Saturday, May 30, 2015

The other night I had an intense dream, it's been bugging me ever since.
 I was in the dream at a pub which i didn't want to go to, and was on the way home when I'd had some sort of panic attack or depressive flush of emotion, and I had sat on the tiles on a pathway full of people walking; as if it were George street during a main event/parade however at 9am in the morning where most people tend to wear business uniforms. As i sat on the red/amber tiles, looking mostly down i could only see the walking and rushing feet of people who were annoyed to have this obstacle in the way, but that wasn't the problem..
The problem was that sensation i had. It's the most exaggerated form of depression i'd ever felt, as if i was made of something as heavy as steel sinking to the bottom of the ocean. It was so intense, that my cousin appeared and i leaned on her lap as she tried to calm me down for half the day, patting me and cheering me up, i just knew it was the end of the world for me and was deemed useless, in a semi-vegetable state... My head was heavy from the inside, and i was just watching the feet of people rush by as the sun shone into my eyes. My cousin had to actually leave at some point, someone else came but i can't recall.

That was it. When i woke up, i was sad. It took me a minute to get back to reality, and resume sleeping. I suppose i can control my emotions in my conscious state, but sleeping is a different story.


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

Man dreams are really intense bro. you're right about the lack of control in dreams, like you're just put in a situation unlike reality with no say about it.
Sometimes dreams are just dreams because they're not real. like many of my dreams represent alternate realities so opposite to what i know about myself, and about people in my life, they seem to exist to just communicate a life with me in it, but so unlike it. and they're crazy because they feel real, and they make you aware of your person, but they're not at all related to anything you know.
but lots of dreams show deep seeded emotions, and when you sleep its like all they stuff that doesnt get a chance to manifest irl comes forth. for me its havin lots of anxiety dreams about not doing good in uni and things fucking up. maybe sometimes they're there to exaggerate your emotions so you become more aware of them?? is your mind and body trying to communicate something?? I actually dont know and i could really be over thinking it (as i always do), it doesnt have to be so dramatic..

but anyway, what happens in your dream isnt real, but you need to recognise in yourself if you have other problems. i guess what im sayin is, the dream doesnt matter, but really, you do.

So are you ok bro?? we're all here for you, if we can ever do anything, or talk things out. i hope you know you're not useless or an inconvenience to anybody! we love you mang, you are amazing. please please we're all here if you require assistance for anything,you dont have to always be the happy guy thats there for everyone. be there for yourself too

Xedalenar said...

I just... I think i'm starting to not trust people more. My way of thinking is starting to remind me of my past, i keep have to change my 'mind-conversation' cause it get's pretty ugly.

I also see uni as such a stump in the road, i am betting that once i'm all finished i will be so much better, i will work full time and leave sydney i reckon.

Also my blood is being sent to a biochemist, when i heard that word i thought of you haha, i hope you get paid to do such cool things like that

Șмž said...

I love the break from reality that dreams provide us with, even when its just your subconscious trying to get through to you and tell you something like they were the person on the other side of a coma. i feel like if we didn't dream we'd go insane.

bro alex we're here for you if you need, but i mean you know that so i dont have to say it but imma say it again anyway. maybe what you need is a big travel to get sane again??

uhhh my english is disintegrating steadily rn but i hope the point i wanted to make maybe made it across

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

Yeah maybe you need a break from this world. get out there and get new perspectives. its hard being in you head all the time. because your mind starts making up stuff thats not real based on emotions that are real but momentary, but the longer those thoughts are there the more they become reality. its hard to distance what is true or not when you only have yourself to believe in and go by. sam's right though, big travel and fresh scenes might help free you.

uni is balls dude. why did we even sign up for this? aside from the amazing people i encounter, why do we work ourselves to the ground and get anxious all the time over doing things to someone else's standards.. i dont even know if thats what i want or im just telling myself if i follow the rules and perform well in this system at least i wont feel as bad..