Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Test how fast you read!

ereader test
Source: Staples eReader Department

MAN i am so slow... 24% above average but still wayy slower than the average college student...according to this


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

im even slower than you but i really dont like to rush reading when i dont have to, unless im reading a super intense sentence

im not sure if its right anyway cause i honestly dont think high school kids and college kids read that fast. most college humans i meet dont read any faster than me at all

AcionMan! said...

I agree with hui, there's no way that's the average college student, I got 6% faster than the national average but like hui I was reading to ensure i read everything right

Șмž said...

aahahaha I got 146% faster than the national average suck it

Hoggle said...

I got 185% faster, but I think a lot of it comes from practice and probably level of difficulty of the texts read, judging by their scale, with college professors who have to read a lot of complex journal articles and understand their content, as well as student papers and so on.

Also speed readers literally use techniques, like there is a way you can learn to read really quickly my mum learnt about when she was an editor and had to read 300-1000 page legal documents quickly, and edit them

My typing speed has increased a lot because I have to type so much more for my job and my reading speed now is way faster than what it was in highschool because I read a lot more. Although still pretty simple stuff.

Xedalenar said...

that's cool, about the techniques. I try to read fast, but then it's like when i lucid dream, i get really excited and it all crumbles. Mmm crumble.. I could do with a good cookie