you so holla if you need some love or someone to talk to or listen to you.. we all here for you :)

you dont got to go through your shit yourself.. especially when its as bad as it is !