Sunday, October 8, 2017

did i leave a good friend's birthday drinks so I could watch a 1 hour recording of a RHCP concert and cry to it by myself? Is this the life I have chosen

yo so sorry about the Mr Saturns getting all weird and stuff. So there's a new thing on photobucket where they make you pay money for third person hosting.... I'll fix the side bar soon maybe on the plane flight to toronto. IDK.

Why can't I be chilled about things? Why do i have to be so into my obsessions? The song above has probably one of my most favourite guitaring ever. John Frusciante is a freakin genius and Im bummed that he doesnt do live gigs anymore.

Also I can't find a live recording of Slow Cheetah. Man i would die if I saw that live. Like absolutely 100% dead. John's guitar bit at the end really gets me.

Also what am I doing with my life? Like Im just doin shit. Like Im doin design layouts and stuff but im legit just spawning crap and making shit up. constantly. Im not trained to do anything I do at all. My life literally now is constant dicking around. What am I even doing? Is my company legit? Will some sort of meaningful life come out of this? Like im trying so hard in everything I do and I don't know what its leading me to or if anything is even good and legit. I feel like ive just been bullshitting and makin stuff up for so long.

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