Friday, May 15, 2015

Limitations of the human made world

Disclaimer: this is a rant

Yo I'm followin up some things that were brought up on our facebook convo and how good but shitty humans are.

So the world is full of shit. but the world is full of solutions. and as someone who mixed stuff in a flask and makes graphs and tables, i see good stuff being pumped out everyday. real life changing shit man. science is the factory of solutions. i truly believe that if we study shit hard enough, we can figure it out and find the resolution. it may take time but it is possible. look at all the shit we already know. the first engine driven form of human-crafted transport was composed in 1768 (steam powered car that can fucking move a human using wheels). dude. thats before alessandro volta invents the battery. thats before we knew plants were made of cells. thats before we could explain why the sky is blue.

but knowledge continues to be tested and accumulated and applied. and at the crazy speed we going at, i dont think anything is really impossible. humans are ridiculous

unfortunately, our ability to develop and influence applies on a broader scale. and i dont know if im right since i guess everyone thinks they are but i'm really glad i've been given the circumstances ive been given. 

and as much as I try to appreciate it and make use of my opportunities, its hard to keep things in perspective all the time. Like i have access to basic things all living creatures need. things that the lack of are killing other humans, like me, who i could have been but am not. like clean water and hygiene man. people are dying from not having shit that is free to us.
i hate brats. people that just take and dont understand the roots of things. its ok if you're an idiotic child, but when you think things are infinite because they have been provided to you.
all about perspective. anyway. im saying we try to appreciate things but its difficult if you havnt had to struggle or havnt been exposed to stuff. like people with addictions. its so easy to say they're stupid and have self-induced their problems, but no one chooses to be expose to what they're exposed to under those circumstances and you dont know your strength, or if you can clearly say you wouldnt do that.

ok that was super not my point. 

i meant to say that we (people of this blog) are educated. and we have been thought to observe and think for ourselves. we have embraced our uniqueness and value our differing perspectives. and i always say im so lucky to have you guys as my homies man. i dont know what i would be or how i would think without you. so for us its hard to believe when other people are deceived so easily.
for me, its someone reading an article about the '10 weirdest diseases ever!!1!' and looking at obviously photoshopped images that display extreme (and untrue) representations of existing diseases. i always question shit. not because i dont trust but because i just want to know for sures.
pretty sure mark twain said somethin like 'It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so' (saw that in an al gore movie in highschool)
like i have been asked 'why is it so hard to believe' or 'why cant you just accept it' 
i will always investigate. and why shouldnt you? why would you just believe? why wont you read up on the evidence? are you gonna believe something another human told you? is it easier? so you can sit your ass down and do more nothing and just accept things? 

like health information on food boxes. why is it so difficult to turn the box around and read the facts and not the marketing slogans? 'source of fibre' *turns box around* 'fibre 1% daily intake' you motherfuckers. all smug like 'we aint lying hyuk hyuk' 

the information is there. open your damn eyes. 

someone once said 'you dont have a faith? you really dont believe in anything? you think we just disappear when we die? then whats the point?'

theres no point
you're alive. you have emotions, you know other emotive beings that have emotions and now you must pender to them. go forth and exist. 
and is that bad? why have people come to expect things that only make their lives harder? do you need to know theres a nice place at the 'end' to behave? do you not know of your own emotions and how other people have them too? and fears and dreams and beauty? and do you value your life? then why do you not value the life of others or even if you dont why can you not see the possibility that life is important to someone else?
why do people just simply disregard the wellbeing of other people. do you think you're the only motherfucker to exist? because your short term solutions and having a more grand impact on other people. people like you. who werent so lucky to be born into your situation. 
the world as we know has been structured and maintained by other humans with they're own motives and goals and unfortunately, perspective isnt always reached. you are in power. you most likely have money. its hard to be humble but all you have to do is listen. which you dont want to do because it clashes with your comforts.
in a world where laws exist and people attempting to do the 'right thing' abide by them, good intentions have a limited reach. while those that destruct and disregard roam freely and act freely and more readily because they dont give a fuck.
its harder and harder to care for each other.

money is the key but its going to the wrong places and all the wrong people. i'll say it again i fucking hate the royalty

oh good for you you were born on a throne and people think your alright because you're nice and now you have baby. HOW MANY PEOPLE IN THE WORLD ARE LIKE THAT THAT DONT GET NO RECOGNITION.  motherfuckers the world isnt turning because or your filty rich ass.
like the other day some lady was like 'i like prince harry he seems sweet' WHAT THE FUCK. A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE NICE AND WELL INTENDED. FUCK HIM MAN. HE DESERVES NO APPRECIATION. fuck you man. 

im sorry i dont know what my point is but fuck man. humannssss!!!!!!!


Xedalenar said...

Humannnnssssss! You're so right on everything that you have said, and i also appreciate everyone so much and hope to find a future where people are awesome like us and not violent stupid greedy bastards...
It's so hard to make action to change things when it's for the whole world. I spose bit by bit we can do things... but how argh it frustrates me thinking of a starting point

Șмž said...

100% of what you say is true

fuck errything, theres not even a decent solution other than 100% revolution which won't happen b/c how could it? the way shit is now works for too many people for anything to change.

but it's important to remember humanity is great sometimes as well and maybe we might have the opportunity given to us to ameliorate our species in some way from our privileged platform, like be grateful we don't have the problems most people face constantly, and use the freedoms afforded to us in a positive way. science is a pretty great pursuit in that it's objectively non-human, like 99% of the time in doing science you ain't gonna push the interests of the rich in any way, you're just discovering shit and trying shit


kero said...

I think what scares me a lot about humans in privileged positions is that they can just forget about everything else and things that affect other people. Like they just don't see beyond what they know and don't seek to educate themselves besides just feeling sorry for themselves.

And like there's something weird about a bunch of humans constantly bonding over made up hate and induced self rigtheosness of opinions on things that really really don't matter. Like what I'm trying to say is, the other day i was sitting with people and all they were doing is looking through magazine photos of celebrities and criticizing what everyone was wearing. And like sure there are productive ways to go about this, maybe like evaluating each outfit, trying to understand the designer, finding inspiration in that celebrity's boldness, questioning their intentions, exploring the idea of fashion and high arts etc, but it was like, them going through every page and being like 'oh that's weird' and 'what is she even wearing' before proceeding to talk about the a sale on bottled water (super pet peeve). And like i don't have a problem with opinions but it felt like all the opinions were cynical without rationalizations, and it just seemed like a 'cool' thing to keep dissing everything.

And I guess what gets at me is that so much conversation I sit through is about other human figures doing normal stuff and getting recognition for it. like life doesnt go beyond that. And people's ignorance comes from caring about things and issues that honestly don't matter.

and i can't stand it how like buzz feed or thought catalog or policy mic articles suddenly became journalism where it is literally some failed english grad school student making shit up because they think people would want to read it. I mean those articles are so catered for people to want to relate or feel special and people thing that by reading this, that they are being smart or educated and shit. Like what.

i think my rant is like off topic or somethign??? I only related to like 2 out of 11 points in your post.